This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 7 Chapter 65: Royal plan, plan to undress

The one who asked aloud was number 1.

She is a woman who keeps her eyes closed and the leader of all royal families.

After Zelatan fell into a time rift due to Golding's sneak attack, she led other royal families to retrieve the statue of Zelatan and rebuilt the eighth **** in order to resist the invasion of evil.

The top ten numbers are all royal families made by Zelatan.

At this time, the ten royal families gathered here, ready to welcome the important news brought back by number 5.

Hearing No. 5's reply, No. 1 frowned: "You said them... are they Mr. Lu and those slimes?"

As the first royal family, she is also known as the most perfect royal family. It is said that there are sun, moon and stars hidden under her eyes. When she opens her eyes, it is the time when the stars burst.

"That's right. The human world and the slime of **** have been exterminated by us. They can still appear and will not be affected. Then it can only be them. And I played against one of them. It was very strong. I lost. And also lost an important gadget."

"You rarely praise a person, number 5." Number 4, who was sitting next to number 5, hooked her chin with a slender finger. "And I really like how you look now."

"Go away, you guy Ji!"

"Insincere guy."

"Enough." Number 1 knocked on the table, "Too many noises are forbidden in the parliament. We need to decide how to deal with those slimes afterwards. First determine our basic policy, which is to find and eliminate the root cause of evil things. , And then rescue Lord Zelatan, and then execute the sleep plan."

"If the slimes come back, Lord Lu and the Demon King should have come back too. In the past 15 years, we have searched all corners of hell, even the dangerous seventeenth hell, but there has never been Found them. Where do you think they will go?"

The talking royal family wore a white magician robe and a white mask on his face, with a huge "2" printed on the mask.

"This problem is important" said the royal family numbered seven.

Her upper body is an enchanting woman, her brown skin reveals a lingering color, but the lower body is a bunch of sticky tentacles, which are still squirming at this time.

"It's very important. By analyzing their whereabouts, we can understand their purpose. After all, our greatest enemy is the group of slimes. The invasion of evil objects is only temporary, and they are the ultimate enemy of our plan."

"Remind everyone." No. 3, a gray-haired old man said, "Our power is now too scattered. To create a royal family requires a lot of soul and body combination, but the appearance of evil things makes us have to Let go of a large number of people and let them serve as our labor force. Therefore, direct attack may not work. We have to think about other methods."

"How about letting the inferior demons deal with them by themselves?" Number 4 said with a smile while playing with number 5's hair.

Number 1 turned his head and looked at Number 4 encouragingly: "Explain in detail."

"Although the slimes have seized the signal of the ninth hell, the signal of the eighth **** is still with us. As long as we launch a propaganda offensive and declare that the group of slimes are evil and the source of the birth of evil, then Naturally there will be a group of demons whose brains are not clear enough to take action against them."

"After that, we will release a small amount of funds to corrupt and win over some demons. Then there will be demons on our side and propaganda. In this case, all demons are their enemies. ."

"It's a good idea." The other royal families nodded.

"Then, it's so decided. Number 10."

"I'm here."

A handsome young man who could not be described with pen and ink stood up.

At a glance, he is simply a collection of all the beauty, a beautiful existence that is indescribable in words, and a demon who can make the same **** or the opposite **** fascinated by just a single look.

"I'll leave the promotion to you, can you?"

"Please don't worry, leave it to me, I will make you satisfied."

"Very good, then the meeting will be over. The royal family before No. 10 will give necessary assistance to No. 10 without interrupting their work. No. 10 and below need unconditional assistance for No. 10."

"Follow your orders."

Seeing all the royal families leave, number 1 stood up and faced the statue behind.

She admired Zelatan turned into a statue with enthusiasm and stroked the statue lightly.

The appearance of the statue is rough and cold, but this cold feeling pierced the heart of No. 1 like an electric current, causing her face to rise with a series of red.

"Ah...Master Zelatan."

"Thank you, fools. Your sacrifice will not be in vain. When Lord Zelatan returns, you will have the ultimate redemption."

Three days later.

As soon as the hacker went online, he immediately became informatized and began to deal with the problems that occurred when he was not online.

New evil things have appeared, and these evil things will attack their ghost signals and destroy their transmission paths, making the ghost TV unable to receive useful information.

These evil creatures are extremely cunning, and they produce a large number of variants each time. Even if a batch of them is eliminated in a targeted manner, more will appear, which will destroy their signals.

Although there are girls who help to solve these evil things, the girls are still learning and evolving, and they can only deal with a small part ~ and most of them cannot be solved.

Feedback this situation to take off your clothes, take off your clothes and think.

After a while, he asked, "About how many people do you need?"

"Five hundred people is enough, and it has to be the number of people who have mastered the code. Well, I know the population here is a bit tight now, so I can..."

"No, you can."

The hacker stared curiously and took off his clothes, ready to see how the other party turned into a high-quality population.

I took off my clothes and decisively contacted the editor who was seventy-five years ago: "Do you have any plans there recently?"

"No, everyone is still doing nothing. Every Holy Light has been molested by us."

"It's a shame that you haven't been beaten to death. Since there is nothing to do, then do something for me."

"Who do you want to destroy?"

"It's not that exaggerated. It's just that the original stronghold of the fly collar can be abandoned, and there is not much value there. Transfer the stronghold to the body of the flame **** in the sea of ​​fire, and move the academy together. By the way, let the hairline disappear. Write a textbook, "Twenty-one Days to Learn Ghost Code". How about the title of this book?"

"I think your words will offend a lot of people. Okay, I know your plan, don't worry about giving it to me."

"Thanks a lot."

The speed of the players is very fast.

After knowing that there was a major relocation, they acted quickly and transported the necessary materials directly to the sea of ​​fire.

After seven days of preparatory work, a new stronghold was established in the body of the God of Flame.

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