This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 11 Chapter 1: Satan leaves that are getting degenerate

Standing outside, Altria looked at the things falling from the sky and asked doubtfully: "Are you sure that the thing killed all the tens of thousands of walking corpses?"

"Very sure." Luna nodded. "We watched the thing fall from the sky and rushed into the enemy group, directly killing most of the walking corpses."

Finding a subordinate who specializes in investigating, Altria quickly knew most of the information about that thing.

"Tower-shaped, there are signs of human activity. From the appearance description, it looks like the city of sin. But isn't that stuff in the sea of ​​blood? How did it fly here? No, you have to ask."

After opening the Q group, Altria asked: "I am now preparing to take up Luo Lin, but the City of Sin has fallen, do you have a clue?"

The players who were still chatting and farting just became silent except for business.

After a while, Cai Wei said, "Sister A, how many years have you had this symptom?"

"Want to die?"

Zhang Yun: "Sister A, I can’t change it to Kate to make you cool. I stole a lot of Kate’s cat fur before, and I know Kate’s habits so well that I’m absolutely satisfied. If you don’t believe me, I’ll give you one now. Look."

"Now I'm talking about business, come to my room tonight and talk in detail."

"It's not that we don't want to talk about business, but it sounds absurd. The logic of this game is quite rigorous. It shouldn't be possible for such inexplicable things to happen."

"Yes, there happened to be a tower that fell from the sky, helping you to destroy some of the walking corpses. This is a bit unreasonable."

"We can only reasonably suspect that there is a problem with your mental condition, Sister A, but it is a pity that you are not there after you take off your clothes, otherwise it should be able to help you diagnose."

When a group of people talked about it in full swing, a discordant voice came out.

Weak Chicken Man: "I finally came out!"

"Weak chicken man, where have you been persecuted again?"

"Don't mention it. During this period of time, I went to Sin City and made some benefits, but most of them were lost. Before I came back, I was almost killed by a god. I finally got rid of and sat in Sin City. Crash landing, the gods don’t know where they are. I guess I’ll see it in subsequent version updates. What were you talking about just now, what a lively look?"

"...Sister A, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"Sister A, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"Sister A, I love you!"

"What's the situation upstairs? Maintain a good formation, I was wrong."

"Under what circumstances, what happened, can anyone explain to me? Has the Riddler Virus been circulating recently?"

"Weak chicken man, it's too late to explain. You are surrounded by walking corpses. I need you to cooperate with us. We will prepare later..."

"Walking corpses? They were just killed. Let me tell you, those walking zombs are really bad. Compared with the gods, these walking zombs are scumbags. We killed each of our five thousand treasures."

"Oh, weak chicken man, you are dead."

"Eh, why, why? What's the situation?"

At the end of the call, Altria told Luna to prepare her horse, and to travel lightly, rushing towards the direction of the Sin City landing.

As they approached the location of the Sin City, they could see the scary traces that the behemoth drew when it landed, and they can fully see how terrifying the behemoth fell back then.

The terrain here is narrow, and the Sin City just rushed through the middle when it landed, which caused the walking corpses that should have raided here instantly turned into dust, and nothing was left.

Moving on along the trail, it took them a long time to arrive at the place of the City of Innocence.

This two-hundred-story building is like a leaning tower inserted into the ground, and its landing point is just when the walking corpses are concentrated. The soldiers who walked out of it directly used the remaining firepower to wipe out all the walking corpses here.

When Altria and Luna came here, the soldiers were cleaning the battlefield, and some of the walking corpses that had not yet died were cut directly by them, and the swordsmanship was beautiful and messed up.

Altria didn't have many combat skills, but he could still see a lot from the opponent's swordsmanship.

That is a sword technique that laymen can perceive beauty at a glance. There is almost no talent in it, and it is the result of a little bit of hard work through their own efforts.

"Beautiful swordsmanship." Altria said with emotion.

"Yes." Luna also nodded, "The incredible swordsmanship is completely mortal swordsmanship, and it takes hundreds of years of training to be born. Each of them should have the level of a Juggernaut, from Where do so many terrifying existences appear?"

"I kind of want this group of people. I don't know how much it will cost to get these fighters."

When the two watched the group of fighters, they also saw Luna and Altria riding over on white horses.

The soldier who first saw Luna was stunned for an instant.

They were petrified in an instant, and they stopped breathing, only knowing that they stared at the girl blankly, as if dreams were shining into reality.

"Luna..." a treasure hunter whispered.

"I am." Luna nodded carefully, "Do you know me?"

"I am your husband, Kim."

"Did you admit the wrong person?"

"It can't be wrong, it can't be wrong. Luna, I finally saw you."

Looking at Jin, who couldn't cry by herself, and the other fighters, Luna felt that she couldn't understand the current situation at all.

Even more frightening is that this situation is still expanding.

One by one, people she didn't know rushed out of Sin City, crying bitterly and rushed towards Luna, before being thrown down by other soldiers from behind.

"What's the matter, they won't all be walking corpses?" Luna asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, but I have a way to solve it."


Altria directly drew the knife and put it on Luna's neck.

"Don't come here! Take me to see your commander, or I will kill her!"

"Do you think this will work?" Luna asked in a low voice, frowning.

In the next second, they were safely sent into the city of sin.

Surrounded by several female treasure hunters, Luna drank tea expressionlessly, and whispered: "Okay, that's okay. But they are too close to me."

"I thought you liked this arrangement?" Said the opposite Satan Ye.

"Do you have any misunderstandings about me."

Satan Yee shrugged and pinched his throat to simulate Luna's voice perfectly: "Ah, An Jie'er, you are really too OOO! Please continue to be OOO. Just say whether you have played this in the country of dreams. Plant tricks?"

Put down the cup, UU reads www.uukanshu. com Luna pointed to Satan's leaf and said: "You guys, kill him."

Facing the treasure hunter who leaped over, Satan Ye said calmly: "I wrote a letter to An Jie'er, but it didn’t send it out. It recorded some of her good roommates’ admiration for her. If I die Yes, then this letter will be sent automatically, you know what I mean."

"Stop, then go out."

This group of female treasure hunters looked at Luna reluctantly, and then went out.

When the last treasure hunter left, Luna immediately half kneeled in front of Satan Yee: "Please accept my apology and my loyalty."

"Very good, good boy. Please pour me a cup of coffee."

Drinking the coffee prepared by Luna who gritted her teeth, Satan Ye felt that this feeling was really good.

Unconsciously, Satan leaves mastered the method of controlling others with XP.

Of course, he is even more degenerate.

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