This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 6 Chapter 32: Why did you surrender first?

"This group of players are all slimes (!

The door was quickly opened.

An Jie'er, who came out wearing white armor, looked at Lucifer at the door, and said dissatisfied: "What are you doing again?"

Lucifer's courage disappeared instantly.

He had never seen Anjieer like this.

The former Anjieer was always calm and calm, and would show a warm smile when facing anyone, even a low-level figure like himself would not bring any discrimination.

But now, An Jie'er frowned and looked at herself alertly, which made him feel that he had become more humble.

"I...I...I'm sorry to disturb you, Master Anjieer."

Just when Lucifer turned and was about to leave, Anjieer stopped him.

"Wait. What do you call me?"

"Master Anjieer."

"Oh, I understand." Anjieer's brows stretched out, "Lucifer?"


"Wait for me, let's go to the restaurant together."

Bringing Lucifer to the restaurant, Anjieer brought food that looked like a hill, and said to Lucifer, "Aren't you going to get something to eat?"

"I can't eat it. Can you listen to my confusion today?"

"Yes, go ahead."

Lucifer immediately began to tell what happened to him today.

Although Anjieer had been eating with a fork, her eyes were always on Lucifer, her gentle eyes made Lucifer come out of the hesitation, and gradually calmed down.

When she knew there was a slime, Anjieer took a bite or two of the bread with cheese, sent it down with milk and thought.

"Slimes? The wicked guy actually uses this creature as his subordinate. But why don't his subordinates know that you are you?"

"Do you know what happened?"

"Only know the part, to put it simply, a demon borrowed your identity and came to satisfy his ulterior secret."

Lucifer's heart tightened.

People who have been in contact with demons, even those who have been possessed by them, will be regarded as fallen ones, and they will be branded as fallen ones, and they have become the lowest beings ever since.

If this is the case, then the parents in their hometown will also be ashamed of this, unable to hold their heads up among the little nobles, and will even be maliciously excluded from other nobles, more likely to become serfs.

"Yes... which demon is it?"


Lucifer almost fainted.

This is no longer a question of the fallen, but a question of when to be executed.

He who has a relationship with the demon king will be sent to the trial court within minutes after the incident, and even without trial, he will be cremated on the spot and his ashes will be raised.

My own small family will also be interrogated severely, and then the whole family will be neatly arranged for you and me.

"I...I...I really don't know!" Lucifer cried out uncontrollably.

"Speak down, I believe you don't know, so the most important thing is not to let people know this."

"Then what should I do?"

"Run away. You have passed the first round of assessment today, so you can surrender tomorrow. Although you have only passed one round, you can still be an ordinary church knight in a small place, and you can eat it locally. The salary of the knight can also eat the salary of the church, which is a blessing in disguise. As long as you leave this whirlpool, then there should be no problem. Don't worry, I will help you."

An Jie'er stretched out her hand and said two.

The cute action almost stopped Lucifer's heart, and an indescribable sense of peace of mind surged.

Covering her chest, Lucifer let out a long sigh: "Thank you so much, Miss Anjieer. But this is also a risk for you."

"It doesn't matter. In fact, I have always felt that the system of the fallen is too dark, and it is against my philosophy to watch an innocent person become a fallen one. There is also..."

"and also?"

Anjieer paused.

She fiddled with the food on the plate, frowned and fiddled with the small sausages on the plate for a long time, and then sighed: "Also, help some irresponsible guy wipe his butt."

At this moment, the expression on Anjieer's face was an expression that Lucifer had never seen before.

In other words, it is her most true expression.

Looking at it now, Anjieer no longer has the aura of a school idol, but more like an ordinary girl next door.

Without the noble veil, Anjieer is now more real and more affectionate.

Someone has come to her, entered her heart strongly, and left a deep impression on her.

With a slight sigh, Lucifer knew that his first love was over.

In other words, the first love of most male students has ended.

After finishing his broken heart, he reluctantly smiled and said, "Thank you, Lord Anjieer. I will act according to your plan. I will give up tomorrow and leave here."

"Okay, get a good night's sleep."

Returning to his room, Lucifer thought he would have a hard time falling asleep, but he did not expect to fall asleep as soon as he hit the pillow.

When he woke up the next day, he immediately went to the assessment venue and surrendered immediately after he was ready to enter.

Unexpectedly, after the priest in charge of the assessment confirmed his identity, he smiled and told him: "Your opponent abstained this morning. Congratulations on your promotion."


"The opponent is one of the top students, but he watched the battle between you and Lord Luo Lin yesterday, and he was convinced that he knew his weight and wished you well and hoped that you will become a great sacred knight soon."


"By the way, he also gave you his saber, and I hope you can accept it. To be able to let the family heirloom sword accompany the sacred knights who are bound to have a history, this is a kind of kind to their family. with pleasure."


After blankly receiving the sword handed over by the other party, Lucifer came to the cafeteria blankly, watching Anjieer sit opposite him blankly.

Anjieer crossed her fingers, sat opposite him in silence, and then said, "Sorry, I didn't expect this to happen."

"What should I do? The weight of this sword is so heavy!"

"Why don't you win?"


When Lucifer screamed, the three slimes were taking a big adventure in the world seventy-five years later.

They have been here for one night, but so far they haven't found much.

Here, they found that the headquarters of Roland Church had been destroyed, and the surrounding area was in chaos.

Several clay pots were smashed, and the editor found that there was nothing in the clay pot.

"This place is boring than I thought. Magician, is the scale full? I want to go back."

"do not have!"

"Then can you do something to make me happy? For example, a stripping trick or something?"

"Don't let new players do this kind of difficult magic?" I really said helplessly as the DJ.

But when he saw that the magician really started to perform this kind of magic, he couldn't help but said, "Fuck! How did you perform it with a slime body?"

"It\'magic!" The magician straightened his chubby chest proudly.

Seeing one start to perform and one start to watch, I really am a DJ and can only say: "I'm going offline. I actually played all night, and the band is about to start performing."

"Go slow, don't send it."

But an hour later, I was really DJ back.

"It's over so soon?" The editor who was watching the escape magic asked curiously.

"Yeah." I was really the DJ weakly replied, "Stopped. We beat the organizer because he asked our drummer to accompany the wine after the end. The drummer was unwilling, so he slapped the drummer again. Slap in the face, and then we do it."

"Have you suffered?"

"No, what kind of combat power can a middle-aged man in his 40s with a big belly have? His employees are obviously also very upset with him. Half of his footprints are not ours. But he called the police and our lead singer has all been carried down. Now It’s still inside."

Lying on the ground, I was really a DJ trying hard to show a light and windy appearance, but in the end I broke the defense.

"We have been waiting for this opportunity for almost a month! After all, we were able to perform on stage. Why is this happening!"

The editor watched the slime rolling around on the ground, then went offline and went online again.

A few minutes later, I was really a DJ and suddenly received a After reading this message in confusion, he looked at the editor and said: "Weird, the other party forgave me, and said that there is no compensation, even We arranged for the debut session three days later. The editor, did you do it? How did you do it?"

"Dirty copper smell with sour power."

"……Thank you."

"What you say is disgusting."

"For the first time, I feel that you are still alive and useful."

"Give you a face, right!"

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