This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 8 Chapter 4: The road to the dungeon

"Why did he come to this conclusion?"

The weak chicken man on the side asked curiously.

"Because the God of Flame is the creation of the first demons, and I have part of the memory of the God of Flame in my mind. At the same time, my body is also constructed from a part of the body of the God of Flame. I have technology and In the case of the template, it is normal to restore the demon to the level of the original demon."

"I don't think it's normal at all." The weak chicken man shook his head, "Forget it, I don't understand the world of your tyrants."

"Then you still ask! You beat me the worst! Forget it, where did I go, oh Hall. He did a lot of experiments on me, and these experiments almost destroyed my mind and even made me I lost my memory for a while until Martin took it away. Gan! I knew this was the case, I should have beaten Martin."

"After that, you disappeared, the royal family appeared and plundered all the technical achievements you left behind. I finally escaped, but the royal family made a slime extermination order, and then the days of hiding in Tibet, until the nun You found it. She seemed to be sleepwalking at that time. How I greeted her, she ignored me, and was locked up until now."

After listening to the story of the King of Slime, he took off his clothes and asked for some details in detail, and then said: "It's not good."

"Brother Undress has any ideas, might as well say it and let us cool down."

He took off his clothes and glanced at the weak chicken man, feeling that this guy is getting more and more courageous now.

"The royal family has plundered all our technology, and they have a large number of technical personnel hidden in their bodies, so I feel that our technology has been cracked by the other party. In addition, 15 years of generation difference and the huge human and material resources of the other party And financial resources, we are currently at a technical disadvantage. Moreover, the attack and defense of the hacker and the other party should make the other party realize that we have returned. It is estimated that the first attack of the other party will be coming soon."

"Evil invasion may cause the opponent to stay for a while, because Zelatan's goal is to sleep in the world, and the royal family should also inherit this goal. If the evil is allowed to kill all the creatures, then the opponent's plan will fail, so Their primary goal is evil, and their secondary goal is us. But this kind of thing is not optimistic. I think once the other party has spare power, it will definitely attack us first."

The weak chicken man feels his head is going to be dizzy.

He interrupted the chattering and took off his clothes and asked directly: "Brother Stripper, you can just tell me who to fight next? Should you ask Master Lu to come to the rescue?"

"He can't come. The King of Slime has proved this. I suspect that the black box can only transmit slimes like ours, and other creatures may be transmitted to an uncertain point in time. If it is at this point in time, The past is okay, but what if it is the future?"

The weak chicken nodded clearly.

"So, our current primary plan is to open the dungeon of the God of Fire, obtain the copying technology in it, and then send the copying technology to the past, so that they can gain unlimited rebirth. After that, we have to start the previous development. Backtracking plan, by tracing Neil's footsteps, to find Martin and their whereabouts, so as to gain the power to fight against the royal family."

"Time is running out, King Slime, please go ahead. I'm sorry, this time you may be in danger again."

He took off his clothes and thought that the King of Slime might not agree, but to his surprise, the King of Slime nodded quickly.

"I see. What are you going to do this time?"

"I agreed so soon."

"Because our goals are the same, I inherited the will of the God of Flame, so I need to defeat the God of God, and so do you. So, although you may complain, no matter what you ask me to do, I will agree."

"Then can you become a beautiful girl with a long straight black cat? The kind with a special breast." The weak chicken man interjected.

"Go away!"

When the Slime King was brought to the deck and faced the phantom in front of him, a white light fell on the Slime King.

After a while, Xu Ying placed his right hand on his chest and bowed gently: "Welcome back, King of Slime."

After that, the phantom in the sky disappeared instantly, and the broken light fell on the sea of ​​fire below and turned into a long corridor leading down.

After instructing the King of Slime to wait in place, the hackers were stationed in case of possible danger, after taking off his clothes, 3l and the weak chicken man jumped directly off the deck and walked into the dark promenade.

The three of them have cooperated with each other for a long time. It belongs to the tacit understanding of taking off their clothes and making a look.

After the weak chicken man summoned a ball of light, 3l took the lead and moved forward quickly in the long and narrow corridor.

Rushing to the bottom of the corridor, 3l cut open the wall in front of him and rushed in first.

These walls should originally contain a large amount of combustible fuel. These fuels are like blood in the human body and are necessary for the maintenance of this dungeon.

But now, there is only dry black mucus in the hollow wall, and the scene of the turbulent scene has disappeared.

This dungeon is dying.

It was pitch black behind the wall, and the place that was once full of working demons was now empty.

Standing on the corridor with a width of about five meters, 3l pushed open the decayed doors on both sides, and shook his head when he came out.

"No one is there, nothing. This area should have been abandoned."

"Keep looking. It should leave the necessary information in some places."


Continuing to walk in the long corridor, there was almost no sound in their ears, only the muffled sound of the soft body falling on the ground, as if everything was completely swallowed by the surrounding darkness.

It was stuffy and hot here, and it didn't take long for the players to talk about, but they kept going.

Just when the weak chicken man was about to be unable to hold on, he suddenly stopped.

"Did you hear any sound?"


3l stopped and listened carefully.

After a while, he suddenly swung his sword to the right, and the thick wall was shattered by his swords, revealing the hidden corridor behind.

The voice is louder.

The sudden change refreshed the three players.

As they walked along the hidden corridor, the voices in their ears became louder and louder.

At first it just sounded like a slight sound like snowflakes falling to the ground, but as they got closer and closer to the target, they found that the sound became louder and clearer.

When they came to the end of the secret tunnel, in front of a wooden door, they heard that there were hundreds of people singing together, chanting, and singing the unchanging ballads together.

This voice is so depressed and so uplifting, as if there is countless wisdom, so that the players' hearts are quiet.

After listening quietly for a while, the players recorded this language and gave it to classmate Wang Lang, and translated it by classmate Wang Lang.

A few minutes later, classmate Wang Lang responded: "Translate it."

"What is it? Is it an epic story, or a song that has been passed down for a long time?"

"Well, it's not. The language of the original demon is the same species, so I asked Angry Birds to translate it."

"What is it exactly?"

"Well...odd changes to evens, the symbols look at the quadrants."

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