This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 10 Chapter 21: The reunion of the devil and the brave

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In fact, last night, a high priest of the **** of health came to the new hot spring city and expressed his readiness to surrender.

However, due to the heavy rain, the players and the Demon King Knights need to prepare for flood prevention in the new hot spring city, so it is temporarily impossible to check each other's true intentions.

This torrential rain came very suddenly, and the maximum rainfall per hour reached two hundred millimeters.

If it were not for the spacious flood discharge system established by the players underground, then this heavy rain would inevitably bring great losses.

Even so, they still spent a lot of time rescuing people, reducing losses, and trying to minimize losses.

Until most of the personnel were evacuated, they had no chance to take a break in the conference room and saw Lu Fan returning to the human world.

"Master Devil is back!"

"It's Lord Demon! Don't hesitate, lick him with your tongue!"

"It's a pity that the mysterious person has left, otherwise I immediately mimicked two tongues, licking the dog twice, and twice as happy!"

Lu Fan, who was squeezed in the middle, threw away one slime after another, and then said to the high priest who came to surrender: "I already know about you. I believe in your sincerity. What are your conditions?"

The sacrifice of the **** of health glanced at Lu Fan fearfully.

At this time, Lu Fan was able to make good use of his own divine power, and the sacred aura that had been released had been well hidden by him, but the temperament of his body still made people afraid to look directly at him.

"Originally, our contradiction was only concentrated within human beings, but the former protagonist's behavior has destroyed this. In order not to bring greater losses, I decided to surrender."

"Is this your idea, or the idea of ​​the **** of health sect?"

"My. But at present, I am the only high priest in the sect of the God of Health, and all the others have been dismissed. In this case, I am the only bishop, and I can represent the sect of the God of Health."

"Very good." Lu Fan nodded, "A wise choice. I agree to your request. The Health God sect can be merged into the Unnamed Gods sect, and has the power to partially teach independently. But you have no tax rights. You cannot buy land at will. All expenses must be paid through the sect of the Unknown God. Do you agree?"

The high priest gave a wry smile.

The fiscal revenue was restricted, which was a very heavy blow to the health **** sect.

But in this case, he has no bargaining power.

The so-called negotiation should be based on the same or similar strength.

After the former bishop went crazy and disbanded the sect of the **** of health to inspire the Holy Grail, the restrictions of the sect of the **** of health have survived in name, and it is fortunate to be able to keep some basics.

"Yes, I agree."

"Okay, professor, editor, take a group of players and members of the knights to receive the city of hot springs, and then I need to see related reports and tell me what the city can be used for. When I go out, help me treat this group of perverts. Take it away, I don't want to be licked all the time."

"Just satisfy them," the professor said, "just treat it as good deeds."

"The 15th of Tongzilin Community."

Hearing these words, the professor's face changed drastically.

My address is leaked!

Can you find so many things through the channel?

The professor quickly yelled, "Get out of me all! How can you bother the great Demon Lord! Get out!"

After the professor drove the people out, Lu Fan suddenly shouted: "Send An Jie'er in. I'm going to listen to her work report."

A few minutes later, Anjieer walked in with the report.

She was wearing a light gray suit, her long golden hair was braided, and she seemed to have a very mature charm.

After sitting down, she put on flat glasses and said directly: "The development of the Knights of the Demon King is not bad recently, and various situations are in an orderly development..."

"Can you interrupt a bit?" Lu Fan removed the hair dangling in front of his nose.

"What's the matter? Are you asking about glasses and clothes? I consulted your subordinates, and they said that this is the formal dress for reporting work. Does it look good?"

"It's okay, but I don't think this is the point. Why are you sitting directly on top of me?"

Anjieer's face blushed slightly: "Am I getting heavier recently?"

"How do I feel that my focus is different from yours!"

An Jie'er took off her glasses, leaned against Lu Fan's chest, and stretched out her hand to wrap around Lu Fan's neck.

"If you don't like it, you can push me away, I don't mind. I will give you three seconds to consider, three, two, one. Okay, time is up."

"So why are you sitting on me?"

Anjieer smiled slightly, then ignored the question and continued to introduce.

"There are a lot of members who have joined recently. We combined your subordinates' requirements to work together in terms of thinking and team building. Now we have a good control. The idea of ​​sect command guns is great, and we have enough supplies to add new members. The members of the People’s Republic of China have a good enough life supply, so whether material or spiritual, I am sure to build a sufficiently strong and cohesive army."

"Master Luo Lin also wrote to me recently. He is also constantly rectifying the rebels in the south, and he has achieved some results, but it is not too big. He needs a group of non-commissioned officers to command and rectify the atmosphere of the rebels in the south. , So it is expected that after a while, we will need to go to the south. By the way, he recently appointed the Unknown God as the patron saint of New Roland Church. We are all believers of the Unknown God. You also have a new position, Deputy Dharma King. Haha, it is really interesting to let a **** and demon king be a Deputy Dharma King."

Lu Fan felt that he had listened, but he didn't seem to listen.

His eyes were full of dangling ponytails, and he couldn't concentrate his mind.

An Jie'er in her arms is small, soft, and feels like a soft cloud, exuding a good smell.

After finally waiting for An Jie'er to report, Lu Fan was relieved.

But An Jie'er didn't mean to come down. Instead, she asked generously: "Okay, after the report is over, do you want to have afternoon tea together?"

"No, I still need to optimize the code. That's it for today."

"Unfortunately, I know a milk tea shop is pretty good? With honey and mint leaves, UU reading tastes refreshing."

"No thanks."

"Okay, then I won't bother you. By the way, I forgot to ask, when will you stay?"

"Probably a long time."

"That's good, you are welcome to come back, Lord Demon. Then I will leave first."

Walking out lightly, Anjieer's footsteps went faster and faster, and finally seemed to fly.

Hiding in an empty corner, her tension was fully released at this moment, making her face full of red blood.

She covered her mouth tightly, panting violently, her heart beating violently seemed to jump out at any time, making her feel trembling all over.

"Oh my God... I really did this..."

In the room, Lu Fan was also in a daze.

An Jie'er's temperature still remained in her arms, there seemed to be the shadow of a beating braid in front of her eyes, and the other party's smell still remained in the air.

He wanted to turn the book for a while, but he couldn't enter a word.

He closed the book helplessly, and leaned on the chair tiredly.

"It's miserable... Almost... No, it should have been a long time ago..."

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