This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 10 Chapter 55: really good

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In a spacious hall, a display screen simulated by multiple ghost TVs stands in mid-air, and a number is scrolled in real time on it.

This number is calculated by multiple parameters, including points corresponding to various treasures and evil things, and finally converted into something called a stock price.

The calculation of numbers is still a bit troublesome, so most people only have a simple understanding, that is, this coefficient is related to the points that evil objects can exchange.

In the beginning, many people did not understand what this thing was used for.

However, after the first batch of people boldly bought a batch and sold it the next day, they were surprised to find that their money was 10% more.

Earn 10% of the money in a day, this kind of thing can undoubtedly drive everyone crazy.

After Satan Ye came out and said that this thing would be guaranteed by the Knights of the Demon King and the Merchants Association, almost all treasure hunters invested their savings in, making this number go up frantically.

After that, the Merchants Association sent the trained personnel to help them in private trading, thus establishing a huge secondary trading market.

Today, as usual, hundreds of treasure hunters gathered together, staring at the numbers above their heads with bright red eyes, roaring like a beast: "Turning red, turning red!"

It seems to be responding to their call. This number has gone up from 399 points at the beginning, and every increase will be accompanied by huge cheers, allowing them to see the golden light of wealth and freedom.

And this fanaticism stimulated other wait-and-see people, making them rush to the counter and hand over their hard-earned money to buy this gadget.

In the glass room above, a member of the Merchants Association puts his legs on the table.

He held a cigar comfortably and looked at the excited people below through the single-sided glass.

"What a bunch of poor people." He vomited a smoke ring and said to himself, "How can there be such good money."

Unlike the group of people who have never studied economics, he has received special training from slimes, and he has a thorough knowledge of economic principles, and he also knows the true nature of this so-called "stock" gadget.

It is an amazing gadget, an ingenious gambling machine created by capitalism. If you rush into it, you will lose everything.

Although the current thing is very different from the so-called "stocks" of the slimes, its essence is the same.

At this moment, the door was pushed open. The clerk glanced at the door, and immediately rolled off the table, got up and said respectfully: "Mr. Satan Yee, Mr. Billoth, you are here. Would you like something to drink?"


Collapsing on the sofa, Satan leaves asked: "How is the situation?"

"Soaring. The Treasure Hunter Association has tripled the points exchange rate for evil objects, so our index will probably rise by about twice."

"They really did this, and it is estimated that it will increase to ten times in the future. No matter how much they do, they dare not. Do you want to use this method to put financial pressure on us? Is the financial situation sustainable?"

The staff bowed respectfully: "There is no problem at all, even if it is thousands of times, there is no problem."

"How much is the top ten times?" Billuosi asked suspiciously.

Satan leaves said the number, this number is too large, that Bi Luosi did not react for a while.

It wasn't until the reaction came that he realized that if he made a year's worth of money a day, he would earn almost one-tenth of it from the ancient times without eating or drinking until today.

"So much! Why are you so rich?" Billuosi cried out in surprise.

"It's all the contributions of the adults." The staff looked at Satan leaves admiringly.

"Okay, keep going, I remember you, and I will allocate a trade route specifically for you in the future."

"Thank you for your appreciation, Lord Satan Ye!"

After leaving this exchange, Satan leaves went to the locations opened by several other merchant associations, and stopped only after making sure that all the equipment was operating normally.

It wasn't until this time that Biloth discovered how terrible the treasure city cup had penetrated.

Most of the food has been in the hands of the Merchants Association. The members of the Treasure Hunters Association, which was supposed to be in charge of the food, sold 90% of the food privately and invested all the money in stocks.

Most of the houses have changed hands, and the entire Merchants Association has bought more than 60% of the area here.

"How can they do this?" Billoss who got the whole picture yelled in disbelief, "What did you do? Did you confuse them?"

"Except for stocks, I have done nothing. This place has never experienced the blow of capitalism. A market that is too free will be destroyed with a single click. Our economists bullying here is as simple as grabbing sugar from children. You Look, by this time, as long as I move my hands, the whole city will be turned upside down."

"But, haven't we already challenged with rankings?"

"The challenge of ranking is righteousness, and this really cannot be less. But before you have enough strength, righteousness is paper for wiping your butt, and it has no purpose. To explain it more vividly, strength can let you grab this place, and righteousness will let you later. become better."

"I... don't understand."

"It's okay, you'll understand it slowly. Okay, that's all for today's work. Let's report to the average."

"Speaking of mediocrity, I have a question to ask, is he not an ordinary slime?"

"Don't ask." Satan Ye laughed unpredictably, "You don't have to try to figure out his identity, just get along with him as a normal slime. He did this, he must have his intentions."

"Will you take him too high?"

"My teacher has the same opinion as me."

"All right."

Satan Ye walked into Lu Fan's bedroom with a yawn, smiled and supported the wall after seeing the scene inside.

An Jieer is wearing a close-fitting sweatshirt, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com's white arms are exposed outside, as beautiful as a dream under the sunlight.

She poses in a strange posture, standing on one foot with tiptoes, hands firmly on top of her head, the whole movement looks stretched and beautiful.

By her side, Lu Fan reluctantly used the slime body to pose in this pose, but it looked like an egg that was trembling constantly.

"Hahaha! What are you doing, unremarkable?"

"Double Jiu-Jitsu!" Lu Fan said irritably, "You can count the magic stones after you finish it. You can bully me now."

"But you don't like another kind of bullying." Anjieer said regretfully.

"So don't use me as a toy, can you?"

"Then what do you want to be?" An Jie'er smiled and hugged Lu Fan, looking straight at the other party.

Faced with this level of molesting, Lu Fan was persuaded.

Damn, how could this woman be so brave after a lap.

If it weren't for dissolving his own karma, he would never endure such humiliation.

Staring at the Satan Ye who was about to smile at the door, Lu Fan also showed a smile on his face.

It should be here, my support.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open again, and a sweet girl who looked like honey appeared at the door and threw Satan leaves to the ground in surprise.

"Satan Ye, I finally saw you! Come on, kiss me first."

"Julia, why are you here? No wonder, you count me!"

"You count me first!"

"When I finish cleaning up this woman, I must come up with more cruel ideas!"

"I knew Anjieer was backed by you. When it comes to ghost ideas, how much you have me!"

Seeing Satan Ye and Lu Fan yelling at each other, and looking at the girl who was immersed in love with a happy face, Bi Luosi also smiled.

very nice.

really good.


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