This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 9 Chapter 62: This is not the devil

Southern Front.

The soldiers of the Ninth Military Region watched desperately at the barracks being flooded by a wave of black corpses.

The solid city wall was vulnerable to the tide of corpses. The war weapons placed in the barracks were swallowed by the tide of corpses almost instantly. A large number of soldiers completely lost their courage in the face of the huge wave of dead army, screaming and fleeing to the rear, but The corpses immediately rushed up and dragged into it, and when he stood up again, it was already a walking dead among the corpses.

The remaining troops have retreated to the edge of the cliff, heading for a wave of corpses, and behind it is a dark abyss, no matter which way it is, it is a dead end.

A soldier picked up his weapon, ready to give himself a happy life, so as not to become a dead person without dignity.

Just when he was about to do it, he saw the light.

A ray of light descended from the sky at a rapid speed, into the tide of corpses, as if water had fallen into a hot oil pan.

"Get down."

Hearing this voice, the remaining soldiers involuntarily chose to surrender and squatted on the ground.

Then he felt the wind.

A gust of wind blew above his head, followed by foul-smelling black blood.


Barely opening his eyes, his pupils dilated instantly, and an incredible expression appeared on his face.

He saw the heads of tens of thousands of deceased being separated, and the flying heads were still roaring frantically, but the body had lost control, like an insect without a head twitching subconsciously.

A handsome and unbelievable young man walked over and amicably stretched out his hand to the soldier lying on the ground: "Can you still stand up?"


"Then the next thing is left to you. Later, the 22nd Military Region will send people to purify the dead, and I will trouble you to integrate other soldiers who have not sacrificed and cooperate with the 22nd Military Region's operations."

"Just take the liberty to ask, who are you?"

"The brave man."

The soldier would like to ask more, such as your name, your hobbies, and if there is a younger sister in my family, would you like to marry and become a brother with me?

But after seeing the next move made by the other party, his heart was only moved.

The other party inserted his weapon into the soil, then half-kneeled down and prayed devoutly.

After remembering the deceased, he picked up his sword and said to the soldier: "I have to rush to the next military area, and then it will be handed over to you. What is your name?"


"I remember this name. I am honored to appear on the same battlefield as you. May the world protect you."

Afterwards, the opponent turned into a streamer again, becoming a meteor in the sky, and flew towards the next military area.

Looking at this stream of light, Lucius understood that he had met a true brave.

After the clone Lu Fan swept the third military region, he found that the tide of corpses had begun to retreat.

After patrolling the remaining military districts, he turned back to the 22nd military district and landed in the camp.

"My Lord Brave, you have worked hard!"

Seeing the landing avatar Lu Fan, a muscular man immediately took the already prepared towel and hot milk, and respectfully handed it to the avatar Lu Fan.

"Fortunately, it's just a warm-up. I will trouble you to go to the ninth, thirteenth, and fortieth military districts for a purification. I can only cut off the dead and let them separate their souls and bodies. It depends on you."

"Don't worry, leave it to us, Lord Brave."

"Luo Lin, I want to report to him."

"At the headquarters, it looks like a few guests are here."

A group of muscular men admiringly watched the avatar Lu Fan walk towards the headquarters, and couldn't help but say: "It's worthy of being a brave among the brave men. Even if there is no muscle on the body, it makes people feel extremely mighty."

"If it has muscles, it will be more stylish." Another hunk nodded in agreement.

When the avatar Lu Fan pushed open the door of the headquarters, a series of screams were immediately emitted from inside.

Several slimes started to drill around the instant they saw the clone Lu Fan. One slime even pulled Luolin's mouth in despair, making his mouth wider so that one more slime could enter.

The slime hiding under the table squeezed the master painter: "Didn't you say that the devil went out to perform the task? Why did he come back so soon!"

"I don't know! Why did you pull me? I've been tortured long ago. It's your turn."

"No! I don't want to go back and tell others that my scariest life experience is in the hands of the devil!"

Just as the players were shaking, the clone Lu Fan kindly pulled the slimes out of the hiding place and placed them on the table.

"Professor, Angry Birds, it's been a long time since I saw each other, and it feels like I miss you. Why are you looking at me with this look?"

Looking at Demon King Lu, a six-good young man with a smile on his face, the professor changed his hand and slapped the master painter.

"Does it hurt?"

"No pain."

"Then you are dreaming."

"Wake up, Professor, haven't we all adjusted the pain to zero! Your logic is now confused."

"Just kidding, I'm a professor, how can the logic be confusing. I can still count prime numbers, 1..."

"1 is not a prime number, you are completely confused!"

"I'm sorry, the first time I saw such a cheerful Demon with a smile, I felt...a bit disgusting."

"Me too, but after a long time it's still pretty." The **** painter nodded, "This is all thanks to me and Luo Lin. If you show the demon king regularly every day with the effect of concept implantation, you can fix the personality of the demon king's clone. Within a template. It is hard to find a template for a cheerful and young boy. In order to maintain this state, I have to break my drawing and drawing hands every day."

"Do you have a hand?"

"Parables, do you even need someone to teach you what a metaphor is now!"

The avatar Lu Fan smiled and separated the two slimes, and then one slime gave a cube of sugar out.

"Hey, your companions need to be in love with each other. Don't quarrel at every turn. Eat a piece of candy. Sugar helps secrete dopamine, which will ease your mood."

The professor carefully put the sugar cube in his mouth, and then tentatively asked: "Master Devil, are you still angry about what happened before?"

"The ontology is almost mad, but I don't care. Compared to being angry, isn't there more interesting things in life worth pursuing? For example, saving the defeating all evil and so on."

The professor shook off the goose bumps on his body, and felt that the devil clone was disgusting.

Although he knew that the character of the avatar might not completely inherit the character of the body, and was easily influenced by the outside world, it still felt disgusting to see the demon king who used to calmly fished in the way he is now.

Suffocating the unhappiness, the professor said: "I am here to..."

"I promise you."

"You'll still answer! I haven't finished yet!"

"I believe you are all fighting for the happiness of this world. For such a group of great and noble fighters, why don't I believe it?"

"Stop talking, I'm going to vomit. God painter, you guys are a bit too much."

"It's okay, Luo Lin said that this is also good, better than the previous salted fish."

Sure enough, Luo Lin immediately cried with joy when he heard the words of the clone Lu Fan.

He walked up, took the shoulders of the avatar Lu Fan, and said movingly: "You are worthy of being the brave among the brave, your mental consciousness is too high! Don't hesitate, join Roland Church, you will definitely become a great King. !"

"Really, as the demon king, can I do it too?"

"No problem, trust me, no problem!"

The professor pointed to the scene with the spicy eyes, and said to the **** painter: "You call it okay? When the clone returns to the body, do you think the devil will become angry and hack everyone to death?"

"...Well, I will reflect on it."

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