This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 7 Chapter 36: Another team

"This group of players are all slimes (!

The angry bird, who was ignited with anger, began to attack nearby players irregularly.

He pushed the other players hard, and the overthrown players rolled and fell into the flames below, and turned into fly ash under the action of the flames, and then brought them back with Lu Fan's clone after the editing skills cooled down.

The player who was pushed down immediately began to take revenge after resurrection, but because the angry birds are immune to fire, they often attack the angry birds by siege until the opponent is killed.

Although it was a bit hot at first, a group of players suddenly realized that this seemed quite fun.

Controlling the hoverboard allows them to move freely in the air. Falling is dead. This mechanism gives PVP a new way of playing, which makes players start to study this new way of playing and enjoy it.

If the dog plan is not updated, we will develop new gameplay by ourselves.

Seeing that the swords were still raging in the last second, and the players who started happily entrapping each other's games in the next second, Satan's leaves felt their heads big.

The strangeness of this group of slimes is really unheard of.

After a whole afternoon, they began to eat hot pot and sing songs together, and then in the wee hours of the morning shouted congratulations to the angry bird happy birthday. They couldn't see the anger during the day.

"The longer we get along, the more weird this group of guys will feel." Satan Ye took out an unknown piece of meat from the hot pot and wrapped it in the dipping sauce, then chewed on the right piece of meat.

A group of players rioted for a whole day, and stopped until early in the morning.

The drunk angry bird jumped off the hoverboard again, and then shouted to the other players: "Leave it to me, let me explore the tiger's den!"

"Brother Bird is mighty!"

The impact on the ground almost shattered the angry bird. The huge impact made the angry bird wake up a bit, and then he felt like he was being routine again.

"Forget it, it's all here. Professor, please give me a shot!"

"It's easy to say~ hiccup~"

"How much did you drink? Can you do it now!"

"Don't worry, I can stand upside down with my eyes closed and one-handed can wipe out you on behalf of the moon from eight hundred miles away! See the trick!"

The huge white light eyes instantly began to gather energy, and the white star cannon deviated from the position of hundreds of kilometers and directly hit another area.

Angry Birds: "...Professor, you big liar!"

"You are the big eye!"

At the place where the Star Cannon landed, a human being squatting on the ground was staring blankly at the lava emerging in front of him.

"Isn't it, you will be bombarded when you go to the toilet?"

"Are you okay, what happened just now... You pulled it out?"

"Just kidding, I have this strength, how could I be so poor?"

Facing the companion who had heard the news, this young man with short black hair, who looked handsome, but with a slightly wretched appearance, stood up.

He squeezed his chin in doubt, and the holy pattern on his right arm indicated his identity.

He is an alternate brave man.

However, the equipment of this candidate brave is very simple. A tattered axe is his weapon. I don't know which corpse the leather armor is his armor, and there is a strong smell on it.

There are thirty-seven companions in total, including a priest of the volcano **** and thirty-six paladins of the silent volcano god.

The **** of volcano is a new **** who has taken over part of the priesthood of the **** of fire, and his priests also have some magic immunity to fire, which allows them to move freely in the sea of ​​hell.

In order to avoid possible troubles, they did not tell each other their real names before, but used code names to match them.

The knights were dressed exactly the same. They were wearing red full-body armor and could not see each other's expressions. They felt like puppets.

The priest is a dwarf with a short head, suddenly looking like a kid in hell, the whole person seems to have been soaked in **** lava, the pink skin is twisted together, looking like a piece of melting glass.

The dwarf priest looked at the candidate brave in doubt, and then said dissatisfied: "You better work hard. We heard that you are extraordinary, so we invited you to come here to take risks."

"I know, you guys are really long-winded. But now it seems that the danger here is even higher than I thought, and I have to add more money."

The corner of the dwarf priest's mouth twitched.

In the end, he sighed: "Yes, one hundred and fifty gold coins, the spoils belong to you, we only need the Heart of Flame."

"The deal, then go ahead. Has the entrance been found?"

"I have found it. Let's go, we have to get out of here before the Light Guard appears."

The dwarf priest waved his hand, a ball of flame was taken out by him, and a huge arrow was formed in the air.

According to the direction the arrow points, a group of people begin to move towards the target point.

Along the way, the brave candidate drank water and said two jokes from time to time, but no one responded to him.

After traveling for an hour, the dwarf priest stopped.

He looked around with solemn expression, and finally whispered: "It's here."

"But there is nothing here." The brave candidate asked suspiciously.

"This is the closest place to the underground. Come here, you need to use your brave to bless you. Drink this before you go. It can make the demons here think we are of the same kind."

Seeing the brown potion handed over by the dwarf priest, the brave candidate frowned disgustingly.

After smelling the bitter medicine, he said dissatisfied: "Can you add some honey?"

"No! Drink it!"

"There are no side effects, such as being unable to get up for a month?"

"No, drink!"

"Alright alright."

After pouring the spicy liquid down in one breath, the brave candidate stuck out his tongue: "You really have to consider making this thing better."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's get started."

"No way, you really lack respect for the brave candidate."

With a dissatisfied sigh, the alternate brave man walked among the group of people.

In the next second, they appeared in a room in the dungeon.

Although he has experienced this ability, the dwarf priest still feels incredible.

No magic or divine art was used, the other party just let them dive directly into the ground, this ability is simply amazing.

"It's hard to imagine, how did you do it?" the dwarf priest asked suspiciously.

"The blessings of the gods, to put it simply, I can see the loopholes in this world and take advantage of this loophole. However, it is not easy to capture loopholes, so it is quite restrictive."

"Vulnerability? Impossible. This world was created by the gods. It is perfect and there is no possibility of loopholes."

"That's what you think."

The candidate brave smiled unpredictably.

"Mysterious guy. Go here."

As the dwarf priest said, the demons here didn't even notice the group of humans who had sneaked in suddenly.

They are like transparent people, walking freely throughout the dungeon, and constantly walking through the intricate dungeon.

Along the way, the brave candidate watched his surroundings curiously, making a fuss about everything he saw.

He even saw a huge glassware in a room. After a drop of demon's blood falls into it, it will multiply quickly and eventually become a complete demon.

"What is that? It's amazing!"

"Replicating the Vessel, the fire **** priest combined with divine art, can fully replicate a demon."

"What about humans?"

"They were humans at first. Although they look exactly the same, every time they are copied, they will make small changes. This change will continue to accumulate and eventually turn them into demons."

"Unbelievable. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM"

After a long journey, they finally arrived at their destination, an empty hall.

In the hall, a large and outrageous heart is hanging high here, and it is beating rhythmically.

And in the center of the heart, a faint flame was burning in it.

It seems to be extinguished at any time, but it releases infinite power. Millions of demons are constantly working here to keep this flame from being extinguished.

This is what the dwarf priest is constantly looking for, the Heart of Fire.

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