This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 9 Chapter 48: Go to the **** of health

"My lord," a high priest whispered, "They only established one day, our intelligence is not so fast."

The bishop rushed forward and pulled the collar of the opponent, almost touching the opponent's face.

"Then the money given to you spies was used to feed the dogs! I raise a dog more useful than you, at least the money I gave them is not so exaggerated!"

Facing the bishop's roar, the senior priest could only lower his head tremblingly.

After venting his anger on this high priest, the bishop let go of his hand, tidyed up his clothes, and then sat back on his chair.

Picking up an expensive glassware sold here from the City of Thousand Islands, the cool and smooth feeling and brilliant colors alleviated the bishop's anger a little.

"I don't care what you use to solve this problem. The city of hot springs is an important stronghold of the **** of health. In this chaotic era, this is also our important capital. A large number of mercenaries, war machines, and soldiers' compensation Gold and supplies, these all need money, and they all need to be produced from here. Therefore, no matter what method you use and what price you pay, I must pull out those who dare to block our financial path!"

"Understood, Lord Bishop."

The senior priests walked out of the room, and then unanimously let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it just solved this problem without killing them directly.

When they came to the confession room together, they ordered someone to open a bottle of strong wine. After a sip, the senior priest in the lead asked, "Everyone, I think this is an emergency. Do you think we need to use Paladins?"

"Is it straightforward? It feels like it's not a last resort. We can gather them."

"Speak more carefully."

"It is declared that the doctors in Wolongfenghyo Hospital are priests of the God of Health, and they are allowed to practice medicine here, but 80% of their income must be given to the Sect of the God of Health. In this way, they will become one with us."

"What if they disagree?"

"We are backed by the **** of health, and they will not disagree."

"Well said, cheers."


But what surprised this group of priests was that when they sent someone to contact each other, they were directly shelled out by two slimes.

"Fuck off! Before the account was settled, come over to grab the money! Your parents know that you are such a brazen person and should choke you to death! Oh, sorry, I forgot that you have no horses."

The bruised priest who was beaten returned to the temple and said these words exactly.

In addition, there are all kinds of classic national curses, which can probably be made into a new holy book when put together, so the priest directly ignored them.

However, even his content after deletion made these high priests extremely angry.

"This group of bastards!" A senior priest slammed the table hard, "They don't seem to know who is controlling the Hot Spring City!"

"In that case, then there is no need to be polite, expel them. But we don't need to play for the time being, let the city lord here come out first."

Compared with the luxurious temples, the city lord’s mansion in the city of hot springs is just a hut.

The City Lord's Mansion, dressed in a patched dress, sat on his chair, and in front of him was a coffin full of gold coins.

When the city lord saw the sturdy Boss Duran appearing in front of him carrying the coffin, he had already typed his last words three times and was almost about to kneel down.

When he learned that the other party was here to give money, the expression of the city lord became quite exciting.

He tried to look away from the bright gold coins, but his eyes told him: "Don't struggle, let him go."

"Mr. Duran..."

"Where are you looking to talk?" Duran's boss asked.

"Oh, sorry, they are too many."

With the gods on top, the lord dared to swear that he had never seen so many gold coins in his life.

Swallowing hard, the lord reluctantly moved his gaze away from the gold coin, looked at the boss Duran and asked: "What do you want to do?"

"Wait a minute, this is our commander in chief."

Wolong, who thought it was an ornament, jumped off Dulan’s head.

He dangling a cigar that hadn't been lit ashes, and easily flicked the non-existent ashes, and then said to the city lord: "I'm here to negotiate terms. The talk is complete, the gold coins are left, and the coffin is brought back. It's impossible. The coffin is left and the gold coins are brought back. And the coffin is bought one get three free, one big and three small, the family is arranged neatly."

The lord swallowed again.

This amount of money is enough to buy the heads of one's own family ten times, piled together to go around his lord's mansion three times.

Therefore, the lord involuntarily lay on the ground, trying to keep his sight level with the slime, and respectfully asked: "Then what are your conditions?"

"After that, we will have a fight with the God of Health. The upper-level affairs are handled by our boss, and the lower-level affairs are handled by ourselves. It is here to ask you a word, which side do you stand on?"

"But... that's a god..."

"It's medium level. It's not me. Our boss is very brave. We have killed a few high-level gods. It doesn't matter to be a medium level. Now, tell your choice!"

The lord silently avoided Wolong's gaze.

Perceiving the lord's hesitation, Boss Dulan inserted his hand into the pile of gold coins and swiped it casually to make the gold coins collide, making a sound like a natural sound.

"Lord, look at these gold coins. Don't you like them? Don't you love them? They just want to go home with you, can't you meet this requirement? Think about it, the **** of health has been here so For a long time, have they ever given you so many gold coins? Your lord's mansion is not as good as the other's toilet, don't you feel unwilling?"


While the lord was still hesitating, Wolong had already jumped on top of Duran's head.

"Since you disagree, forget it. What I said was a joke. Keep the gold coins and take the coffin away. Boss Duran, let's go."


Boss Dulan simply picked up the heavy coffin and walked out at a heavy pace.

Before the lord could figure out why the other party was so generous, his heart was severely pinched.

A senior priest of the **** of health just appeared at the door, and he saw everything in the room clearly.

The gold coins placed on the ground, the departed Duran boss and the empty coffin on his shoulders, these two things put together, the area in between is really too big for imagination.

The boss of Duran, who walked out, greeted the senior priest quite easily, in exchange for a cold snort from the other party.

However, Captain Duran was not angry, but left happily, seeming to have encountered something good.

The lord lying on the ground felt that the ground was covered with red iron nails, making his body numb every minute and every second.

The lord immediately got up and stepped forward and said: "My lord, please listen to me to explain, things are not what you think."

"No, I don't think there is anything that can be done in time. You disappointed us very much, really disappointed. Who made the city of hot springs survive until now, and who made the city of hot springs with such a large population? For a little profit, I betrayed us. I am really disappointed in you."

"No, my lord..."

"There is no reason, and no excuse. If you really want to redeem it, then prepare for a grand sacrifice ceremony. Thirty thousand gold coins, you should start with this number."

"But, my lord..."

"I will also take these gold coins as evidence of blasphemy. By the way, I need you to send guards to expel the group of guys just now. They are a group of vampires and a group of parasites. We don't want to see them here, understand? "




"very good."

The high priest took these gold coins and left contentedly, leaving only a sad lord. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

He opened the ledger, looked at the poor remaining figures on the ledger, and then sighed.

Just as he was thinking about how to prepare the money, he found his wife came hurriedly.

"The child has a fever again, and now he is talking nonsense, what shall we do?"

"Where is the blessing stone from the Church of the God of Health last time?"

"It's already used up...Can you pay me a little bit, I'll go buy a bottle of panacea and come back. Poor boy, I feel that if this continues, he will be like his brother..."

The lord stood up heartbroken and held his weeping wife in his arms.

After embracing his wife in his arms, his face changed constantly and finally turned into a decisive expression.

Go to his **** of health!


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