This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 10 Chapter 50: Lu Fan's eyes sharpened

"I didn't expect this time to end so soon. Your help was really great. According to the previously agreed content and the score of the found evil, which one do you want?" Biloth asked with the trophy.

After the town was broken, there were a total of two evil creatures born from the illusion, one was the front paws of an unknown animal that was shriveled, and the other was a live spider stored in a palm-sized glass bottle.

Lu Fan is not very interested in evil things. After all, he is at his level. Instead of looking for external power, it is better to sort out his own abilities. Moreover, his current body has no value for improvement.

The Little Madman Policewoman, Wolong, and Feng Chi were also not very interested in these two things, so in the end they gave the choice to the weak chicken man.

The weak chicken man looked at these two things and didn't know which one to choose.

Because evil things are brought on by the laws of the outside world, it is completely impossible to use identification techniques to identify them, and everything can only rely on luck and intuition.

"The front paw is still a spider. It's really not a good choice. Forget it, a golden horse and a silver horse. I will go to pick flowers with my grandmother. It's you, the front paw!"

Picking up the front paws, the weak chicken man was not happy for a few seconds before he saw the front paws drifting by the wind inexplicably.

Holding a pile of dust blankly, the weak chicken man asked: "What?"

"A curse-type evil thing." Biloth thought thoughtfully.

"what is that?"

"We don't have much research on evil things, we only know that there are about a few categories. My [Real Glasses] are auxiliary evil things, but this front paw should be a cursing evil thing."

"It doesn't sound very good."

"Forget it, the curse-type evil thing often has a very special nature, and once contacted, it can't be removed."

"No way! This dog game can still be played like this, a rhythm that accidentally deletes the number! And why are you okay if you touch it!"

"Maybe I haven't reached the standard of this evil thing," Billuosi said with a smirk. "Think about it, what are the differences between you and me?"

"Too many, first of all the species is different! No, I have to cast a spell on myself to calm down."

Although it is a high demon world, the magic of the human world is still at a relatively backward level. Unlike the devil of hell, if you can't rub a fireball with your bare hands during barbecue, it will be regarded as second-class disabled.

The weak chicken man uses third-order magic for himself [Calmness], although it is not as easy to use as the priest of the earth god, but it is more than enough to let a person calm down.

Usually, after the weak chicken man is bullied, ignored, and the video is prostituted, he will go to the game to [calm down] himself, so as to better face the next life.

But this time, his magic movement was a bit too big.

The dazzling white light bloomed from his body, and the intense light instantly dyed the vision of everyone present to white, and it took a long time to slowly fade away.

After the white light disappeared, the mad little policewoman jumped up with tears and knocked the weak chicken man to the ground.

"You messed up!"

The weak chicken man who was knocked over turned dozens of somersaults on the ground, and then slowly turned over.

After standing at attention, there was no sadness or joy on his face, shining with the wisdom of the monk's epiphany.

"How happy is life, nor fearful of death, I have realized it."

"Weak chicken man, what's the matter with you? If you are kidnapped, you wink?"

"Don't call me weak chicken man, call me weak chicken Zen master."

"Are you sure you want to engage in such a weird title?"

"A name is nothing but something outside of the body, I just want to name it casually."

"After that, can I call you a dog egg?"

"It's okay, it's okay. The donor is happy."

Looking at the weak chicken man who was obviously too calm, Lu Fan nodded: "It turns out that it was the effect."

Biloth also agreed and said: "No wonder I can't trigger it. It turned out to be an evil object aimed at the magician. This evil object seems to greatly enhance the casting effect, but the specific situation needs further experimentation."

Enhancing the casting effect seems like a good thing, but it's not actually the case.

After all, not every magician is like Lu Fan, advocating artillery is justice.

In their eyes, magic is a very delicate and ingenious work of art, and every magic needs to produce its due power in the right way to achieve its ultimate goal.

The excessive casting effect will interfere with the final formation of this artwork, making everything develop in an uncontrollable direction.

But Lu Fan thought for a while, and it didn't seem to be a problem.

Anyway, the weak chicken man is usually quite useless, giving him a new buff may still be useful.

Moreover, other magicians might be very disappointed by this kind of curse, but he is the weak chicken man, and maybe after that, he will start to show how to use gas expansion to make the ancient dragon blossom in public.


After confirming that there was no major problem, the group decided to move on to the next destination.

Treasure hunters are the little smarts of Grolin's collar. With their help to gather information, everything will become simple.

After Biloth blew the whistle, his partner, Francis, rushed over in a carriage and parked the carriage beside everyone.

And the weak chicken man who has understood the form of the eminent monk glanced at Francis and said in a low voice: "Donor, life and death are the avenue of heaven and earth. The behavior of the donor has interfered with the cycle of heaven and earth. Please be careful with the donor."

"What is he talking about?" asked the mad little policewoman, resisting the urge to beat up the weak chicken man.

Not being beaten is not because of conscience discovery, but because I feel that the current weak chicken man is not strong in beating.

"That is to say, you necromancer, don't always fiddle with those corpses, just play with the living." Lu Fan reminded.

"I'm not a necromancer!" Francis said inexplicably.

"You will do it from now on. Anyway, let's go."

When he got into the carriage, Lu Fan suddenly thought of something, and said to Billoth who was crowded among the four slimes: "Don't you bring your sister?"

"It was you that day... Francis, you sold my information!"

"People gave me the money." Francis the coachman's voice came from the front, "Is the wages so small, can I do some extra money?"

"It makes sense, remember to divide me in half next time. Don't worry about my sister. No matter where I go, she will definitely find my place and set up a small shed not far away. In short, you don't have to Worry about her."

"...Okay. How long do you think the weak chicken man can recover from this state?"

"Look at him. It was stated in advance that we need to go to the headquarters of the treasure hunter, where there is someone to analyze this evil thing. How about, let's go and have a look?"


The next day, the group arrived at the treasure hunter's headquarters, Treasure City.

This city was created entirely by the Treasure Hunter Association. To be able to build such a huge city independently in Grolin, the treasure hunter association is not as simple as Lu Fan imagined.

This is a simple city, and also a thriving city. Every treasure hunter will get information here, identify the treasure, and then set off to the location of the new treasure.

Before entering the city Biloxi specially urged the five people of Lu Fan to be mimicked, and don't go in as they are.

"Why?" Lu Fan asked suspiciously.

"Just look at this."

After receiving the reward form handed over by the other party, Lu Fan saw the treasure of Roland Church at first sight, the largest white magic stone reward, and the zero hanging on the back made Lu Fan want to exchange his collection. The urge to become a black magic stone.

"Don't think about the first one. The white magic stone has now been taken by Luo Lin. But if you want to grab something from Luo Lin, a few lives are not enough."

"It's okay, he's going to die soon. Double happiness, double enjoyment, just think about it."

Biloth glanced at Lu Fan weirdly, and then motioned to Lu Fan to turn over to see the regular reward.

"Slimes in the hot spring city, any one can be exchanged for three thousand magic stones."

The moment Lu Fan saw this, his eyes sharpened.

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