This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 10 Chapter 34: you lose

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While other slimes challenged Grant and competed for the ownership of the Valkyrie on the battlefield, the professor jumped onto the bed and picked up a lollipop: "Say, what's the matter, I will be responsible for you."

Jonia looked at the professor with tears in her eyes: "Really, are you really responsible to me?"

"Nonsense, I am your half dad, who is not responsible for you. Why did you get here, and what's the situation on the Southern Front recently? I haven't paid attention to that side for a long time."

Jonia wiped away her tears and finally began to explain the situation on the southern front.

Although the professor has not asked questions about the southern front for a long time, under Luo Lin's command, the southern front still remains undefeated.

But recently a new batch of dead have appeared.

They are stronger than the previous Reapers, and the surface of the corpse is also covered with black beetle-like exoskeleton, which makes them move faster and fight more tenaciously.

To make matters worse, the Roland Church finally assembled a huge army, and they coordinated the army of 5,000 knights to kill on the southern front, among which there were many alternate heroes active in it.

With the attack on both sides, the occupied area of ​​the southern front continued to shrink.

In the end, Luo Lin decided to break through to the north, merge with the Demon King Knights in the new hot spring city, and finally consider the next step.

However, the movement of 400,000 troops will inevitably involve a lot of work, logistics supplies, food supplies, etc. will become problems, and various movements are involved in the middle, so he appointed three Valkyrie to investigate.

"So, you are here to investigate?" the professor asked suspiciously, "I don't know much about the battlefield, but you are investigating too far, right."

"No, we were good at investigating, but we suddenly met the guy outside the door. He rushed up excitedly when he saw us. We fought and retreated, but in the end we were repelled. Two outsiders Abandoned me, and I was captured, and then taken back here. When did the barbarians in the north be so terrifying, I want to find my mother!"

"Don't cry, it seems that a contact person is needed to pick up Luo Lin. What is the Roland Church thinking now, this time there is still internal chaos, I really don't fear death."

When the offline contacted Altoria, the professor said: "There is a job, need to fight, can you pick it up?"

"How much do you want?"

The professor looked at Altoria's reply and felt that this girl was really a war monger.

"You don't need money, you go straight. You can handle it yourself. The destination is the Southern Front. I need you to open a road to facilitate Luo Lin's arrival. By the way, there are 400,000 people there. Remember to let everyone pay attention to the supply problem. "

"Properly, leave it to me!"

After finishing the call, Altoria went straight back to the game and shouted: "Little ones, there is a war."

In less than half an hour, more than a dozen magic stone chariots drove out of the new hot spring city. Hundreds of slimes led a group of soldiers, under the cover of the steel torrent, singing and rushing to the south. .

The former High Priest of the God of Health, who was standing outside the city and inspecting the people’s conditions, looked at the dusty troops, and the bishop of the God of Health couldn’t help but mutter to himself: "Are they going to destroy the country?"

On the other side, the professor, who knew everything was done, told Ionia to wait in bed, and then jumped out of the room, ready to see the situation outside.

Then, he saw the scene of Spicy Eyes.

More than a dozen beautiful girls are sitting together, and in front of them are piles of various clothes.

These clothes are all weird, from sailor suits to kimonos, from cheongsams to Lolitas, there are all kinds of clothes, the only thing in common is color.

If it weren't for their IDs on their heads, the professor would have thought that the girls in Changfeng City would be like this.

At this moment, a soft scream suddenly sounded on the court. A slime just jumped onto the court and was knocked out with a stick by Grant holding a wooden stick. When she landed, she turned into a cute and beautiful girl.

"Oh, it's a shame that I lost (great reading)."

This beautiful girl rushed to the other girls excitedly, and said with a smile on her face: "This NPC is really too powerful. I didn't expect to lose this kind of welfare, no, it is punishment. Do you have any extra clothes? Give me a set."

"My sister is in such a good figure, of course she has to wear a high-fork cheongsam. Come on, sister, I will teach you how to wear it. By the way, let me see that your development is abnormal."


If it is a normal beautiful girl who is interacting, the professor feels that he can not open his eyes for knowledge and appreciate it.

But when he thought that these guys were actually pure men offline, this scene made him feel a little bit cold.

"What are they doing!" The professor couldn't help asking about the only president of the Chamber of Commerce who looked normal next to him.

"It's Grant's restriction." The president of the Chamber of Commerce said, "Grant's tribe has some giant bloodlines, which makes their reproductive ability amazingly poor. Therefore, Grant specifically sought the help of the breeding demon and obtained this restriction."

"I probably understand, the effect of this restriction is that he can turn the loser into a beautiful girl during the duel?"

"No, it's about turning the other person into a beauty or handsome guy of the opposite sex."

"Oh, I see, Star Cannon is ready!"

A star cannon fell accurately, directly killing more than a dozen beautiful girl players who were still discussing what foundation to use for whitening.

The players who returned from the resurrection saw that they had become the original chubby appearance again, and they wanted to cry without tears.

"Professor, how can you be so cruel?"

"Yeah, finally there is an NPC that can be dressed up, can't you let us come back after we are cool?"

"Shut up!" the professor said grimly, "I almost vomited when I saw it. Get rid of Grant and take the bride away. We have to spread capitalism to the next city."

"Well, UU read but we will change it again, just once."

"Swordsman, hurry up! Before I see more disgusting things, he will get rid of the opponent."

The swordsman who came here with the slimes can only stand up.

He was still holding a breath.

After the table tennis match, he continued to find all kinds of good players to fight in accordance with the instructions of the mysterious man, and tried hard to let his body learn swordsmanship.

Although he can feel that his strength is growing, he always feels that there is still a long way to go before the swordsmanship he wants.

He knew he was already strong, but he still felt that he was not enough.

Standing opposite Grant, he just glanced at him and said softly, "You lose."

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