This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 9 Chapter 2: Reasons for hard work

Facing Anjieer’s invitation, Satan Ye hadn’t answered yet. Luna, who was usually a dog with a shy face wrapped around Anjieer, exclaimed excitedly: "I do, I do, I do! When do we start?"

"I don't want to." Ron shook his head, his highly simulated succubus wings swayed slightly with his movements, "I am a researcher, and theology is exactly where I am interested, so I I'm not going to join the Knights. Besides, the succubus promised to me by those guys hasn't arrived yet."

"Hey, it is our duty to respond to the call of the apprentice holy referee at this time!" Luna shouted dissatisfied.

"Oh, then I leave the church. I don't have any loyalty to the church anyway." Ron said, picking his nostrils.

"Are you worthy of the training of the church! Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

"How can you accuse others of what they don't have."


When Luna and Ron were about to fight, a magnetic voice rang: "I am neutral."

The gloomy handsome guy said softly: "The *** here is very aggressive, and you can have a good fight every day. But joining the Knights requires going to the battlefield, and you can also have a good fight, so I can do it all."

In the case of one vote for, one against, and one for neutrality, the vote of Satan leaves is very important.

He rubbed his hair like seaweed and became annoyed.

"Is it necessary for me to make a decision in the end? It's so stressful. Forget it, let me ask a few questions. Will this Knight Order be an enemy of the Demon King?"

"Do not rule out." Anjieer stared at Satan Ye seriously and said, "I can't guarantee that we won't face the Demon King's swords in the future."

"Will this Knight Order be an enemy of the gods?"

"Do not rule out, I can't guarantee this too."

"The last question, humans and demons, which side are you on?"

"I will stand on the side of kindness and justice."

"Very good." Satan leaves nodded, "I agree."

"Thank you." They shook hands gently, and Lu's Knight Order was formed.

Although Ron was a little dissatisfied, he still shrugged and patted Satan Ye's shoulder: "Although I still feel a little upset, this is your choice, so I agree."

"...I would be happier if you would change your clothes and say this."

"No, today is Succubus Wings Day."

"You have too many holidays!"

After the news of the establishment of the Knights was announced, almost everyone agreed in the first place.

After all, Anjieer was an idol-level figure when she was in the academy. Now that she is qualified as a candidate for brave, there are more people willing to respond to her call, which makes them recruit candidates without much effort.

The next thing to do is to allocate work according to different abilities, inclinations, and wishes, formulate an organizational structure, clarify the course of action and the internal rules of the Knights, and find sources of funds.

The resident of the Knights is currently in the Demon King City. The factory here is open 24 hours a day, and the production capacity has been severely surplus, so it can easily get various supplies at a low price.

After finishing the preliminary preparations for the Knights, An Jie'er, who hadn't closed his eyes for a few days, found Lu Fan with the plan.

At this time, Lu Fan didn't fish, but was doing rare work.

Not only today, but he has been working hard during this period of time. This incident even triggered discussions among players, and was even topped by hot searches in the real world.

"The devil works three hours a day for seven consecutive days. This is impossible!"

"Did the demon king actually begin to roll in?"

"Yaoshou, the devil did not drink tea before three o'clock, it's the end of the world!"

"Brother Lu, if you are kidnapped, blink your eyes, don't abuse yourself like this, you are not for work!"

Some players even watch Lu Fan anxiously in the game, wondering if there is a bug in the game.

The doctor player said that this is a very rare flashback, everyone should be better to the devil in the future.

Facing the players' concerns, Lu Fan said: "Go away!"

Seeing An Jie'er coming in, Lu Fan put down the pen in his hand: "What's the matter?"

"Master Demon King, our Knight Order is ready to be established."

"Congratulations, you finally took the first step as an alternate brave, and you have your own power. But why do you want to report to me?"

"I need a batch of support. At present, our number is too small. I need to recruit more people. And I don't have enough professional talents. I need some generals and logistics talents. So..."

"Do you want to borrow my subordinates and my supplies?"

"...Yes. This request may be a bit excessive, but..."

"I agreed."


"I said I agreed. You can requisition my resources without restrictions. I won't ask them where they are going. Is this okay?"

"Uh...Thanks a lot."

Watching An Jie'er leave, the professor on the side raised his head: "Master Devil, when have you been so generous?"

"No way, the future Anjieer is also the devil, so it is normal for me to give the other party permission at this time."

"There is adultery~"

"I don't mind sending you a chandelier now. By the way, how is your new **** researching, has you found a way to activate the alternate coat of arms?"

"It's a bit difficult. After all, the law of the gods is the law under the two laws. It is too difficult to crack it. But if you can give me more gods, then you should be able to speed up the research. So, Lord Demon, you got it."

"Understand, but everything needs to pay attention to a famous teacher. Recently, the gods and demon gods are all honest, and I have no reason to do it."

"There is no reason not to create a reason! Can't we learn Eagle Sauce!"

"Don't be so shameless. Okay, it's time for me to rest. I'll talk about something tomorrow."

Throwing the professor out directly, Lu Fan snapped his fingers and completely sealed the place.

Closing his eyes, he began to enter a state of meditation.

At this point in time, he did not sign a restriction with the God of Destiny, but his understanding of divine art and control of destiny allowed him to separate his consciousness and examine the long river of destiny from the perspective of a third party.

As his strength grew, his understanding of fate became more thorough.

Every life is constantly moving forward along the long river of destiny, and shuttles forward according to the established trajectory.

Even if it disrupts the long river of fate, it can quickly return to normal and continue to flow along inertia.

The stronger the strength, the more you can go to the top of the long river of fate.

Standing in the long river of fate, he saw countless fate flowing under his feet.

Among these destinies, there is the fate of human beings, the fate of demons, and even the fate of some gods.

Even the gods, they are still in this long river of fate, but it is more obscure and harder to notice.

But no matter what, they are still in this long river.

Raising his head, Lu Fan saw that he was also in this river, and he would involuntarily follow the long river of fate until he came to the final point.

Looking into the distance, his current position can provide him with a good vision, allowing him to see the scene ahead again.

There is nothing there.

This is why Lu Fan started to work hard during this period.

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