This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 10 Chapter 8: Holy grail

As soon as the thought that came to the bishop's mind appeared, it took root and sprouted like a strong seed, and could never be separated.

He waved away the other priests and lay alone in a wicker chair thinking.

The shaking of the wicker chair reminded him of his mother's embrace, and the slight shaking sound flowed into his ears, making him more and more tired, until he fell asleep.

In his dream, he saw the future of the city of hot springs.

In other words, it is his imaginary future.

He saw that this once prosperous city had completely fallen, and the magnificent temple was now covered with a layer of dead ashes, and it seemed that it had not been cleaned for a long time.

The statue of the **** of health fell to the ground, full of cracks. Although it hadn't reached the point of being torn apart, it was not far from being broken.

"What's going on?" the old bishop murmured to himself.

At this moment, he suddenly heard laughter.

Turning his head, he saw the tall city wall standing where the sun rose. The thick city wall gave people a very reliable sense of security. The only drawback was that the city wall did not belong to him, but the new hot spring city on the opposite side.

Turning around, the bishop cautiously climbed the steps until he reached the highest point.

His sight could finally cross the city wall and see the scene on the other side of the city wall.

That was the scene he wanted to see in his dreams, and it was the kingdom of God in his dreams.

He saw everyone on an equal footing, beautifully dressed children and plainly dressed children playing in the park as much as they wanted, while their mother was not far away looking at them with a smile.

He saw a happy smile on everyone's face, and everyone could find his own suitable job.

There is no need for them to risk being burned into the factory just because of a few copper coins. Each of them has their own suitable development space.

They gave eight hours to work, eight hours to sleep, and another eight hours to themselves.

"Ah, it's so beautiful~"

Reaching out his hand to the distance, he carefully touched the beauty with his dry fingers like foam, as if he could catch the opposite thing in his palm.

But he knew clearly that it did not belong to him.

Once, he was also full of hope and joined the sect of the **** of health with the ideal of saving the world.

But in order to please his superiors, he abandoned his principles.

In order to please the rich, he abandoned his conscience.

In order to please the gods, he abandoned his dreams.

In retrospect, he had stood at the apex of the sect, but he found that his previous ideals had become farther and farther away.

If he were younger, he might still have the ambition to start again and compete with the new hot spring city on the opposite side.

but now……

"It's not too late."

The breeze blew by and sent a tempting whisper.

"It's not too late."

His feet suddenly loosened, and the steps carrying him suddenly broke, causing him to fall uncontrollably from a height.

In the desperate sense of falling, the old man awakened suddenly on the wicker chair, covered in sticky cold sweat.

It was getting late, and there was no moonlight outside, only thick darkness.

But in the new hot spring city in the distance, cheers and celebrations were endless, and they seemed to celebrate the birth of a victor.

The magnificent fireworks began to set off, and even through the glass, laughter could be heard there. Every sound was a mockery of him, mocking his cowardice and incompetence as a loser.

"I'm not incompetent, I'm just too old. If the people below work harder, I won't have to work so hard. No, no."

Hugging his head, he stubbornly covered his ears, but the laughter still came in between his fingers, making his headache worse and worse.

"It's not too late."

The murmur in the dream appeared again, allowing him to finally make a decision.

Dragging his aging body, he picked up the shadow lantern and came outside alone.

Due to the massive reduction in patients, the temple that used to be open all night has now closed early. The paladin who watched the night quickly saluted him when he saw him, but was immediately interrupted by the old man.

"Help me be vigilant, don't let anyone approach, no one can do it. I need to contact the **** of health again."

"But your body..."

"No problem, ahem, no problem."

After ordering the Paladin to garrison, the old man slowly moved like a snail to the prayer room where only the bishop could enter.

Counting on the wall, he found a suitable position and pulled the switch.

Accompanied by the faint mechanical sound, the ground slowly unfolded after a slight vibration, revealing a dark hole.

Hang the Glory Lantern on the protrusion outside the entrance of the cave, and the magic arts in the entrance of the cave are instantly activated, revealing a bright, bottomless passage.

Although it has been closed for many years, the air inside is not stale, but has a reassuring sense of sacredness.

Stepping on the stone steps, the bishop cautiously descended on the handrail.

The long steps took him a lot of time, and when he finally reached the bottom, he finally saw the artifact of the **** of health sealed here.

The divine artifact that exudes holy light is sealed in a holy relic cabinet made of gold. Although it is well sealed by a gold plate one centimeter behind, the sacredness of it still leaks from it.

Just as he was about to approach this artifact, a phantom appeared in front of the sacred chest, and a hollow bellows-like sound rang, coming towards the bishop with a deep chill.

"Don't touch him, you can't afford it."

"My ex-bishop... I'm sorry, I have to use this thing."

"Don't touch, go back..."

"Feel sorry."

Ignoring the warning from the phantom, the bishop stepped forward and placed his hand on the holy chest.

Accompanied by the trembling sound of people's teeth, the sacred cabinet that had been sealed for hundreds of years began to activate, and the golden shell was peeled off layer by layer, finally revealing the contents inside.

A wooden cup.

In the wooden cup, water that can be drunk in just one sip is stored there, quietly waiting for the next person to take it.

Stepping forward, the bishop held up the cup.

He looked at the water in the cup blankly, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind.

Finally, he raised his head and poured the cold liquid into his throat.

As soon as the liquid slid across his throat, a gentle voice rang in his ears.

"What do you want? Strength, wealth, or power?"

Hearing this voice, the bishop knew that the content in the foreign classics did not deceive him.

No longer hesitating, he said what he really wanted.

"I want……"

After listening to his needs, a gentle voice sounded again: "Well, I fulfill your wish. Your wish has been fulfilled, goodbye."

Subsequently, the wooden cup vanished in front of the old man's eyes, and finally disappeared without a trace.

The old man felt a huge pain hit, and he couldn't help kneeling in a low voice and moaning violently.

Above the clouds, God God commented on this scene, and then said to a little guy next to him: "You took a precious opportunity to contact me, just let me see this? I admit that it is interesting to see the appearance of the Holy Grail. , But overall, it’s too boring."

"I'm terrified." Seth lowered his head and apologized.

What appeared here was not Seth's body, but his shadow.

As a mortal, he didn't have enough strength to escape the long river of fate, and what allowed him to come here was just a request before the fall of the foolish god.

"Anytime, please give my back hand a chance to meet you."

It is the supreme honor to be able to meet the God of God, and the God of God did not expect Seth to use this precious opportunity This is the first time in endless reincarnation.

It seems that it is not only the devil, but the funny little guys that the devil summons are also influencing the world and making the world more and more fresh.

However, it is still a bit boring.

Seeing Seth apologizing, the gods shook his head gently.

"You don't have the function of fear, you don't even have fear. The toxin of foolishness has completely changed your mind, and you won't have this kind of emotion at all. You have other arrangements."

"Your wisdom admires me. Then please keep watching."

The God God watched patiently at the bishop below, and after seeing the change of the other side, he finally smiled slightly.

"It looks a little fun now."


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