This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 8 Chapter 36: Two-player mode

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Tucao returns to Tucao, but taking off the clothes feels that this thing is still quite interesting.

Called up the help file, took off his clothes and read the design ideas of the gold medal plan in detail, and then nodded.

"It turns out that using the unpredictability of the evil object itself has greatly enhanced the randomness of the game. A large number of props have been added to it to facilitate the test of the evil object's performance."

"And players can also enhance their understanding of evil things when playing games. Next time they see similar evil things, they won’t be too alarmed. The best way to eliminate fear is to face fear. The gold medal plans to deal with this. It's wonderful."

"Moreover, various props have been added as easter eggs in the game. The deeper the deeper, the higher the probability of obtaining the props. On the one hand, these props can be used to test the performance of evil objects, and on the other hand, they will be recorded. Afterwards, the City of Wind can be exchanged into real objects. Yes, gold medal planning."

"In addition, there are team play methods that support up to five people in a team. And because evil objects can erode fear, the ability of the evil objects of the team will be stronger. This is the dynamic adjustment mechanism, which promotes social interaction. "

"Strong randomness guarantees fun enough, team play guarantees social interaction, and the physical guarantees that the other party is willing to go to the New North Wind City. The gold medal planner is indeed a master. The single player has already died once, so how about teamwork? "

"I want to try it too."

An abrupt voice sounded behind the back of taking off his clothes, making him turn his head in confusion.

After seeing the person behind him, he asked in confusion, "Master Lu? How did you get in? Does this game have this feature?"

"I also contributed code to the AI ​​space. Isn't it normal to leave a back door for myself?"

"how is this possible!"

"Is it a weird thing that I can ghost code? I'm still one of the founders of this stuff."

"No, I mean, how could your salted fish take the initiative to work! You are not Master Lu, you are an evil thing!"

After taking off his clothes and being hung up by Lu Fan skillfully, the familiar feeling made him understand that this is the genuine article.

After hanging for half an hour, the man who was put down took off his clothes and looked at Lu Fan in doubt.

"Master Lu, why did you come in suddenly?"

"The effect of [refraction] seems to have been strengthened by the psionic weapon. Even if the magician fell asleep, it could not be removed. After the angry bird fell asleep, I was directly pulled over. I guess I need it. When the time is up, it will be automatically cancelled. There are no pornographic readings here, and I had to come around if I was boring."

"Then why don't you count the magic stones in the room?"

"I prefer to use my own hands for this kind of things. The hands of Angry Birds always feel a little green."

"Um... well, let's try a team book together. The physical strength can't be used here, so you need to test one's perseverance, courage and luck. First, take the liberty to ask, do you have any of these?"

"Do you think you are polite?"

"I know, I will try to rely on my own ability to pass the team."

"You are so polite."

He took off his clothes and jumped to the door first, and slammed the door open.

The rules of the game made by the gold medal plan are very simple. There will be a random evil in each room, and props may be dropped after defeat.

However, you can still pass through the opposite door to the next level, but some evil things related to the door may not allow the player to pass.

Players can leave various messages on the walls of the room by themselves to serve as clues to pass the level.

Since the evil things in the room are random every time, the message may be invalid, but some very versatile messages can still be very enlightening.

After learning the lesson from last time, he took off his clothes and jumped directly into the room.

There is nothing in this room.

Looking around, he took off his clothes and said to Lu Fan behind him: "Master Lu, do you see anything?"

"Yes, behind you."

He took off his clothes and looked back quickly, but saw nothing.

Only after being reminded, he can still feel that there is something behind him. This feeling of knowing that the other party exists but not seeing the other party is undoubtedly slowly increasing his sense of fear.

Looking at Lu Fan, he saw that there was something behind Lu Fan.

It was a mass of malicious lines, and masses of roundworm-like black lines were connected and twisted to form a three-dimensional black image.

After noticing the gaze of taking off his clothes, it opened its mouth and revealed a grinning smile.

"Oh, it was this. Master Lu, did you see a black stickman behind me?"

"I like the analogy of stickman. That's right, that's it."

"Then this thing is a bit weak. If you come here alone, you won’t be able to see the other person at all, so you can’t be assimilated to fear. I’ll write this tip on the wall first, “When there is nothing, it It's probably behind you'."

Lu Fan leaned to take off his clothes and looked at the other party's message: "Don't you think that writing like this is more terrifying?"

"That said, then I change it. "When you find that there is nothing, just go to the next room." This should be fine. Then, I will test how to remove this evil."

The evil thing looked blankly at taking off his clothes and Lu Fan.

Instinctively tells it that these two guys seem to be a little bit wrong.

When it was thinking about what the two guys' brains were doing, it took off its clothes and jumped behind Lu Fan, and tried to hit the evil thing.

The black lines circumvented the undressed body, neither hurt nor caused any loss to the undressed body.

It just stared blankly at taking off its clothes, wondering why this gadget did it?

Isn't he afraid of himself?

After trying to no avail, he took off his clothes and muttered: "Does physical attacks work? The law of evil things is really weird. Master Lu, what do you think?"

"I think we can try to start with the other party's characteristics. It looks more like a stickman, so how about we try to erase it with an eraser?"

"It's a good idea. There is no eraser here, so spit some saliva and try to wipe it."

The stickman behind Lu Fan struggled to leave, but he was bound by special rules and couldn't do without Lu Fan's back.

In its horrified gaze, he took off his clothes and vomited saliva on the opponent's body, and then rubbed it vigorously.

After a few seconds, the stickmen gathered together had been rubbed into a black mist by the saliva from taking off their clothes, and collapsed into a small spot after making a faint scream.

Where he disappeared, a thin piece of paper lay quietly there.

Picking up the piece of paper, taking off his clothes and looking at it: "One coupon for unlimited use of the buffet restaurant in the New North Wind City. With this volume, you can enjoy the experience of eating and vomiting at The only condition is the whole journey. It will be recorded as a program and broadcast."

"The linkage capability of your industry is also terrible."

"It's all a family. Of course, the more cooperation, the better. Master Lu, hurry up and spit on my back."

"Do you think a demon of my status is suitable for this kind of thing?"

"It's not good for idols to be too burdened. Forget it, then let's go. Go ahead and continue to analyze evil things."

"it is good."

The stickman behind the undressed trembling followed undressed and moved forward until the demon king and slime disappeared completely at the other end of the door.

In the empty room, almost only instinctive evil creatures squatted on the ground, covering their faces, shivering.

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