This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 9 Chapter 4: Otherwise just wait for death

The players were very happy when they first went out.

The long-lost national war, new guilds, and large tracts of land waiting to be conquered, all these perfectly stimulate their nerves and allow them to enjoy everything on their journey.

However, when the journey life gradually stabilized, fear began to spread in the hearts of the players.

"Looking back carefully, we seem to have annoyed the devil this time." A player whispered while resting by the lake.

"Wood matter." The professor replied grimly, "We have a lot of time to make our own decisions. The devil will be very angry at first, but there will be no problems afterwards. As long as we bring back enough loot, then we will have a deal with the devil. If you want to be cute, forget about it."

"That's good." The player breathed a sigh of relief, and then said plainly, "I'm sorry to say that when I left, I found the Demon King's Yellow Storm book, and I just wanted to read it for a long time, so I came out a bit. There should be no problem, right?"

"What a coincidence." A player also stood up, "I am also very interested in magic stones, so I also came out in batches."

"Are you guys too? My pornographic books and magic stones have been smoothed a bit."

"I demolished the outer city of Demon King City by the way."

"I persuaded Julia, the priest of the **** of love, and she came out with us."

"I took Martin's mount Wyvern away."

"Me too…"

It was nothing at the beginning, but after all the players said a word to me, they discovered a fact in horror.

Before they knew it, they emptied the Demon King City!

After taking a breath, they looked at the editor and asked, "Brother Scissor, what should I do?"

"Don't look at me, I just moved out the statues."

"What are you doing with the statue!"

"Is it the time to ask this question? How could you be so excessive, this is the rhythm of permanent title."

"Isn't it... Blocked us, what is the devil playing alone?"

"Hmm, three-legged toads are hard to find. There are some round slimes. Believe it or not, a group of people are waiting for us to be banned so they have a chance to play in the game."

"No wonder my fans give me rewards as soon as I follow things. That's why! A bunch of bastards!"

"Now is not the time to be held accountable, hurry up and find a way to deal with the devil! The devil has a lot of magic skills at hand, and he will come to the door in minutes to take us back to the lighthouse!"

"Hanging lighthouses are considered benevolent, think about it."

"No, I don't want that kind of thing!"

"Please take off your clothes in seventy-five years!"

"Don't think about it, take off your clothes and don't know about this. The Demon Lord will not clean him up. And the Demon Lord can let him sleep, we will only add to the chaos, do you think he will sell us backhand?"

"Yaoshou, even Brother Stripper can't be trusted. Where's Ou Huang, where is Ou Huang?"

"I haven't been online for a few days. I heard that I am preparing to study abroad."

"She's only a sophomore, did she use it so early? It's over, it's really over this time, Professor, what can you do?"

The professor who understood the current situation was already shaking.

The professor who knows the inside story of the game has already begun to imagine the scene of Lu Fan standing directly in front of his house when the door opens the next day.

That picture is so beautiful.

The devil can't do it now, but he's not allowed to open his psychic weapons when he is extremely angry. Then he will follow the coordinates to the real world and directly let his real body hang a beacon.

"Now it's no longer a question of title, everyone's life and property are in danger." The professor said solemnly.

"Why, this game company will come along the network cable and hit me, but I won't succeed?" a player asked puzzledly.

It's really possible!

The professor wanted to nod his head, but soon realized how wrong he was now. One accidentally ruined Lu Fan's plan, so don't think about it, just let the family open the table.

The trembling professor fell into a state of war between heaven and man, and the soaring adrenaline made his thinking run quickly, and finally thought of a solution.

"Where is the QR code?"

"What's the matter?" asked the QR code sticking to Wang Lang's side inexplicably.

"Open a search engine, find the content, and let the devil's anger calm down."

After a few seconds, the QR code said: "Three hundred million magic stones."

The special ability of the QR code search engine can provide a more troublesome way to obtain items, but it can also be used in special circumstances by obscuring the keywords.

Hearing the 300 million magic stones, all players took a breath.

A well-functioning dungeon can produce almost 50,000 magic stones a year, which is already the output of 6,000 dungeons in a year.

"Select the magic stone to search further."

"Grolin collar."



"Okay, our goal is there. Before the Demon King finds us, we must rush to the Grolin collar in time, and then dig out all the magic stones! This is an urgent task. If you don't want to die, we will use our full power. Sleep? Sleep with a hammer! Everyone will ask for leave from today and be online 24 hours a day! If you don’t work hard now, you won’t have the chance to work hard in the future!"

"What should I do if my salary is deducted? I'm too tired to vomit blood and dare not ask for leave."

"Shit job quit, let's take my postgraduate exam."

"That's not worse!"

"...Forget it, Extraordinary 4+1, if you still want to see the emperor in the future, give some blood."

"Yeah." Extraordinary 4+1 nodded blankly, "All right, it's just pocket money."

"Is it that serious?" a player asked in surprise.

"It's more serious than you think! You just landed near your home than Godzilla, the virus of the umbrella company leaked, you have seen a video tape that will die in seven days after you watch it, and Thanos has collected it. Four jewels. This is the situation now. UU can't stop reading!"

"But the demon king has magic skills to use, we should be found soon."

"Relax, I have a countermeasure. Bring Ron here!"

A group of players quickly dragged Ron out of the tent.

Seeing a group of players surrounding him, he pondered for a long time, and then asked: "Did you find out?"

"Who has the kung fu to play riddles with you now, who cares about what you conceal! Has our new **** brought over?"

"Yeah." Ron nodded in confusion.

"Activate Him."

"I have to remind you that our theoretical system is incomplete, it is very likely..."

"Activate Him!"

"Okay, okay, you are the person in charge, you have the final say."

Clapping his hands, Ron said, "It's okay."

The professor finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The surrounding players looked at the professor puzzledly: "Is it activated? Shouldn't there be any visions like lightning, thunder, and wind and rain? Why does it feel so plain?"

"It has been activated. This new **** has been connected to the law level and has begun to serve us. The priesthood of this nameless **** is the same as his name. He can erase our messages so that our messages will not be seen by the public. The **** and the demon king discovered it. However, not long after this new **** was created, there is not much information that can be erased, and I hope it will work for the demon king."

"What if it's invalid?"

"You better look forward to it! Otherwise, just wait for death."

The players glanced at each other, and then prayed sincerely.

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