This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 7 Chapter 61: Detective action

In the spacious kitchen, there are nine nervous teenagers and girls standing.

As one of the live broadcasts of the show, the chicken man’s kitchen is very clean. There are more than a dozen knives such as deboning knives, meat cleavers and bread knives, not to mention various other kitchen utensils.

At this time, the eight large pots on the stove were all on fire, and various scents floated out of it, making everyone's mouth constantly salivating.

However, they dare not move.

Before being sent in, their parents severely warned them that here, we must listen to the weak chicken man, we must be serious, and we must treat each other as parents and respect them.

In the human world, it is not easy to learn any skill. A twelve-year-old teenager often needs to do three years of white work for the other party, donating blood, tears, youth, and children or grandchildren, so that he can learn. Something to the minutiae.

The chef is no exception.

A good chef is not only likely to enter the noble’s kitchen and earn a high income, but he can also hide some ingredients home when others are not paying attention to support his family.

Therefore, both they and their parents cherish this opportunity to learn to become a chef.

Standing in front of these young girls, the weak chicken man didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Being a chef, the most important thing is a good tongue. So, you need to start with eating. Uh, wait a moment. Neil, you first Get out of me."

Neil, who was lurking in the shadows, made a dissatisfaction and then walked out from the front door.

After sending away the gluttonous food, the weak chicken man continued: "Everyone comes up and tastes what I have made, and then tell me what you think."

Nine apprentices walked up nervously, and each was given a plate with food made by the weak chicken man.

They delivered delicious food to their mouths in small bites according to their parents' orders.

Although they were still nervous, they couldn't help but smile happily after eating the food.

Slowly eating the meat and vegetables on the plate, the weak chicken man asked: "If, what do you think?"

"good to eat."


"Can we also make such a delicious thing?"

"It's a bit salty." A young girl frowned, chewing the meat, and said dissatisfiedly.

Amidst a bunch of compliments, this voice seemed exceptionally abrupt.

She is a young girl with red hair, with a few freckles scattered around the bridge of her nose, her facial features look very vivid, and her eyes are very smart.

Under everyone's gaze, she was not nervous at all, but continued to chew the meat: "Most of the salt is half a spoon."

Hearing these words, the weak chicken man showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"It's you. From now on, you will be the monitor. What's your name?"

"Annie, remember this name, it will definitely shine in the culinary world in the future."

When the weak chicken man began to train his disciples to lighten his burden, he took off his clothes and was still studying the evil things that caused the plague this time.

Some specimens were sent back to him seventy-five years ago. Resident doctors and other medical players quickly handed over the report to him after studying them.

"We have studied, the traces of man-made."

"How to say?"

"This evil thing is a very dangerous evil thing. It is small in size, about the same as a virus. It will also feed on fear. After being aware of the host’s fear, it will begin to differentiate itself and begin to destroy the host. . Your own immune system can eliminate these evil things, but you must be in a stable environment and keep yourself happy to complete."

"In a fearful mood, evil objects will basically reproduce within an hour, and then begin to invade internal organs and other organs, and begin to digest the organs. If it is not handled in time, then it is very likely that the organs will be completely reproduced within 12 hours. Dissolve until death."

"It is man-made because it is designed to be very targeted. It cannot infect slimes, cannot infect demons, and only infects creatures with human and demonic characteristics in a targeted manner, that is, fallen ones. So. In our analysis, it is an artificially evolved evil being aimed at the fallen."

After listening to the resident doctor's account, he took off his clothes and couldn't help but said, "Not good news."

"Yes, but this virus is too ferocious, but it makes it not so easy to spread."

"I'm not talking about this, I mean, we were targeted. After the other party realized that most of us are fallen people, they specially developed this evil thing to deal with us. Let me think about it, The whereabouts of the gods are currently unknown, and they should not be targeting us. At this point in time, our greatest enemy is Zelatan, so the royal family should be targeted at us."

"You just buckled the pot on the royal family in one sentence? Wouldn't it be too sloppy."

"My instinct tells me there is no problem. Moreover, the royal family eliminated the slimes, and now there are routines for the fallen ones. In addition, the ultimate goal of the royal family is to sleep all creatures, which is also in line with the other party's fundamental purpose. Get up, it is normal to doubt the royal family."

"Well, you have a high IQ, you have the final say."

"I think it's because of my reason. Is there a way to prevent this evil?"

"Let's get vaccinated, I will come later, and then configure the vaccine, and send a farmer player by the way."

"By the way, help me call another person."



The speed of the resident doctor is very fast.

Not long after sending the message, the three slimes came here to provide further support.

In addition to the resident doctor who is in charge of arranging vaccines, the young master who is in charge of farming at UU Reading, hackers also came here.

The three players were warmly welcomed. The resident doctor quickly went to prepare to experiment with the vaccine using the local method. The young master started to farm, while the hacker looked at him in confusion and took off his clothes, not knowing why the other party asked him to come over.

Like the disappearing hairline, he is a computer expert, but the disappearing hairline is Shaolin, and he is upright; he is a magic sect, and many methods can not be used on the stage.

Perceiving the hacker's doubts, he took off his clothes and spread out the map, and drew a circle around the New North Wind City.

"These days, there have been fallen people rushing to the New North Wind City, and without exception, all of them were infected with the plague. Some fallen people had no symptoms before, but they also showed the same symptoms when they entered the circle, so I infer, Someone blocked it here."

"The blocking time is similar to the time when the ghost TV appeared. In addition, the royal family had a precedent for invading our signal, so I suspect that our signal has also been invaded this time. Please come over, just to let you help counter the invasion. Clarify the location of the other party."

"It turned out to be like this." The hacker was relieved, "I thought my XP was discovered by you."

"Well... it's okay if you don't say that. When you say that, I think you need to come and register."

"XP is free!"

"The premise is that you have to be an individual first."

"...Let's take a step back, I'll work, and you recommend me a film."

"I still want to be a man."

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