This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 6 Chapter 42: Boring question

"This group of players are all slimes (!

In the next few days, after the daily assessment, Anjieer took Lu Fan around to make repairs and make his own contribution to the church.

Although it was a little weird to think about it afterwards, and it sounded a little magical, Anjieer actually felt it was quite interesting.

After finishing the repair of the day, she happily said goodbye to Lu Fan, and then returned to her bedroom. Then she found her roommate lying on her bed, looking at herself dissatisfied.

"Why didn't you come back so late tonight? Are you someone out there with me behind your back!"


"You admitted it! Recently my husband has been so calm when looking for a lover outside!"

"I think I shouldn't be your husband."

"You can't think of a way to make yourself so!"

"I think it's impossible to think about this kind of thing."

After changing clothes, An Jie'er directly moved away the roommate who was lying on her bed, and then went straight into the bed.

"Where can I fix it tomorrow?"

Thinking of Lu Fan's helpless face but having to accompany her to fix it together, she couldn't help laughing.

Closing her eyes, she quickly fell asleep.

Then, the long-lost dream of foresight appeared.

She found herself standing in the arena.

Several classmates in armor lay around, blood staining the ground of the arena red.

The demon king was floating in the air, and the huge space door opened above his head, and the power from **** shrouded here.

"Why?" She heard herself talking.

An Jie'er, who was awakened from her sleep, immediately got up, took out her notebook and started thinking.

Trying to recall any detail in the dream, she quickly outlined the scene she saw in the dream, and then noticed a small detail.

She saw the weapon that symbolized the apprentice knight.

Two pure white conceptual weapons flashed past in their dreams. They were weapons that were about to be handed over to the two apprentice knights who had won in this assessment.

That being said, this event should happen today.

After all, today is the last day of the assessment.

Although the two places have been decided, it is her and Lucifer, who has escaped from the infinite nightmare and has rapidly improved psychic energy.

However, they will still conduct a competition as the closing ceremony of this assessment.

"Will the devil carry out an attack at the closing ceremony? Why is that? What is the reason in the middle?"

Frowning, she thought quickly.

In theory, the devil should do this kind of thing.

But she just doesn't feel right.

She needs more information to confirm this.

Closing her eyes, she began to meditate.

After waiting for a certain level of contemplation, she returned to bed, ready to have a predictable dream again, to see what happened in the future.

But she couldn't sleep anyhow.

Worry and tension mixed together, making her feel that falling asleep turned out to be such a difficult thing.

"No way, let's use the trick."

Taking a deep breath, she picked up her saber, Golding.

Holding half of the sword with both hands, she lifted Golding high, and then slammed the hilt on her head.

With the splash of blood, she fell on the bed and fainted.

The blood flowing from her head slowly spread, and then extended to Golding's body, letting this plain iron sword release a faint light.

An hour later, An Jie'er got up with blood on her face.

"It seems a little bit more, and it doesn't seem like much. Come again."

The dull knocking sound resounded in the room again.


Lucifer, who was still asleep, was violently pulled up.

He barely opened his eyes, and then he was taken aback.

"Angel? Why are you covered with blood?"

"Leave it alone! Where's the devil? Where's the master painter?"

"I don't know. The devil said that there was something important, so he left directly, what's wrong?"

"...Be careful. Serious things are likely to happen today. If something happens, remember to protect other students. Now you should be at the level of a knight, and you should be able to protect other people."

"So what happened?"

An Jie'er just wanted to explain, then she remembered the magical magic Lu Fan had put on her.

As long as she doesn't tell others what she inferred, then the gods won't know.

After weighing it on her inner balance, she finally shook her head: "I have a reason why I can't say it. But, are you willing to believe me?"

"I am willing!" Lucifer said firmly.

"Thank you. Please note that you are responsible for contacting other classmates and telling them to wear armor and weapons. I will go to Master Luo Lin."

Saying goodbye to Lucifer, Angel ran quickly on the road, rushed into the church, and found Luo Lin, who was still working.

In Luo Lin's lounge, besides Luo Lin himself, there was another person.

The other party wore a special priest's robe with a misplaced three-ring concentric circle printed on the robe, which indicated that the other party was the priest of the **** of misunderstanding.

He is a kind-looking old man with a pair of rimless glasses, and the eyes behind the glasses are full of smiles.

Seeing Anjieer who opened the door, the old man's eyes flashed with surprise, but he quickly asked with a smile, "Is it Miss Anjieer? You are more beautiful than I thought."

An Jie'er stiffened, but still politely said, "Thank you, you have heard of me?"

"Yes, you are very famous among students in this class. Do you have anything to do with Father Luo Lin?"

"……Yes it is."

"Well, we just finished talking. Then I won't disturb you, goodbye."

After speaking, he politely nodded to Luo Lin, said goodbye to Anjieer, and then walked out of the lounge slowly.

After he left, Luo Lin stepped forward, slapped the door hard, and then shouted and asked, "Anjieer, what's the matter with you!"

"Can you keep your voice down?"

"Natural! Tiny!"

"Your habit will get into trouble someday. I want to ask, why are the priests of the **** of misunderstanding here?"

"They want to enjoy the game later! Let's just talk about business!"

After pondering for a while, Anjieer began to express her demands selectively: "That's it. I have received reliable news that a certain terrorist will attack the Roland Church at today's closing ceremony. Many people died."

"who is it!"

"...I can't say."

"That's it, I understand! The priest of the misunderstanding **** just found me and told me that the demon king will attack here, do you think it will be the demon king!"


"The second question, you have been with the Demon King for so long, do you think he would do such a thing!"

"...You all know it. Yeah, that level of magic can't be concealed from you. My answer is, no!"

"Then do you like him!"

"This question is meaningless!"

"Yes! And it's important!"

"...It's very good! I already know it! Then you can prepare for today's closing ceremony! Go!"

Pushing the confused An Jie'er directly, Luo Lin sat down on the chair, then smiled at the air on the side and said, "How does it feel to be revealed to you, Lord Demon?"

The air next to him began to twist.

Lu Fan's figure emerged here, and turned his face sideways, and said helplessly: "I don't want to answer such a boring question."

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