This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 10 Chapter 58: Ways to make money

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"Weird thing, why no one kidnapped us?"

Under the walls of True Blood City, Satan asked suspiciously.

True Blood City was originally a city of vampires, but in the long battle between treasure hunters and vampires, the city gradually changed hands and became an asset of the treasure hunters association.

A lot of the style of the vampire era is still preserved here, and there are black Gothic buildings everywhere. Some dungeons and cells have been slightly changed into shops, which seem to have a strong alien style.

The claws of the Merchants Association have not reached here, but it will be a matter of time.

The treasure hunters who came here have begun to brag about their experience in the treasure city. The stock that can easily double wealth with the touch of their fingers attracted most people's attention and decided to go there to make a fortune when they had time.

And Lu Fan and his party came here yesterday.

They were happily preparing to be kidnapped by the Treasure Hunters Association. They were delicious and delicious for a few days and then went back, but the first step of the plan fell through.

No one cares about them.

Two people and two slimes were standing at the gate of the city. The treasure hunters who passed by did not look at them at all, and even avoided a little bit.

"Strange, we are also big shots anyway, why doesn't the Treasure Hunters Association catch us and blackmail us?" Lu Fan asked suspiciously.

"Because there is no wanted warrant for us. After all, our fight with the Treasure Hunter Association is just staying in the dark, and everyone hasn't torn their faces on the bright side. Plus they probably didn't think we would run out alone, so That's it." Satan Ye also sighed, "Whoever of you brings the money, I'm hungry."

"Donor, why don't you have some grass?" The weak chicken man calmly handed over a pile of grass.

Ignoring the weak chicken man who was still in the sage state, the rest of the teammates found that they didn't seem to be able to make money.

"I remember that Roland Church taught how to survive in a desperate situation, right?" Lu Fan asked.

"Yes. But most of them teach you how to survive in adversity, such as slaughtering the devil and getting the necessary protein from the carcass. The instructor has specifically recommended several worms. After eating, you can not be hungry temporarily."

"I'm out on vacation, not for revolutionary education." Lu Fan righteously refused.

"Me too. That's troublesome, you can't be kidnapped, and you don't have money, what should we do?"

"Why don't the donors go back?"

"Eat your grass!" x3

After thinking about it for a long time, they still had nothing to do.

In the end, they found a way that was not a solution: first, let's see what rewards were offered.

Since Grolin is the territory of the Treasure Hunter Association, all commissions here are issued by the Treasure Hunter Association.

On the commission board, they watched eagerly as someone posted the order, but some people surrounded the commission board, and only certain people could go in and make a priority selection.

"Why is this?" The swordsman pointed at those people and asked, "How can they choose in advance?"

"New here." A muddy treasure hunter said with a smile: "They are the vice-chairmen, and they have the qualifications to make a limited selection."

"The Vice President's person?"

Finding that these four are young, the treasure hunter suddenly became interested.

He looked up and down, and he found that the other party was carrying two slimes, which should be able to sell for a certain amount of money afterwards.

The other two humans are generally not badly dressed, and the young man who has been frowning even has a good sword, which should be able to sell for a good price afterwards.

He made a secret gesture to the neighborhood. He pointed to the other side and said: "Some things are too detailed to explain, let's go to the alley and talk about it. I like to mention newcomers like you very much. Remember me when you are brilliant in the future. "

Leading a group of people into the alley, the old treasure hunter found that a group of people had been surrounded by the back of the alley, so he pulled out an excuse and left the box with confidence, and then guarded at the entrance of the alley.

Before long, there were beatings and screams in the alley, as well as the sound of kneeling begging for mercy.

"Young man... it's the first lesson, don't believe anyone here."

Leaning against the wall, he took out a half-smoked cigar, reluctantly lit it, let the smell of the cigar wash in his mouth, and finally reluctantly extinguished it and put it back in his pocket.

Hearing the beating continued, he frowned and walked back into the alley.

"Don't be too cruel, it won't be good to kill you."

"Who did you kill?" Lu Fan asked, frowning.

The old treasure hunter stared at the scene before him, feeling that he was dreaming.

The entire alley seemed to have been whitewashed with blood, and twenty treasure hunters lay on the ground in all directions, life and death unknown.

A treasure hunter was pressed against the wall like a mural, while the shaggy-haired young man yawned and turned his pockets, muttering from time to time: "Poor ghost."

What frightened him the most was one of the slimes. The opponent obviously had the ability to cast spells. From time to time, white light fell on a treasure hunter, causing him to constantly wake up, and then he was constantly pressed for information.

This state of being unable to faint but unable to escape is really terrifying.

Although these twenty-odd treasure hunters are not strong, they are fully prepared with various insidious methods, and they shouldn't be able to cope with the four young children.

It can only be said that the opponent's strength has surpassed that of ordinary treasure hunters, resulting in conspiracies and tricks that are completely ineffective for them.

The swordsman regretfully threw away the rag-like treasure hunter: "I've inquired about it. It's just a few robbers who didn't come to kidnap us."

"It's a pity. UU reading" Satan Yee shook his head regretfully, and turned to face the old treasure hunter at the entrance of the alley, "This?"

"Let's beat it together."

Facing four guys of unknown strength, the old treasure hunter keenly saw the calluses in the hands of the swordsman, so he immediately drew out his long sword and shouted: "Sword Saint Peter, challenge you!"

"Still a swordsman, interesting."

The swordsman released his hand and walked towards the opponent.

Pulling out his long sword that exudes cold light, he whispered: "Juggernaut Swordsman, accept your challenge."

If there are no special regulations, the duel between sword saints is generally one-on-one.

The Juggernaut represents the dedication to swordsmanship. One-on-one is part of their honor, and it is a very difficult criterion to shake.

Seeing the swordsman approaching alone, Old Peter smiled contemptuously in his heart.

Young man, it’s so...

This idea just came to an abrupt end.

The swordsman did not know when he had come behind him, threw off the frozen blood on the long sword, and yawned boredly.

"too weak."

Old Peter stiffly raised his hand and touched his neck.

There, a line of blood emerged, and the cold air that permeated from the wound carried a murderous aura that was cold to the bone, and it seemed that even the soul would be frozen for it.

"So fast."

When Old Peter fell, the group expertly stepped forward to search for the body, and then nodded happily.

Okay, I have money for dinner tonight.

When they left the alley happily, a few men in black wrapped in a shroud walked in.

They are corpse collectors.

The corpse also plays a very important role in some cases, and in some cases it is even better than a living person.

But after seeing who was dead, a corpse collector said dissatisfied: "Cut, Peter immortal. Get up, bastard."


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