This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 10 Chapter 43: The truth behind the glasses

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After waiting for a while in the meeting room of the castle, the vampire lord arrived late.

In order to take care of their eating habits, the vampire lord deliberately prepared human food, and he also tasted some of it himself, but most of the time he drank the bright red blood liquid.

After the banquet, they were arranged in the guest room again.

As soon as he entered the room, the weak chicken man released his mimicry and threw himself on the soft cloud-like bed.

"No matter how many times, I have to say, this game is really interesting, I feel as if I really ate a lot of things. Nothing unusual, what are you thinking about?"

Lu Fan sat in a rocking chair and looked at the night sky outside the window: "It feels wrong."

"What's the matter, did you accidentally eat shit? Let me tell you, this is commonplace, just get used to it."

Lu Fan lazily treated this funny comparison, still staring at the lord's room outside the window: "Not alone."

"What's the meaning?"

"What we saw in the afternoon was not the same guy that we saw in the evening."

The weak chicken man thought about it carefully for a long time, but no matter how he recalled it, the two of them were exactly the same.

"It's ordinary, it's immoral to deceive fans with sensational rumors."

"Don't bring my moral bottom line to your level. Forget it, I'll take a bath and think as I soak."

Lu Fan jumped out of the room alone and came to the bathroom here.

I have to say that the slime form is quite interesting.

Although it is not very convenient to move, he feels that all this is quite fun after his attributes have been improved to a certain level and he has mastered the way of jumping and traveling.

Especially when taking a bath in slime form, the feeling that the whole ball is about to melt in the water is warm and hazy, making him feel uncomfortable if he doesn't soak every day.

He was the only ball in the empty bathroom, jumped into the hot water, and he spread out his body comfortably, leaving himself in a state of melting but not melting.

"Comfortable, a slime is so comfortable. Next time, create another clone to experience the different feelings. But if you come to a yellow storm book at this time, and another magic stone sauna, it will be even more refreshing. NS."

When Lu Fan was thinking about whether to make this slightly excessive request, he suddenly felt that the color of the water was a bit wrong.

There was a lot of red liquid in the turbid hot spring water.

Mimicking his body as a businessman, he walked around the water-spraying statue in the middle and saw the corpse behind the statue.

Is the lord of vampires.

The other party had a quiet smile on his face, and he was holding soap as a test item, but unfortunately he didn't have time to use it anymore.

The butler soon came here.

He looked at the dead vampire lord blankly, then rang the bell.

After a while, several maids with the same expressionless face appeared and began to tidy up the corpse expertly.

They pulled out the wooden stakes from the chest of the corpse, sutured the wound carefully with needles, and cleaned up the blood on the corpse on the spot, and then stuffed it into the prepared body bag.

They should have done this kind of thing many times. The whole process was orderly and there was no exchange, but everyone knew what they should do.

From beginning to end, they never looked at Lu Fan.

When the body was transported away and several maids stayed to clean the floor, the housekeeper turned his head and said to Lu Fan, "I'm sorry, sir, our lord suddenly felt sick, so can you please go back temporarily?"

And Lu Fan stared at each other, and asked after a while: "I have always wanted to ask, but this question may be a little sensitive. I just want to know, about your identity, can I ask now?"

The butler looked at Lu Fan in amazement, and then shook his head.

"Sorry, it's my working time, I don't accept all questions. But after twelve o'clock, my work is over. You can go to my residence outside the city to find me, you should know where it is, right? By the way, don't come in, my sister is very sensitive."

Lu Fan glanced at the clock hanging on the wall.

The display of this clock is very interesting. It is not displayed in a twenty-four-hour manner, but divides the dial into one hundred and sixty-eight divisions, and each division should represent an hour.

At this time, the clock of this watch just reached the position of 23.5.

"This is a seven-day table. It is a special calculation method of this kind. Because the vampire lord’s activity cycle is calculated in seven days, he must have seven days to sleep and seven days to perform activities, so he went to this special method. The calculation is also very simple. , Just subtract a multiple of 24 for calculation. Time is almost up, I hope you can prepare in advance."

Lu Fan nodded, then left the lord's mansion and ran out of the city.

On this moonless night, a slime leaped under the night sky, and for some reason it had a very refreshing feeling.

All the way to the outside of Bi Luosi's courtyard, Lu Fan found that Bi Luosi had been waiting for a long time.

He still wears the housekeeper's suit, but the mask on his face has been removed, revealing a slightly immature face.

"You are... ordinary, right? That rumor is actually true. You are really a group of slimes." Billoss smiled and said to Lu Fan, "I'm very curious, how do you recognize me? Yes, I am very confident in my drag skills."

"Coincidentally, I am also very confident in my recognition skills."

Bi Luosi laughed happily.

After laughing, he squeezed his chin and looked at Lu Fan curiously: "It's really interesting. We only met a few times, but I feel that we have known each other for a long time."

"You are my first major customer, so I feel a little bit emotional."

"Really, I really don't remember that I did this kind of Then solemnly introduce myself, my name is Billoth, treasure hunter."

"Nothing unusual, a normal slime."

"Too modest but criminal, you are not ordinary at all. Sorry, for some reason, I can't let you in. My sister Camilla is very sensitive to my work, and her spirit is very fragile. What happened last night It has made her restless and only fell asleep this morning."

"Um... sorry."

Bi Luosi showed a smile that really was yours.

Taking out a lollipop, he tore open the candy package and put it in his mouth, muttering, "I smoke a cigar, don't you mind."

"You are obviously a lollipop. And it's our goods. Have you paid for it?"

"Don't talk about being broken, falsehood and reality are often in the line, as long as I think this is a cigar, it is a cigar."

"how is the taste?"

"...It really is still a lollipop."

For Bi Luosi, Lu Fan had a very subtle feeling.

In the future, the other party will be his first customer, and he is very envious of the local tyrant's style of not short of money.

The first generation of people living in him was one of the reasons why he and Luo Lin met. Lu Fan was also impressed by the care he took to his sister Camilla, so it is difficult to hate such a guy.

Sitting quietly with each other for a while, Biloxi asked, "What do you want to know?"

"Is this town fake?"

"Well... at some point in the past, it was real. But now, it is false. Use this to see."

He took off his single-sided glasses and gave them to Lu Fan, and Biloth motioned to Lu Fan to put them on.

After putting on his glasses, Lu Fan realized that there was no small town in front of him.

It's a cemetery.

The endless cemetery.


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