This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 8 Chapter 57: Disappeared corpse

"Isn't it your long-cherished wish to become a brave candidate? Why do you look so unhappy?"

"I just feel too abrupt, I'm not mentally prepared yet."

"I feel that your hormone levels have changed. Don't worry, being a candidate will not have any impact on your nightlife."

"Really! No, this is not what I want to say. Golding, can you speak tactfully. Also, when can you get out of Lucifer's body and see you say these things against Lucifer's face? , It always feels a little bit wrong."

"Don't order me, although you used to be my master, although you helped me unblock it, but this does not mean that I will obey you. My current strength is not enough, and I need to recover my strength with Lucifer's body. Sooner or later. One day, I will kill that demon king and wash back my shame a hundredfold."

"Good." An Jie'er said with a yawn, "How to deal with the corpse?"

"Bring it back to the church and give it to other priests to study. All the previous priest assassinations will be pushed to this person, and we can take a rest."

"I hope so. As for how to use the power of the alternate hero, I don't think there is any change."

"You'll know after a while."

"Lucifer" picked up Bello's body and was about to take it back to the church, when he suddenly heard footsteps at the door.

The other party's footsteps were confident and calm. He didn't stop at the door of every room, but walked straight toward the end of the corridor.

An Jie'er also noticed this voice, and asked with her eyes: "Come here?"

"It should be. Be prepared. The opponent is a strong player. Her footsteps are as soft as a cat. She should be a melee professional. It is estimated that her bare-handed combat skills have reached level 8."

"After three breaths, surprise."


After breathing slowly for three times, An Jie'er strode forward as soon as she opened the door, and the substitute in her hand slashed forward.

At the moment when her sword was about to fall, the door opened in response, and the elf who appeared at the door looked at the sword falling above his head in confusion, and then subconsciously stepped back half a step.

She grasped the distance of this step very delicately, so that Anjieer's sword just passed in front of her, leaving enough flaws for her to counterattack.

But the slime in her arms didn't think so.

Wang Lang, who was held by Christine, happened to be within the attack range of the sword.

Facing this sharp sword, he could only stick out his head in a weird posture and bit the weapon forcefully.

"Uh... Slime? Can you still use your mouth to pick up the sword? Are you a subordinate of Lord Demon King?" An Jie'er asked suspiciously.

Wang Lang spit out his sword, and cold sweat emerged at this time.

"Sneak attack when you come up. You are a good master of Swordsmanship."

"Sure enough, it is a subordinate of Lord Demon King. Who are you?"

"Wang Lang, we met for the first time.

"Where is this?"

"She is...who is she here? It seems that someone's mother is here. Forget it, that doesn't matter. Lucifer, it's been a long time."

Anjieer was about to explain Lucifer's current problems, and found that "Lucifer" was looking straight at Christine.

And Christine also looked at Lucifer, with confusion and confusion in his eyes.

A few seconds later, "Lucifer" closed his eyes gently, and condensed a simple epee behind Lucifer.

Golding slipped.

Lucifer, who had regained control of his body, breathed the long-lost air, then picked up the epee behind him and shouted angrily: "What are you doing, Golding! After taking my body for so long, what do you want to do? Ah, don't hide, keep using my body!"

"Why is this line so bad?" Wang Lang said, looking at Lucifer who was angry.

After finally venting, Lucifer suddenly felt someone walking in front of him.

The refreshing fragrance is like a forest that has just rained, and the smell of pine wood is mixed with the fragrance of green grass, like a fairy in a dream coming to Lucifer's side.

Turning his head, he found that Christine was standing in front of him, his face almost touching his face, and he looked at himself happily.

"You mentioned Golding just now, are you Golding? I think you have a familiar aura on you, you are Golding, right!"

"No, I am..."

Just as Lucifer was about to refuse, he heard a voice ringing in his ears.

(Admit, otherwise I will use your body to go to Guoben, and every female bathroom must go to it once.)

(Please, be yourself!)

(This is not a request, but an order.)

(Give me a reason anyway!)

(...The restriction of the checker and balancer. This restriction is directly signed with the gods and gods. I can only say so much for the specifics. In short, admit it, it does no harm to you.)

Lucifer now only wants to send Golding to the furnace for three days and three nights, but now he doesn't have the guts.

After all, the other party really did it.

After weighing the pros and cons, comparing his current ethics and future ethics on the balance, he could only bite the bullet and said: "Yes, I am Golding."

"Great, I finally saw you."

Kristen threw forcefully into Lucifer's arms, tears wet Lucifer's chest.

"Great, I finally saw you."

Lucifer raised his hand stiffly, and glanced at Anjieer beside him.

When he found that the other party was indifferent, and even a little bit wanted to let him take one on the spot, he completely gave up.

So, he could only hug Christine in his arms. UU reading www.

Wang Lang watched this scene intently, feeling a bit outrageous.

When offline, he turned up the group chat record, and then began to sort out the relationship between the characters.

It is known that Golding is Neal's father.

Christine is Neal's mother.

Then these two people are at least an unscrupulous relationship between men and women.

And now Lucifer hugged Christine in front of Golding. This is clearly the husband's current crime. Putting it in the notebook can make the tauren clap his hands and cheer, and make the pure love party burst into tears.

"Your circle is really chaotic." Wang Lang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

On the line again, Wang Lang found that Christine had calmed down.

She took a tissue and wiped her tears carefully, her pitiful appearance made people have an urge to care for her and comfort her.

And Lucifer looked at the snot and tears on his chest, wondering if it would hurt people to wipe it now.

Wang Lang jumped to Anjieer's side, looked at the complicated scene in front of him and said, "Can you help me analyze what is going on? I feel that my memory is not enough."

"I'm also a little confused, but it's fun."

"Similarly. By the way, we are here to find Bello, a brave candidate. We have deduced several possible positions through enlightenment. This is one of them. Have you ever seen it?"

"There is a brave candidate here, but I don't know if you are looking for it. He is in... where is the corpse?"

The scene just now was in chaos, so no one found it, and the body of the alternate brave Belo had long since disappeared without a trace.

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