This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 9 Chapter 33: Sudden attack

Tyra led the troop into Hammer Town.

After the Great Fusion, Hammer Town happened to be located at the junction of the plains and mountains. From here to the northeast, there is an endless miasma forest, and this is the last replenishment point after entering the forest.

Coupled with its location at the center of multiple forces, troops often pass by here, and Hammer Town has long learned how to deal with this kind of military disaster.

That is lying flat.

No resistance, no rejection, no alliance, this is the only way for the weak to survive here.

Lord Lord's approach seemed negative, but in Terra's view, this was the right choice.

And Allen didn't seem to see through this. The idea of ​​restoring the Alsace family had turned into obsession, making him unable to see through this fog.

While leading the troop to the designated location, Tyra watched the troop.

This unit is different from all units I have seen before.

They are also full of curiosity about the succubus here, but they did not offend the residents here, but walked neatly towards the designated place.

Along the way, they did not plunder, did not molested, and even their coolies seemed extraordinarily energetic.

Although they were exhausted, they had an aura in them, a temperament that firmly believed that they were walking on the right path, a temperament that made no progress even if they sacrificed.

"You... are very different." After watching for a while, Tyra couldn't help but said, "How do you usually train your troops?"

"The branch is connected." The unqualified detective replied immediately.

"What's the meaning?"

"It is to unify the mind, eliminate the barriers between humans and demons, eliminate gender barriers, eliminate ethnic barriers, arm the mind with thought, and carry out ideological construction in units of companies, so as to open up a new situation and new atmosphere in this era. "

"During this period, we will carry out several advancements, one is to..."

Tyra listened for a long time, and felt that the first half seemed to make sense, and the second half seemed to make sense, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was nothing in it.

Just as the unqualified detective was making endless statements, a player jumped over and knocked the unqualified detective directly to the ground.

"speak English!"

"I'm sorry." The unqualified detective stood up, covering his head. "It's accustomed to writing speeches to leaders. Let's start over."

"Excuse me." Tyra raised her hand. "I want to ask, you are the commander, right?"

"You can say that, but we don't have an officer, please call me a commander."

Tyra pointed at the player who knocked him to the ground: "He is your subordinate, right?"

"He obeys my command, but he is not my subordinate."

"But he hit you just now."

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

"It was the first time I saw the officer who beat me so proficient. Well, I know why your troops are different. We can't learn this."

After bringing the group to the stationing point, Ms. Terra retired and left.

Sitting in his tent, the unqualified detective immediately activated his abilities and inferred from the clues already available, but still did not feel the real murderer.

"Strange, the previous accident was obviously abnormal, but why I still didn't find the real culprit? What is the reason... new player?"

While the unqualified detective was thinking, he noticed something falling from the top of his head and clanging in front of him.

A conscientious sword that has already opened insurance.

Then, the explosion sounded.

The violent explosion blew up the tent above him, and the violent impact even spread to several nearby tents, causing new players who had just come into contact with mimicry to take a break to scream.

After the dust settled, the unqualified detective who had been blown up half of his body crawled out of the ruins with difficulty, and a quarter of his body disappeared in an instant.

To suffer!

He has obviously suffered an unknown attack now, and the other party also knows that he is the commander here, and all attacks are directed against him.

What's even more hateful is that he has used his abilities madly, but the result surprised him a bit.

According to his reasoning, everyone in the city was targeting him.

Just when he felt that he was about to confess here, a demon suddenly appeared, protected in front of him with lingering movements, bent his bow and shot arrows.

The arrow that looked like a meteor flew out and collided with an attack of unknown origin in the air, making a sharp sound in the air.

Ome is the highest.

His partner, Brother Pure Love, quickly searched the neighborhood and brought back the crushed arrow and a twisted lead bullet.

The unqualified detective finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After relaxing, he immediately asked others to exclude other people, protect the scene and collect evidence.

But he felt that doing so would not have any effect.

Sure enough, after a large amount of evidence was collected, he continued to use his special ability [clues], but there was still no change.

The whole city is still targeting him.

Let Qingmei’s highest and pure love brother be on guard by his side, the unqualified detective packed the current situation and threw it into the group, and then asked: "I am under an unknown attack. I should be able to see some information in the past, but now The result is very confusing to me. What do you think is the reason for this?"


"The girl I like has a higher probability of liking me than this."

"I don't think it's much higher."


"Conscientious swords and lead bullets are the products of the Demon Lord's factory. It is impossible for the outside world to have this kind of technology, so it can only be the handwriting of new players. It seems that Lord Demon really sent new players in to deal with us."

"Afraid of a hammer, just a group of newcomers, who is afraid of whoever is in front of you!"

"You can't say that. If it is positive, we will win. But the problem now is that they know our abilities well, and we don’t know anything about them, and we don’t even know what abilities they possess. There is still a chance of overturning. Is there any result of Qingmei’s highest ability?"

"No, there is no creature nearby that is hostile to us. According to Ome’s highest analysis, the lead bullet is a long-range sniper bullet made before, with a maximum range of 800 meters, while Ome’s highest ability range is two kilometers, that is to say, the opponent There was no hostility towards me when the bullet was fired. It's impossible."

The old players thought about it for a long finally someone said: "Subconscious."

"Lord Siege Lion? Are you finally online? What does subconsciousness mean, explain."

"The human consciousness is like an iceberg, and the subconscious mind is the part below the iceberg. This part of the consciousness is often undetected by us, but they dominate our upper consciousness. If my guess is correct, the unqualified detective and the green plum are the highest All of his abilities have been targeted by the other party, but the methods are different. Unqualified detectives are correct, and Qingmei is also correct at the highest."

"Speaking of people, why do you like to pretend to be X like the **** who took off your clothes today! No, is it..."

As soon as the little policewoman was about to speak her judgment, she immediately received a private message.

"Eight o'clock, Youth Hot Pot Restaurant!"

After closing the pop-up window, the little madman policewoman added unhurriedly: "Don't you like to take off your clothes so much that you want to imitate him?"

"...Yes." the lesser siege lion replied.

The crazy little policewoman continued to take screenshots and save the evidence. I feel that I can use this to laugh for half a year in the future.

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