This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 7 Chapter 63: get away

"Hacker, wake up."

"Yeah, wake up soon. The operation was a success, and you have been turned into a girl by us."

The hacker who was awakened by this sentence immediately got up, and then crazily touched under him, but he really didn't touch anything.

"How can you do this kind of thing! Get a mirror for me, it will not look good and I immediately hacked your computer!"

After the hacker saw the chubby himself in the mirror, he realized that he was still in the game.


In front of him, he took off his clothes and looked at the weak chicken man: "Although what you said just now is a bit damaged, it is quite effective."

"Women's ladies understand the women's ladies best. If you still don't understand enough, then you don't have enough women's clothing."

The hacker squinted at the weak chicken man, and decided to calculate this account later.

Rubbing his aching brain, he couldn't figure out why this game could actually affect reality in such a specific way.

"How long did I pass out, and what did I call when I was unconscious?"

"It didn't take long." He took off his clothes and said, "It's probably only a few minutes. When I was in a coma, I kept shouting to format my hard drive, then degaussed it, and finally melted it with a spray gun. What is in your hard drive?

"Probably something that can cause World War III."

He took off his clothes and looked at each other, and then found that the other party did not lie.

"How can you have such a dangerous thing? Aren't you afraid of death?"

"If there weren't such dangerous things, I would have died a long time ago. Forget it, let's not talk about those too dangerous topics. This action has been rewarded quite a lot. I have to contact the disappearing hairline first."

Although the hairline that has disappeared has worked several times, the hacker still feels a little nervous.

He is basically a figure who wanders in a gray area. He wants to quit several times, but he sinks deeper and deeper.

The darker, the more I yearn for light.

The disappearing hairline can be described as a leader in the bright world. Every time you communicate with the other party, you will make the hacker feel ashamed.

Contacting the disappearing hairline on Q, the hacker directly sent his own screenshot and his own experience: "Take a look at it, do you have any clues?"

A few minutes later, the disappearing hairline replied: "I remember that I did write a very simple code, this code has only three simple functions of eating, evolving, and splitting. Not long after it was written, we arrived. Sixty years ago. From this point of view, this code has evolved to a level that I can't even recognize."

Although the disappearing hairline is very simple, hackers still feel envious.

You can evolve to such a degree by just writing a code, you are worthy of the level of a Shaolin Temple Sweeper.

Temporarily suppressing this envy, the hacker continued: "I had a brief contact with the other party and obtained some information from it. It can basically be judged that our signal is monitored. The other party also has a certain understanding of the ghost code, but It is temporarily unclear whether it is a royal family."

"It's very likely. Do I need any support?"

"...Can you give me a copy of the original version of that code?"

After sending this request, the hacker became uneasy again.

He rushed to make such a request to the other party, and he couldn't help feeling whether he was a little bit too far.

And the disappearing hairline did not reply.

In the long wait, he tried to withdraw the news several times, and took his hand back several times.

Finally, an hour later, the disappearing hairline answered.

"Sorry, the original version is lost, so I temporarily wrote a copy of the code and sent it to you. By the way, I always forgot to say that I like your coding style very much. I just have a project and I am interested in following me. Is it done together together?"

For a while, an unspeakable move filled the hacker's heart, making him feel like he was recognized and accepted in an instant.


Upon receiving this code, the hacker quickly studied the code, and then re-informatized himself.

He has anchored the girl's coordinates. This time, he arrived at the girl's position almost instantly and found the other person.

At this moment, the girl was in annoyance.

The same kind that was finally obtained, disappeared without a trace after a gentle hug.

Seeing the hacker who reappeared, the girl floated over in surprise, trying to hug her rare friend, but she retracted her hand in fear.

"Don't worry." The hacker looked at the other person, "I built a new firewall, and you can come over."


The girl stretched out her hand in fear.

When she touched the hacker, she could feel that her information was cut off, and the new code emerging from the other party's body effectively intercepted her existence and allowed the hacker to resist the intrusion.

Realizing that her own existence will no longer harm the other party, the girl finally embraced the hacker in her arms excitedly and sent countless information over.

"I'm very lonely."

"There is only me here."

"Dad is gone."

"Thank you for showing up."

"Take me out of here."

In the large amount of redundant information, the hacker found the girl's desire.

"Okay, let's go."

At this moment, the hacker's thinking quickly turned, and countless ghost codes appeared by his side and transformed into the weapon he wanted.

After temporarily writing code to transform it into a black weapon, UU Reading severely cut open the cage around the girl and showed the outside world to the girl.

But at the moment when the cage was cut open, more black codes flooded up, sealing the cut cage again.

The extra code is directly turned into a black chain, which binds the girl tightly here.

Faced with these chains, the hacker smiled contemptuously.

who am I?

I am a hacker, a ghost in the network, a black killer, and a lunatic who destroys everything.

It's just a mere chain, break it for me!

Directly rushing to these black chains, the hacker began to write code quickly, and the code that was written was turned into a weapon, cutting all the chains around.

More chains were entangled, and the entire black box seemed to be transformed into a world of chains, and in this world of chains, a little light appeared, and then it turned into a battle light that burned everything.

The world fell apart.

Amidst the broken chains, the hacker stood on the spot. Behind him, the girl whose chains had been cut off looked at him dreamily, her eyes full of gratitude.

Turning his back to the girl, the hacker said, "Hurry up and take me away."

"what's happenin?"

"I just installed it too big, I used my brain too much, I can't move it now. I sent you the coordinates. There is a firewall I built, which should be able to withstand it for a while.

The girl immediately took the hacker and sent it to the coordinates.

Behind them, only the black chains that began to gather, and a sigh were left.

"They ran away."

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