This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 8 Chapter 20: Familiar name

Open Enlightenment, Lu Fan input this question, and then received the answer.

"Why don't you ask about the magical conch?"

"The magical conch is indeed ubiquitous. Too complicated problems still have to be on your own."

Using his rusty brain, Lu Fan recorded the current situation.

1. The other party is indeed Golding.

Second, the other party is not Golding.

He has hardly ever made a mistake in recognizing people, probably because he was favored by the Demon King's Law, so he was able to see through the origin of things.

In his opinion, the origin of Golding at this point in time is still that origin, but there are some things missing from his origin, but there are some more things. These things are mixed together, making it difficult for him to determine the current Golding. Still not that Golding.

"And there are problems with personality. The Golding I know should be just a swordsman. How could he be so serious?"

He was about to go to see Golding, and by the way, An Jie'er, and then he found that King Roland was standing in front of him with his upper body naked.

"Don't see you!"

The sound of a landslide sounded in Lu Fan's ears, making him frown in disgust.

Walking to the hole in the ceiling of the bedroom, he picked up a gravel, estimated the distance, and then threw the stone out.

Thousands of miles away, Luo Lin, who was hiding in the confessional and drinking, was directly headshot by a stone, and then passed out in the confessional.

After venting his grievances, Lu Fan dispelled the idea of ​​going to the other side.

Although he couldn't go there in person, Lu Fan felt that there should be no problem sending players to inquire about the intelligence, as long as the other party is low-key enough to not cause trouble.

Pulling out the list of players, he looked over them one by one and found that they all seemed to cause trouble.

Are there so few honest people these days?

Is there that kind of smart and capable, do more and say less...

There is it!

Going out immediately, he found classmate Wang Lang who was studying the ancient demon language with the professor.

"Wang Lang, congratulations for triggering the hidden mission?"

"Why!" Wang Lang was confused.

"The look of the book is very handsome. Could you please go to the Apprentice Paladin Knights Academy, find Angel and Lucifer, and then tell other players about Golding's information through QQ, and then send it to me. The prizes include honor and one A lower-level wishing scroll, a little simpler content can be completed through the wishing scroll."

Just as Wang Lang wanted to say that he actually didn't want anything, a pink slime beside him immediately jumped up and asked, "Can you bring a companion?"

"As little as possible."

"What about the reward?"

"Well... I can give you an extra lower-level wishing scroll."

"Then let's do it!"

"Very good, let's go now. Because the human world and **** have just merged, the portal is still unstable, so I trouble you to find transportation by yourself. That's it, I went fishing."

Turning this trouble to Wang Lang, Lu Fan was happily preparing to go back to fish, and then saw Satan Ye guarding behind him.

He patted the notes in his hand, and Satan said with no expression on his face: "Master Devil, don't you think you should finish your work before fishing?"

"I've decided to go fishing and talk about what kind of work. And don't you think that as a human being, you are a little too concerned about assisting the Demon King?"

"Originally, I was still a little reluctant, but I received a secret letter from Lord Luo Lin. It was given to me by those who were sent over for training a few days ago. Lord Luo Lin said, I can trust you, you will not treat humans Doing excessive things."

"I don't believe in myself, do you believe me?"

"I believe Lord Luo Lin. Okay, I'm ready to work, otherwise I will take off my clothes and tell others that you are indecent to me."

"Who would believe... No, that group of slimes really seem to believe. Okay, I'm going to work, but no one wants to stop me after work."

"Understand and understand." Satan Ye smiled and walked to the front, "Please here, respected Lord Demon Lord."

Wang Lang watched Lu Fan and Satan Ye leave, and then faced the pink slime on the side: "QR code, why would you take this hidden mission? I thought you were not interested in the hidden mission?"

The QR code is one of the few female players in the game who is willing to bury the first book with Wang Lang.

Although she entered the game very early, but after she reached the tenth level and completed the first evolution, she hardly participated in game activities, did not brush monsters, did not go to ghs, did not lick NPCs, and accompany Wang Lang to read and read books every day. I have to sigh that the other party is a master student.

The QR code looked at Wang Lang with a smile: "Didn't you say last time that there is a book of "Ancient Devil's Dirty Words" that you really want to read? This may be an opportunity."

"Oh, yes, you can just let the devil find this book. Thank you for reminding me. I will immediately find a reliable player to complete the task."

The smile on the QR code's face solidified.

She jumped directly in front of Wang Lang, and then continued to ask: "Don't you think, do you have a more suitable companion in front of you?"

Wang Lang looked serious and thought for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "I know what you mean. Professor, you heard everything just now, right? Come with me?"

The professor raised his head and pushed the non-existent glasses: "Well, it just so happens that I also want to study the holy scriptures and foreign scriptures of the Roland Church. I will go there with my graduate students."

"I don't think I am your graduate student."

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think. Let's go, graduate student Xiao Wang."

"I am already a graduate student."

"Then change to a mentor, your mentor must be very watery."

"...That's my dad!"

"Your father is also very watery."

"Your uncle!"

The QR code was dumbfounded as the two slimes were about to leave, UU reading finally couldn't care about being reserved, and rushed up and shouted: "I want to go too, I want to go too! I can also like the scriptures. NS!"

"But there are only two wish rolls." Wang Lang said embarrassedly.

"Don't worry, you are a straight titanium man!"

This trip cannot use the portal, so they need to plan their own routes, choose their own means of transportation, choose their own support items, and deal with the risks and problems that may arise on the road.

But this is what they have to consider.

And Lu Fan quickly handled the accumulated work in his bedroom.

Every time a piece is completed, the Satan leaf on the side will verify it, and then shook his head and said with emotion: "Master Devil, I have to say that your wiseness can also be ranked in the top ten among people I have seen. With such a strong ability, why not Make good use of it?"

"I'm lazy."

"Your shamelessness can also be ranked in the top ten."


"Correct, the first three."

"Thank you so much."

Lu Fan processed these documents at a very fast speed.

When all the documents were about to be processed, he picked up a list and thought about it.

This list was agreed by Luo Lin, who were dissatisfied with the gods and sent here for further training.

According to Luo Lin's explanation, these people are absolutely reliable, but their thinking is still a bit naive, and they need Lu Fan's help to further temper them.

In this list, Lu Fan saw two familiar names.

Vivienne and Mi Ruo.

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