This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 9 Chapter 14: Mysterious space

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"The high-concentration divine power is directly filled into the cannonball, and then a shot is directed at the target. The divine power released during the explosion will reach a very high density, so that the law within a radius of 50 kilometers will be directly cut off for a period of time."

Boss Duran felt that he didn't understand at all, but he still nodded his head as the head of his pride and said: "I understand. Old friend, do you understand?"

The magician gave Duran's boss a blank expression: "I don't understand."

"Is it hard to understand? Simply put, that's it."

Draw out a plank, the secondary siege lion put sand on it, and then use the other three planks as a support.

Pointing to this simple model, the secondary siege lion explained: "Sand is the real world, and the wood below is the law layer. The magic bullet will instantly remove the content of the method layer after it explodes, so do you think the real layer above? What will happen to the content?"

"Destroyed?" the magician asked.

"I don't know either." The lesser siege lion shrugged, "but it may be something more terrifying than destruction. This kind of thing is too dangerous, but I am not sure whether it will work for the devil."

After listening to the explanation of the secondary siege lion, boss Dulan hesitated.

His goal was only to take away the woman with the mole, not to kill everyone.

If the power of the magic bullet is really as the team member said, then I am afraid that within the range of 50 kilometers, don't want to have any life.

After swaying between conscience and mission for a long time, he finally asked: "Can you really be sure that that is the devil?"

"Didn't you say it?"

"Well, that's the case, but people are unreliable, aren't they? What if I have hallucinations after eating desert strawberries?"

"Um... well, let's check again, that guy is handsome, isn't it?"


"How handsome?"

"There will be no more handsome guy than him for five hundred years. Even if he blasphemes the gods, I will say that the gods are not worthy to carry shoes to him."

"That's right, it's the Demon King. This firepower may not be enough, but we don't have better firepower."

Boss Dulan wanted to continue to explain, the best support voice sounded above the city wall: "Secondary siege lion, the existence of the devil is detected!"

"Understand, distance?"

"Eighty kilometers, they are slowly approaching. They are riding a tricycle. Their speed is relatively slow. The cyclist Lucifer is vomiting blood while riding. They are approaching!"

"Received. Ready to launch! That, what's your name?"

Looking at the secondary siege lion facing him, the boss of Duran hesitated for a moment, and still reported his name: "Boss Duran."

" you have any children?"

"Do you think I have children besides crime?"

"Well, very convincing. Don't worry, you won't die before you have children."

Before Boss Duran could figure out what this sentence meant, the secondary siege lion asked again, "How's your luck?"


"That's good. After you watch my gestures, I clap your hands and press this red button. Don't worry, it won't explode, probably. The others, quickly retreat to a place a kilometer away."

Seeing that the surrounding area was immediately cleared out of no one, Dulan boss was trapped.

Even his old friend decisively ran to a place one kilometer away, which made Duran's boss deeply feel that this guy is a representative of unscrupulous.

"What are you doing in a daze, press it down!"

Even though the boss of Duran has absolute confidence in his luck, he still feels fuzzy at this time.

But now in this situation, he has to press.

Taking a deep breath, he pressed the red button, and then said in his heart: "Don't blame me."

A huge roar sounded instantly, and the entire ground seemed to be a huge leather drum, which was sunken in an instant and rebounded quickly.

With his excellent dynamic vision, Mr. Dulan seemed to jump up when he saw the surrounding buildings fired. The fish in the waterway seemed to have encountered the end of the world and began to slap on the water frantically.

The shells containing divine power flew directly into the air, and after crossing a parabola, they flew directly to Lu Fan in the distance, and hit the target.

Although it was 70 kilometers apart, Duran's boss could still see the white spherical barrier suddenly appear, and the ring that spread out around the shell directly enveloped everything within 50 kilometers, making everything fall into pure whiteness.

There was no loud noise caused by the explosion, and there was no cloud and fog over the sky. There, the boss of Duran could only see a white sphere, nothing else.

But then, he heard crying.

At first, he thought it was the cry of the "Devil", but then he found that the cry was everywhere, sent along with the wind.

This is the cry of the desert demon.

With such a terrifying shot, the huge desert demon couldn't help but wailed, making its first cry since its birth.


"This is the desert demon crying...Don't say it, it's pretty cute." The secondary siege lion nodded.

Boss Duran pointed to the white barrier in the distance: "Did you succeed? What happened inside?"

"I don't know. The stealth drone we threw out has lost contact. Stay vigilant, the target will appear at any time."

Since the magic bullet is the first time players have used such a huge magic power in this way, all the content is based on the theory of the professor and the concept of the secondary siege lion, so No one knows what will happen. UU reading

Therefore, they didn't know the law that the magic bullet directly blasted this area, exploded into a blank space, directly blasted Lu Fan and his party into a place outside this world, and came to another mysterious space.

This space is full of weird shadows, countless blood-red eyes are hidden in the dark night sky, admiring these foreign tourists as if they are admiring prey.

But they did not make a direct shot.

From one of the demons, they felt a very powerful force. He seemed to be favored by the world. The protection from the world made him like a beacon in the night, shining here too.

"Strange, what happened to us?" Lu Fan asked curiously.

"I don't know, it's here for some reason." Snow asked in confusion, "What about the others?"

"It should be okay. They won't die so easily. But you are an exception."


"They are anchored by history. They will not have trouble until they complete their mission. But you are not anchored by history, so I am not sure if you will die here."

"...Can't you think of a solution anymore?"

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