This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 9 Chapter 52: Reunion

The sun is setting.

The **** setting sun enveloped the land, bringing a **** coat on the ground where the corpses were laid.

The corpses of hundreds of thousands of the dead lay across this land, and crows who heard the news hovered over the battlefield, picking up a piece of rotten flesh from time to time and flying back to their nest.

Several soldiers searched anxiously on the battlefield.

Suddenly, a soldier uttered a cry of joy, and several other soldiers rushed up, using their hands and feet to move the corpse away from the ground, exposing Luo Lin who was seriously injured below.

"Master Luo Lin!"

"It's still angry, it's still too late."

"Bring the other wounded along and we hurried away. I can't believe it, I really can't believe we did it! I can blow this thing for a lifetime!"

"Let's live alive first. Ah, Lord Luo Lin, you are awake!"

Luo Lin reluctantly opened his eyes and said weakly, "Wine."

"There is only a little left, you drink slowly."

Taking over the hip flask with only one bottom, Luo Lin barely moistened his lips with wine, and then asked, "How many people are there?"

"Seventy-three, the loss is smaller than expected. Lord Luo Lin, stop talking, we have to hurry up..."

A sharp break through the air stopped the soldier's words abruptly.

Lowering his head, he saw a big wound on his chest, and he could even see the scene behind him from the wound.

Ah, the sunset is so beautiful.

Lifting his head, he smiled miserably: "Sorry, I can only send you here."

Then he fell.

Another soldier immediately stood behind Luo Lin with a sword, but he also flew out after a whistle, his life and death unknown.

Lost his support, Luo Lin was seriously injured and knelt on the ground.

Supporting himself with his hands, he reluctantly opened his eyes and saw a man walking on the corpse.

The other party was dressed in a white military uniform, with a neat horoscope, and the angular facial features seemed to be carved out.

When he walked to Luo Lin, he smiled and said, "I finally met, Mr. Luo Lin."

"Are you... the deputy commander?"


"You made the order that you kept firmly?"



The deputy commander stretched out his hand and took off his gloves, revealing the holy pattern on the back of his hand.

"Alternate brave, that's how it is. Are you here to kill me?"

"Yes, the killing between the alternate heroes will allow the Saint Rune to merge with each other and gain stronger power. Of course, it is not just my idea to get rid of you. The bishops of Roland Church also participate. Even if you are exiled, you There is still the great righteousness of King Roland, they are very afraid that you will return to the Roland church."

"Those depraved scumbags, one day I will liquidate them."

"You have no chance."

"Also. You made a mistake. You shouldn't be so close to me."

The terrifying omen struck, causing the deputy commander to retreat quickly, but he was still a step slower.

Luo Lin, who used a drop of holy water again, instantly returned to full bagging, and appeared behind the deputy commander at an extremely fast speed.

Huge hands grabbed the shoulders of the deputy commander, and the voice from **** rang in the ears of the deputy commander.

"caught you."

The panicked deputy commander was about to activate his own restraint, but in the next second, his body was directly torn in half from his shoulders by the angry Rollin. The intense pain caused him to scream crazy, but he didn't. It will disappear after a long time.

"Bah, useless scum!" Luo Lin spit on the opponent's corpse fiercely.

After the death of the deputy commander, the holy pattern on the back of his hand also disappeared and turned into a series of thin lines that merged into the back of Roland's hand.

At the same time, a scream sounded in the sky, like a horn resounding around the world.

"You killed my child!" The voice of a **** rang in the sky.

"Child?" Luo Lin raised his head and looked to the sky, "Is he your bastard? When did you leave the wild species?"

"Luo Lin! You have to pay for it!"

Dark clouds hovered in the sky, and the surrounding air seemed to freeze, and it was depressing to make people unable to breathe.

And Luo Lin reunited the power of holy water, preparing to fight desperately against the gods of unknown origin in the sky.

Being able to fight with the gods and die here as a human is a great honor for him.

The thunder revolved in the dark clouds, and the power of ruining the sky condensed in the air.

After the loud noise that could shake the heavens and the earth, a waterfall of white thunder fell from the sky, completely submerging Luo Lin.

The terrifying power made Luo Lin feel numb. Even with the protection of holy water, he felt that he was almost crushed by this power.

This thunderbolt directly vaporized all the corpses on the ground, and penetrated the ground, revealing a bottomless pit.

Luo Lin, floating in the air, let out a puff of black smoke, and then fiercely compared a **** to the sky.

"Very well, Luo Lin. Without the protection of the **** of health, your only ending now is death. Pray, repent, this is the only thing you can do."

The second Thunder descended again, hitting the same position without any difference, causing Luo Lin to be directly hit by the Thunder.

The unprecedented pain made Luo Lin feel numb, and his body and soul seemed to be completely shattered by this terrifying attack.

But he always stood upright, and stubbornly sent his **** toward the sky.

"Neither of the two divine punishments killed you, and your tenacious vitality surprised me. Oh, it turned out to be the power of holy water. Hahaha."

"What are you laughing at?" Luo Lin asked, panting.

"I think of your adoptive father. I have a credit for his death. I think you should thank me, because if it weren't for me, you wouldn't get the holy water, and it would be impossible to get the blessing of holy water."

"...You bastard!"

"Are you angry? Are you finally angry? This is fun, this is fun! Seeing you being angry but unable to help me make me so happy!"

The third thunder condensed in the air, and the breath of death spread everywhere.

Just as Luo Lin felt that he would die here, the thunder in the sky suddenly stopped.

A few seconds later, the gods in the sky asked in surprise: "What are you doing here?"

"The iron rule? What iron rule? You don't really take this iron rule seriously, do you?"

"Do you also want to challenge the power of the gods? Interesting, then let me..."

This is the last word of the gods.

In the next second, the world changes color.

Luo Lin only felt something flying in the sky, and the dark clouds hovering here instantly disappeared.

The sky above my head was stained golden by the blood of The blood that was splashed out fell like raindrops, spilling over the entire battlefield.

It's almost the same world. All over the world, the priests belonging to the gods couldn't help crying, crying bitterly at the fall of this god.

The **** of health who was secretly watching also shuddered, very thankful that he did not offend this adult at the time.

Later, Luo Lin saw an acquaintance slowly walking down from the sky, behind which was a huge moving fortress.

And above the fortress, the head of the **** was placed there, and his huge face was filled with shock and fear before his death.

"I accidentally killed another god. Do you know which **** he is?"

"God of mountains, medium divine power." Luo Lin quickly replied, "I'm seeing you again, Lord Demon."

"Yes, Luo Lin." Lu Fan smiled and pulled Luo Lin up.


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