This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 8 Chapter 30: On despicable, you are professional

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After two days of rest, Vivian finally calmed down and prepared to meet Dylan, the lord of the New North Wind City.

In the rudimentary conference hall, a group of people sat at the shabby conference table.

After all the participants arrived, Dylan said first: "First of all, you are welcome, Miss Vivienne. I already know what happened in the Great Temple, and I want to believe that you are innocent."

"Thank you," Vivian whispered.

"But I have a question, who is the star of piety? Why is he the one who died?"

"I don't know." Vivienne shook his head. "He is a very strange guy. On the one hand, he is horribly obedient to the creed, but on the other hand he always walks on the edge of the creed. He is a very complicated person. , Even at the last moment, I could not see it through."

"It's a pity, but in any case, his death is inseparable from the royal family. I know that the death of your companion is a major blow to you, but I still hope you restrain it. After all, we are too weak to compete with the royal family. ."

"I understand. So, starting from today, I will officially leave the Order of the Order and join the New North Wind City in my own name. Mi Ruo, how about you?"

"What is the question you are asking?" Mi Ruo looked at Vivienne dissatisfied, "I am your sword, where you are, I am."


Dylan smiled and watched the scene, and then sternly said: "Well, you are welcome to join, Miss Vivienne. Then the next step is to discuss the next development of the New North Wind City. At present, what we lack most is Population. During this period of time, our population has grown and has now reached two thousand people. The slimes are remotely guiding us to establish a new magical industry system and food system, but we dare not grow large-yielding crops, otherwise I don’t know who eats whom."

"The source of our population is mainly based on the propaganda of Ghost TV, but this kind of behavior was good at first, but it has been getting worse recently. The royal family has already sensed our intentions and started to produce more programs as a counterattack. They We have our own signal channel, so we cannot block it for the time being."

Finding out a ghost TV, Dylan put the mushroom on the conference table and turned it on.

"There are hundreds of TV channels in the royal family, and most of the programs are well-produced and useful. For example, one hundred ways to prevent evil, survival in the wild, etc. I took the time to watch some, I have to say, it is better than Our programs are much better. Many people are attracted by these programs and start to seek help from the royal family. This brings about a very serious problem. In order to attract the population, I have to ask my assistant, Acate to broadcast ghost TV. , But every dissemination will increase the royal family’s population and far exceed ours."

"Well, I understand what you mean." He took off his clothes and nodded, "The opponent is powerful and has our legacy. No matter what you do, you can achieve the effect of coming first, and ordinary means really can't solve the opponent. Now we are at best an agricultural group, and the other group with a developed magic industry is simply incomparable."

"Can't even you do it?" Dylan said with a wry smile.

"Yes, but it's a bit mean."

"Do you still know how to write the word despicable?" the weak chicken man exaggerated.

Unbearable, he took off his clothes and gave a look, 3l walked forward with a grinning grin, and went down with the weak chicken man.

He took the troublemaker away, took off his clothes and thought for a while, and finally said: "Forget it, they stole our things first, so no matter how you fight back, it won't be too much. I'm going to make a big move."

A few minutes later, a new batch of slimes arrived from seventy-five years ago.

As soon as the director came out of the black box, he excitedly jumped in front of taking off his clothes: "Can you finally let me go! Have you finally seen my infinite potential?"

"Yeah, yes, the gold medal planning is also right, right? It's a pity that the master painter can't come, but there are almost the same people. Director, have you made a small video?"

"I'm a serious director!"

"I'm talking about a serious little video."

"Ah, oh, I have filmed and filmed. The amount of broadcast is high, and you can watch it at station B, but I don't know why, the comments seem a little unfriendly."

Take off your clothes and go offline and find the director's account.

He made a lot of videos. Most of the videos were shot directly with mobile phones. The actors are not invited, and I don’t need to persuade them. They just shoot a few details in life, but they feel like they can shoot a blockbuster.

From art to business, from serious to funny, the director's videos are all-encompassing and can be called all-rounder.

Each video has more than one million views, but the number of people paying attention to him is pitiful, with only 20,000 people, which is completely out of proportion to the number of views he has.

But seeing the comments and barrage below, taking off his clothes feels that the director is not injustice.

"Just see 7 minutes and 14 seconds if you want to live, and just airborne to 7 minutes and 14 seconds if you want to die."

"Some people are alive, he is dead. Some people are dead, and he is still shooting videos in the underworld."

"I beg you, UP Lord, I beg you. You hire someone to cut the last piece. If it doesn't work, you cut yourself and forget it."

"My mood for watching the movie: Yo, this is a sorrow. Yo, this is really a sorrow. Yo, this is too ridiculous! Meow, I am an X when I see this place!"

Just click on one, take off your clothes and watch it patiently, then go online and say to the director: "My choice is correct, it's you."

"Really! I can finally make a blockbuster again! How many manpower do you give me?"

"Just me, 3l, the weak chicken man, the gold medal planner, and I am really a DJ. Emma, ​​the Chipmunks and Neil can also help. Dylan should be able to borrow some people to come over, but no more."

"Enough is enough. It should be fine for these people to shoot short videos. What subject are we going to shoot?"


"Brother Stripper is proud! Then let's start right away."

"Well, yes, there is a condition, each video needs to add the name of the sponsor."

"We still have sponsors! And this good thing!"

"Well, so let's get started."

The director immediately fired up in a day's effort, 20 small videos were shot, and they were reviewed by the weak chicken man.

When reviewing the finished film, the weak chicken man watched these small videos and said bitterly: "Take off your clothes and let me go. I don't want to see the end from the beginning. This thing is Cthulhu's drink and After reading the evil seeds that were entangled in the flying pasta, the whole person is not good after reading it."

"Stop talking nonsense, your performance during this period of time has not been shot and you are considered a legal loophole. And seeing your performance, I don't need to watch these videos, I should get good feedback."

"Okay, okay, let's post it. But we really want to post this stuff? After sending it, I'm afraid no one wants to come."

"So I asked you to add the name of the sponsor. Yes, just add this."

Seeing the name of the sponsor handed over by taking off his clothes, the weak chicken man also had to sigh. In terms of despicableness, it is more professional to take off his clothes.

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