This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 10 Chapter 46: Reincarnation of the town

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"From the report, the only way to get rid of the secret town is to play a role, and then keep exploring the secrets here, and finally find a way to get rid of it." Lu Fan meditated while filming the report.

"However, the method of contact is not specific." The weak chicken man also pondered. "Before, Biloth used the [Real Glasses] in the secret town to see through the vampire's real body, and then ended up with the other party, so he felt here It may be the same. So do we also need to follow this direction? Find the true body of this vampire lord through the identity of a trader, and then kill him?"

"It should be possible, but I always feel that there are some things that have not been penetrated. Forget it, let's take a step forward. I am responsible for coordinating information here, and you are responsible for collecting information."

"Well, it was such a happy decision."

The weak chicken man walked out of the room confidently, and only after a while did he realize that he was being routine.

Isn't this just a tiring job, I'll do the credit for your exclusive use!

With such a righteousness, Ling Ran didn't expect to have **** with the dead demon king.

But this is the end of the matter, and the weak chicken man feels that he has no choice.

After thinking about it for a moment, he asked himself a question: If this happens when he takes off his clothes, what will he choose?

Probably they will ask the vampire lord's substitute a few questions, and then use a series of inhumane methods to ask the opponent's master whereabouts, and then find relevant clues to kill the opponent in a hurry, and thoroughly understand this copy.

But the problem is, I don't have that ability!

In desperation, he had to open QQ, and then sent the existing information to take off his clothes.

"Striped dressing~ I'm so embarrassed recently, can I help others~"

Taking off his clothes has been in a state of losing contact recently. The weak chicken man just wanted to try, but he didn't expect to take off his clothes to actually reply.

"I just want to take a break, why are you doing this to me?"

"Undressing~You are finally online!"

"I will give you five seconds to withdraw the message."

The weak chicken man silently pressed the message for a long time, and then chose to withdraw, and asked in a more formal tone: "Take off your clothes, I have encountered a trouble, the thing is like this..."

After reading the description of the weak chicken man carefully, he took off his clothes and did not ask for the details. Instead, he asked: "New player? Mediocre? How did it come?"

"I don't know, is this problem important? I think it's more important to hide the task."

"No, it's important. You said that slime is surprisingly handsome... well, I see, it seems that he also has his own goals."

"what's the situation?"

"It's nothing, if he doesn't say it, you don't have to go into it. By the way, I recently took the time to go there. Seventy-five years later, some information has been sent to you. Remember to ask the devil to write it down as Lucifer's diary. Seventy Five years later, the situation is more troublesome than I thought. We need to be fully prepared. Fortunately, all of our current actions are preparing for the ultimate goal."

"Wait, what is the ultimate goal?"

"There is no need to tell you yet. Just treat me as a riddler. The more you talk about it, the higher the price you will pay at that time. Okay, let's just say so much. This incident can be carried out in an ordinary manner. , You can play as you like."

"Hey, you didn't say anything except for wasting me five minutes! Give some hints anyway!"

"...You really can’t do anything about it. You rely too much on Bi Luosi’s report, but ignore the essence of evil things. The essence of evil things is to learn from fear and grow. Before that, it was entirely luck that Bi Luosi was able to complete that secret town. Killing the lord of the vampire just happened to make the object possessed by the evil object no longer fear, thus cutting off the source of the evil object's power. Use this kind of thinking to solve this problem, not from the surface."

"Oh I see."


"I lied to you, I don't know anything."

"... Sooner or later, you will die on your mouth. That's it. I will take a short break and continue preparing. There will be more troubles."

After the call, the weak chicken man didn't know what he was doing when he took off his clothes, but he always felt that the other party should be doing something very important.

Killing the first generation is just the beginning, searching for the royal family should be just a process, the real highlight is yet to come.

"Forget it, the sky is falling and there is a wise man against it, so I will solve this copy first."

After sorting out his emotions, the weak chicken man liberated his psionic weapons.

After three months of special training by Allen, the biggest gain of the weak chicken man is not that his spellcasting ability has been greatly improved, but that he has opened up psionic weapons.

After awakening, his original special skills and psychic weapons merged with each other, resulting in special changes.

Originally there were only seven True Sight Eyes, now it has expanded to hundreds, and the effective range has also been expanded to five square kilometers, allowing him to monitor nearby situations without blind spots.

What's more useful is that he can now see the situation within seven days of the corresponding location, which is very helpful for observing the town.

After unfolding the psionic arm, hundreds of True Eyes fed on his psychic energy and flew in all directions, enshrouding the entire town.

Using psychic energy to record everything, he began to watch the full picture of the reincarnation of this small town at high speed.

Almost nothing happened in the first six days, but on the seventh day, a **** mist enveloped the entire town.

Accompanied by the gloomy red wind, every human being who inhaled the blood mist began to bleed from its seven orifices, and the internal organs in the body melted because of the blood mist, and finally turned into a lump of blood flowing out of the mouth.

Everyone's death time is not consistent, but at this time, those who die late will bear more pain. They have to watch the people around them die a little bit, and wait until their end in despair.

At the end of the reincarnation, the entire town has turned into a dead town, and there are sheets of human skin without internal organs, soaked in blood water and wrinkled.

Then, a black carriage came out of the lord's mansion.

The driver who was driving was also infected with blood fog.

He vomited blood and drove the carriage until he reached the middle of the town, and then fell to the ground.

The vampire lord got off the carriage.

He looks exactly like his double, but it looks even more gloomy, and his face is full of fear and sorrow.

When he walked to a little girl who was vomiting blood, he finally broke down.

Hugging the little girl, he howled and questioned loudly towards the sky.

The weak chicken man thought that he was the man behind the slaughter town, but seeing this scene, he felt something was not quite right.

If the vampire lord is the real murderer, then he will certainly not be like now, UU看书www. is full of despair about the tragedy.

It's a pity that True Eye can only see images, but can't hear any sounds, otherwise the weak chicken man must be able to find more information.

The lord of the vampire was yelling and hoarse, but it didn't help the final result.

In the end, he could only put down the girl's body feebly, walked to the back of the carriage, and took out the crosses one by one.

After inserting a cross in every pool of blood, he was very familiar with his last behavior.

He hung himself up, poured garlic, and finally pierced his heart with a dagger.

This is a ceremony.

A ceremony used to appease the first generation.

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