This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 9 Chapter 30: Alan's Wrath

The **** lord of Hammer Town, a thin male succubus was looking at a pile of treasures intoxicated.

Seven days ago, a group of strange demons came here.

They claim to be passing merchants, come here to repair and prepare to go to the next town.

In order to show their respect to the lord of **** here, they specially sent a batch of goods as gifts.

These gifts include books out of print, exquisitely crafted crystal porcelain, exquisite mechanical clocks, and a large number of tea leaves.

As a succubus, even if he is a male, he still has no resistance to such things.

From the moment he got these things, he shut himself in the room, never went out except for the necessary things every day, and stayed with these peculiar treasures 24 hours a day.

"My father, can I come in?"

Hearing the knock on the door, the male succubus put down the crystal lamp in his hand dissatisfied, and said helplessly: "Come in, Alan."

The tall Allen walked in.

Because of the fusion of some troll bloodlines, Alan doesn't look like a succubus at all, but a giant.

The two-meter-high body seems to be still growing, and his rough face always looks full of anger, which also makes the male succubus not like this child very much.

Compared with him, his daughters Ai Li and Lin are much cuter, knowing that she shouldn't seduce that female troll.

But who would have thought that after a female troll got dwarfism, it looked like a human being.

After Ellen bowed and saluted, the male succubus asked, "Let's talk, what's the matter?"

"I still suspect that the purpose of those demons is not simple. They look like tauren, but they don’t have the habit of tauren. They don’t bleat, they don’t come into estrus when they see women, and they don’t treat other people’s wives. For special interests, I am not afraid to see chefs. In short, I suspect that they are tauren disguised as tauren through special means."

"Just this little thing?"

"That's a small matter! Father, it's the era of great fusion! We are the great Alsace family! The nominal ruler of the entire Alsace leader! But now, we only have one Hammer Town, all the Lords of Hell Don't care about us at all! Now is the most dangerous time, and also the most beautiful time! We must be alert to everything that needs to be vigilant, plunder everything that can be plundered, and the glory of the family requires us to recover."

The male succubus yawned boredly.

My son is really not a succubus.

Not to hook up with the opposite sex, nor to hook up with the same sex, every day is to delve into magic and think about how to restore Alsace's reputation. It is really not a succubus.

Waving his hand, he said to his son: "Okay, I know, go down. I'm a little tired tonight, I'll talk about something next time."

"How about tomorrow?"

"I will be sick tomorrow, so let's change it next time."

Allen looked at his father angrily, his flushing eyes seemed to be able to eject flames.

He stood up without saying a word, then turned to leave, and slammed the door shut.

In the room, the male succubus once again picked up a colorful glass ball and admired it with intoxication.

Alan, who walked out the door, squeezed his fist, flushing blood spilled from the palm of his hand, but he didn't seem to feel the pain.

Gritting his teeth, he turned and left, but immediately saw a little girl holding a baby bear in the corner.

The other party was wearing a red dress, with soft hair reaching up to the waist, and the slightly fat cheeks that made people feel the urge to pinch.

Walking in front of the opponent, Allen knelt down, keeping his eyes level with the opponent.

Rubbing the other's head, a petting smile appeared on his face, who was still angry just now: "Aili, what are you doing there?"

"Wo...Wo sees your brother you are angry. Brother, eat some candy, candy will make you feel better."

Ai Li raised her hand carefully, the hard fruit candy that was so tightly packed with her hand sweat mixed together, so that the candy could no longer see its original shape.

He put the sugar directly into his mouth, pressing the sugar under his tongue, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Ellie, brother is much better."



Ai Li laughed happily, making her immature face appear bright and beautiful.

Rubbing Ellie's head again, Allen continued, "Is this the candy from the tauren?"

"Well! They have a lot of fun things, and they are very friendly to me. Especially after knowing my name is Ai Li, they gave me a lot of gifts."

"Don't get too close to them, they may not be serious."

"Can the serious tauren approach?"

"...Don't. This race doesn't seem to be serious whether it's serious or serious. Go to bed, or it won't grow taller.”

"It's okay! The succubus doesn't care about height, as long as you have a mind!"

"Then you have to sleep. Did you drink the milk? Is the toothbrush enough for three minutes? Remember to wipe off the water on the tail. Okay, go."

Watching his sister trot away, Allen did not spit out the hard candy that had barely moved until the other party disappeared.

Sugar has a fatal attraction to him. In order to prevent himself from indulging in such depraved things, he almost never touches sugar.

But for the sake of his sister, he was willing to fall a little bit.

When he walked to the observation deck of the City Lord's Mansion, he looked towards the north of Hammer Town.

With the bright moonlight, he saw a huge tent standing there, and the laughter and cheers from inside could be heard even here.

The group of tauren merchants lived in it.

They have a huge amount of goods, and every tauren can speak eloquently and tell interesting stories.

They act generously, be polite to any ordinary official, and give an out-of-specification gift after the visit.

They also have an astonishing amount of wine and food, and they hold banquets all night in their tents every day. Sufficient food has a fatal attraction in this barren era.

Under the money offensive, this group of tauren quickly conquered this dungeon and became the most popular visitor to this dungeon.

Of course, there is no Ellen in it.

He just looked at the tent indifferently, thinking about what the other party wanted.


Hammer Town is not a military fortress. Most of the demons here are of succubus-related blood, not those powerful demons.

There are still a few talents in terms of magical ability alone, but they are all members of the Arthas family, and they are not the target of being attracted.


Just kidding, the property they have released in the past few days is enough to buy the entire Hammer anyone do a loss-making business?

So what do they want to do?

Just as Allen was thinking about what the other party wanted to do, a voice rang behind him.

"What are you doing, my friend?"

Turning his head, Allen laughed when he saw the person behind him.

"Seth, shouldn't you pray to the foolish **** at this time? Why are you here?"

"Because there is no need anymore."

Seth, the friend of the alternate brave Bello, the sacrificial **** of foolishness raised his head, and the moon looking at the sky whispered.

"It's not necessary anymore."

Allen looked at the friend he had just made in a puzzled manner, and did not realize that under the moonlight, the shadow of the friend was stretched very long.

The twisted shadow hovered in the shape of a snake on the ground, like a snake stick hovering on the ground.

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