This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 10 Chapter 23: How could we not lose

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"The judgment criteria have been sent to everyone, and everyone will be tested according to this standard. In the process of testing, the **** of death will use [chain reaction] on you, and the best effect is 300 meters. Because this skill requires time to pass Accumulation, so we need to calculate the safety of the house through time. If it can last for 15 minutes, even if it is normal, then the next area can be checked and accepted. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" a group of players wearing full armor and looking like canned slimes shouted loudly.

"Okay, get ready to start."

When Reaper came, he immediately used his skills on the other ten players.

The locked players were very relaxed at first, but as the effects of the skills continued to spread, they became less and less calm.

In the beginning, only a stone suddenly flew in, and then gradually evolved into a flow arrow, and finally even a small bullet tested by the secondary siege lion also flew in, headshot a player on the spot.

When the time accumulated to 13 minutes, accompanied by a loud noise, the load-bearing beam of the house they were in suddenly broke from the middle, and the entire ceiling was instantly pressed down, burying all the players in it.

"Thirteen minutes, the dilapidated house, I have to contact the demolition as soon as possible...Oh, no, it has been demolished. Very good, it is good to check and demolish a dragon. Those who are not dead will come out and continue to work, and those who are dead will be resurrected and come back to work. Let's go. Next place."

Aside, the high priests who were going to see how these slimes worked were stunned.

He pointed to the ruins in surprise, and asked in horror: "Aren't you saving your companions? I think they can still be rescued!"

"It's not necessary, the cost of rescue is too high. Moreover, it is generally impossible to die at this level. Just resurrect after death. In comparison, I am a pity for the plate armor."

"It's a pity that you are in the plate armor! If your companion comes alive, does he think so too! You do not value your companions so much, I am mistaken for you!"

"I'm thinking of life and worthless, is there any problem with the Heartache Plate Armor?"

While talking, nine of the ten players had already emerged from the ruins, shaking off the dust from their heads, and preparing to continue working.

The only hapless guy also quickly resurrected, looking at the ruins and said regretfully: "It's a pity that the plate armor is gone. I spent ten honors."

"After finishing these orders, there is a lot of honor. Let's go, the next place. High priest, do you want to visit with us?"

The high priest shook his head woodenly, "No, I think I should leave a little room for relaxation, otherwise I will definitely be crazy."

Watching the group of slimes leave, the high priest felt that he still knew too little about demons.

A few minutes later, another group of players arrived here.

They drove a group of slimy slimes and quickly swallowed the ruins here.

After the swallowing, these slimes exploded and died instantly, but the ruins swallowed were divided into categories within their bodies, facilitating the next batch of slimes to be used again.

They are proficient in digging holes underground, laying foundations, burying magic circles, connecting water pipes, and then using quick-drying cement to pile up the previous building materials into a brand new building.

In less than half a day, an exquisite and unique apartment was completed. Although the apartment only had running water, it was treated like a paradise compared to before.

"Okay, you can move in in ten hours." The leading group star Mengxin said to the former owners of the house, "Unfortunately, the boss should not change and run away from home, otherwise we can be more efficient."

"Thank you very much, messengers of the Unknown God. But, does this really allow us to try it out for free?" the manager in charge of hundreds of poor people asked weakly.

This house was originally the place where the poor lived. When they knew that the players would renovate for free, they once suspected that it was a means of occupying the land by the other party.

"How can it be free!" Qunxing Mengxin said immediately, "You will need to work for this house in the future. The monthly renovation cost will be deducted from the work. We have already deducted the land occupation fee. Of course, you can also not accept it. , We will provide a certain amount of funds, you can move elsewhere, then we will sell the houses here to others."

"No, no, we accept. Can you show us the contract?"

The manager took the contract handed over by the other party, and was stunned after reading it.

Holding the contract tightly, the steward asked in disbelief, "You not only gave us a new house, but also a job?"

"Is there anything wrong? Or is the salary too low? Everyone is very nervous now. Although we are rich, rash use will lead to inflation, so we must use gold coins in a planned way. Of course, if you perform well If so, we will take a disguised salary increase in kind. It includes two barrels of cooking oil a month, two kilograms of vegetable butter cake, meat, three very popular seafood rolls, movie tickets, etc. But I It is not recommended that you go to the movies recently. After all, the director has been under the guidance of the director recently, and he has recently returned."

Seeing that the steward was still looking at him blankly, Qun Xing Mengxin asked suspiciously: "Is there anything else? I think you are a little excited now."

"No, it's nothing... I just can't believe it's true. Thank you, thank the nameless god."

"That's the attitude. When you are fine, thank the Unknown God more. Before the cement solidifies, you can find another place to rest. By the way, I have a hundred dessert rolls here. You can try ice cream. Nothing. Not to mention, it is really convenient to make ice cream in a magical world."

Holding the dessert roll given by Qunxing Mengxin, the steward came to the dessert station with suspicion.

Behind them, the high priest followed them unhurriedly, preparing to use this as an entry point to observe their behavior.

Although most of the priests of the gods of health have given up their plans to confront, the high priests still retain a little illusion.

He was not prepared to directly confront the group of slimes, he wanted to learn their methods as much as possible, so as to prepare for the revival of the sect of the **** of health.

The influence of the nameless **** was deeper than he had imagined. After walking out of the temple, he saw that every household put out the statues of the unknown **** that were hidden before. The number of them was breathtaking.

This powerful ability to penetrate and spread makes the high priests feel that they really didn't lose injustice at all.

At the same time, he increasingly wanted to learn the secrets of the other party.

Although it may not compete with the nameless **** by then, it should still be possible to develop it elsewhere.

But the more he goes, the more he has no bottom.

He saw the corpses hung on the street lamp, it was the dark forces in the city of hot springs.

Scarface, one-eyed, wolf claws... familiar madmen are hung on the street lights, and the bodies are full of flies.

Some of their party members, some not so wicked guys were tied under the street lights, and a wooden board was placed in front of everyone with their guilt written on it.

All of them kneeling on the ground were black and famous figures, but under the hammer of the Slime and the Demon King Knights, they were all honestly like little sheep now.

The previous health **** sect did not pay attention to the bottom, they even gave the lives of the bottom people to this group of leaders, as long as the other party can pay the poll tax on time.

But now, the Unknown Gods sect has directly separated from this group of people in the most blazing way, telling everyone: this kind of scum, we don't want to use it.

Standing in front of a corpse, the high priest found that the fatal injury to the opponent was only the impact of being hanged, but his corpse was full of scars.

Every scar was left after his death, which was a manifestation of the anger of the bottom people.

Staring at the corpse, the high priest felt that it was no longer a corpse, but a banner.

A banner of the people's awakening.

"How could we not lose?" The high priest sighed long.

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