This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 8 Chapter 45: A strange friendship was born

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Indulging in the vast amount of knowledge, Winston read a large number of various books eagerly, trying one procedure after another, and couldn't help himself.

"The slime named Professor must be a scholar. Most of the books in the library program are filled by him. The sub-engineering lion should be an engineer and weapon expert, and most of the drawings are from him. Supplied. Don't change the boss, he should be a flatterer. He has perfect flattering skills."

"What is the origin of this group of slimes? How can they have so much knowledge. There are no less than 30 applications of the same level as "Mysterious Land". How did they collect so much knowledge? Such a powerful race, why? I have never heard of it before?"

Opened his own permissions, Winston read the relevant documents of the ghost code, then pulled out the virtual keyboard, and began to try to write a simple program.

Ghost code is very operability, and it is very easy to use, basically you can know how to write it after reading it.

After trying to get familiar with the related operations, Winston immediately began to read the related documents when he encountered a problem, and then continued to program until the problem was solved before starting the next step.

When she finished typing the last line of code, she took a bite, and then heard the roar of hunger in her stomach.

After turning over the salute, she found that the dry food she had brought was completely eaten, so she had to get out of her tent and prepare to eat in the cafeteria.

Along the way, she could feel a pair of eyes falling on her body, but no one came to talk.

They should already know that she is Winston, but her language is so aggressive that no one dares to approach her.

So fine.

Sneaking into the kitchen of the canteen, she saw the smoky atmosphere here, and the steam that filled the place with a refreshing fragrance. Just smelling it made her feel very happy.

She opened a steamer with her hand, took out the strange-looking white round object inside, and took a bite.

"The skin is thin, there is meat in it, and there is a lot of oil and water. Two should be enough to fill my stomach. But I am still growing, so there should be no problem with eating three."

Putting the three hot foods into her arms, she was about to leave when she heard a slight opening of the door.

Hiding quickly under the stove, Winston saw a pair of slender legs come in gently from the outside.

From her perspective, she can only see the other's calves.

The other party should be a young girl, of course, she might not have grown like her.

She was wearing a pair of thick riding boots with mud under the riding boots. Judging from the degree of wear of the riding boots, the other party should be very adventurous.

She hopped back and forth between the stoves, constantly opening the steamer baskets and putting them back in again, until she found what she wanted.

Just as she was about to leave, the door opened again, followed by the voice of another girl.

"Master, the innovative ingredients this time are my proud work! I improved the problem that sandwiches are prone to oil spills, and creatively put the fillings inside the dough. At the same time, I also used my full production skills, deliberately steaming. Food is made in this way. This brand new ingredient, I call it Annie Sandwich!"

"...Isn't this just steamed buns? And the noodles are not fermented, and the dough is not delicious."

"Huh? Is this also the five thousand years of Chinese food culture?"

"That's right, and we also have barbecued pork dumplings and soup dumplings, dumplings, etc. Do you want to learn? I want to learn from me and teach you."

"Master~ Wait! Someone has been here."

When the other party opened the door, the second visitor had already buried his head under the stove, and together with Winston, the place was packed.

The other party was a very beautiful and lovely girl, with soft short hair, wearing a brown coat, carrying an animal skin backpack, and a fishing rod could be seen coming out of the gap in the backpack.

After looking at each other for a while, Winston swallowed the bun in his mouth, and then whispered: "I didn't expect to see my colleagues here. I was a handsome boy who passed by by accident and did not want to be named."

"Emma, ​​nice to meet you."

"I'm not happy at all. It's too crowded here. Can you go out obediently and be caught by that person without confessing me? I will consider sending you a bunch of flowers after you are hanged."

Emma frowned and looked at Winston, then suddenly clutched her belly and laughed quietly.

"You are so funny talking, do you usually talk like that?"

"It's weird that you can find me funny. Is your smile on your belly button? Why is it so low?"

"Puff, don't tell jokes at this time. It's amazing to be found by Annie."

"Why, she can't make Emma sauce?"

"Puff puff puff puff~"

With Emma's uncontrollable laughter, the stove above their heads was lifted, and the red-haired Annie holding two kitchen knives appeared on top of their heads.

"I found you~"

Winston made a cut, "Thank you for engraving an epitaph on my tombstone. The content says, "He was alive and well until he met an idiot."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A few minutes later, the two people who had been educated by Pan Pan were kicked out of the kitchen. The other side also pointed to the sign at the door and shouted: "Small people wait not to come in. If you're hungry, just wait for the meal!"

Winston rubbed his buzzing head: "That woman is quite gentle, she didn't actually hang us. The laws of your New North Wind City don’t work. In our Sulfur City, you have to be hanged in the city for stealing food. On the door."

"The food here is not that scarce, so the punishment for stealing food is to knock the head with a pan three times, and the sound must be heard by the person standing at the door. Again, I am Emma, ​​love for prospective adventurers. Ma."

Winston ignored the other hand's stretched out hand, chewed on the bun and said, "I have no interest in meeting those short-lived guys."

"It sounds like you know adventurers. Would it be convenient for me to introduce them? I want to meet seniors."


"Is it your father?"

"Mother. Okay, don't ask too many things. I'm not interested in communicating with a guy like you who doesn't know all the words. I will continue to learn code. I have wasted too much time on you."

"Really, all right."

Emma sighed regretfully, then suddenly waved her hand again, and shouted to the demon who was not far away: "Chipmunk, I'm back! I brought you a gift!"

"I know!" The chipmunk rushed over in dissatisfaction, then jumped up and flicked Emma's head fiercely, "Didn't I say that! You are one of my harems. You must never leave my sight. Why don't you listen!"

"It's rare that my parents don't have time to care about me. It's a pity not to take a big adventure. Come to my room tonight and I will tell you about my adventures. UU reading"

"Are you reflecting on it!"

"Some and some. Are you coming tonight?"


"Okay, remember to bring some sulphur wine, it's pretty exciting. Go get ready, I'll wait for you tonight."

Pushing the chipmunk away, Emma looked at Winston regretfully: "Goodbye, Winston, we..."

Winston quickly took Emma's hand and said tenderly: "From now on, you will be my good sister. Let's have a party tonight, right? I will bring my most colorful pajamas. Bring you. Give me your room number, and we will see you tonight."

Emma looked at Winston, who changed his face faster than flipping a book, and couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

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