This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 7 Chapter 27: Satisfying cooperation

"This group of players are all slimes (!

Ron patted his chest to ensure that this matter was on his body, and then asked Lu Fan expectantly if he could pay the money first, if he could not pay a deposit first.

After receiving the expected rejection, Ron said that he would give a plan in three days, then confessed, and decisively returned to his room.

Sitting at the simple desk, he drew out a pen and paper, ready to write a plan of great leaps and bounds.

But an hour later, not a single word appeared on the paper.

What is the weakness of Satan's leaf?

Ron biting the quill was lost in thought.

He did play with Satan Ye since childhood, but he never seemed to be afraid of seeing each other.

The other party was taciturn, and there was almost no look in his dead fish eyes. The only time he saw him smile was because a villain was designed by him to be sent to a lunatic asylum. At that time, he smiled like a ten-year-old child. seems like he was ten years old at the time.

I always read books, except for the intelligence collection, I just passed the lesson. The biggest ideal in life is to be an ordinary church knight, eating and waiting to die in a remote place where there is no war.

Without desires, what are the disadvantages of this kind of guy?

After thinking about it for a long time, Ron felt that the promise of this matter was a bit sloppy.

At least two blessings are needed.

Finding that he couldn't think of too many things by himself, he simply inserted the quill pen into his chest pocket, rolled up the notebook, and went to seek other students for help.

"Satan Ye's weakness? I don't have much contact with him."

"Weakness? It doesn't seem to be."

"Do you like reading books?"

"A bit scary guy, but I don't know why, it feels safe to be with him."

After a while, Ron realized that no useful information had been collected.

"The size, length, depth...I know all these information. Is there anything I don’t know? By the way, maybe you shouldn’t be confined to the inside of the student. Someone who has contact with him can also understand it. He seems to be called by someone called Martin’s demons have been in contact, maybe we can start with him first."

So he went directly to the teaching building and found Martin who was learning etiquette with the best assistant.

"Remember, the highest level of etiquette is not to let you show how noble you are, but to make the other person feel respected and willing to be close to you. Forget those tedious noble etiquettes, they have nothing to do except pretend to be X and strengthen class consciousness. Purpose. No matter how polite to send the wifi password, it is not as strong as opening a gigabit fiber to the other party.

"What are wifi passwords and gigabit fiber?" Martin asked puzzledly, who was taking notes.

"Don't worry about these details." Mimicry became the best assistant of the little ghost and waved, "Do you remember what I said today?"

"Benefited a lot." Martin said with emotion. "The content of your story is so extensive and profound. I never expected that the housekeeper would need to learn so many things. I didn't quite understand the devil's arrangement at the beginning, but now it seems that he must It has been carefully considered."

"The Devil Lord will definitely be pleased for you. Well, today's course ends here, remember to review your homework when you go back. Your previous studies have reached a stage, so it's time to practice."

Looking at Ron who happened to appear at the door, Best Support pointed at the opponent and said, "A student just happened to come, so try your housekeeping skills on the opponent. Your current skill level is 4, I hope it will be three days later. Seeing you rise to level 5."

"Thank you for your teaching."

Martin walked in front of Ron, his figure nearly one meter taller made Ron feel a great deal of pressure.

To his surprise, Martin showed a decent smile, then bent over and asked gently, "Do you have any needs, Mr. Ron."

"Do you remember my name? Have we met before?"

"The kid who did not want to be named gave me a list and asked me to write down the names and characteristics of everyone in the Demon King's City, so I can recognize you at a glance."

"What are my characteristics?" Ron asked curiously.

Martin looked at Ron with a smile, and then whispered, "You don't know it's better."

"Well, I can probably guess what it says. Damn it, is it so intolerant of the world to like to be played with by the succubus big sister with the tail!"

"Well... I didn't write it in such detail. Although I shouldn't make irresponsible remarks about your hobby, I still think that for an adolescent, you look a little weird."


After the complaint was over, Martin quickly told Ron about his review.

"Just like what you just heard, I will assist you in three days and complete the work you wish to accomplish."

"It's a coincidence that I also have a job that needs to be completed within three days. Then I asked directly, do you know what the weakness of Satan leaves is?"

"Satan leaves?" Martin pondered. "Why are you asking this?"

"Devil Lord's request."

"My Lord Demon... That's how it is, I understand."

"What do you understand?" Ron asked suspiciously.

Martin gave a deep smile.

He knows the origins of the students, and he also knows that they have not yet been loyal to the Demon King, and they have adhered to the human heart.

And Satan Ye, who seems to care nothing about everything, actually hides the deepest love for mankind.

Now, the Demon King suddenly asked Satan Ye's weakness, then there is only one possibility, and that is to prepare to lure this most loyal student into a complete depravity.

As long as this iconic character is completely degenerate, it is likely to produce a powerful snowball effect, which will cause more people to degenerate.

And looking at Ron's current appearance, he probably hasn't understood the depth of the devil's meaning, or the other party is also part of the devil's plan.

What an evil idea is to let a human being seduce another to fall without knowing it.

As expected of Lord Demon!

Martin felt that his luck was indeed good for being able to work under such an evil demon.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ron, I will help you with all my strength." Martin smiled and stretched out his hand to Ron.

Seeing the smile on Martin's face, Ron shuddered without coming.

Cooperating with the devil, UU reading www.uukanshu. Is com really correct?

But he knew he had no retreat now.

Withdrawal now, Satan Ye knows that he will definitely die.

And persevering is likely to be a dead end, but before you die, you can at least have a good time with a succubus lady, and you can die well.

Therefore, he also held the other's hand: "I hope we can cooperate happily with each other."

"Don't worry, I believe this is definitely a cooperation that will satisfy each other."

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