This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 11 Chapter 6: Peculiar familiarity

It took a lot of effort for Lu Fan and the weak chicken man to explain the characteristics of this milk tea.

"In other words, this is a milk tea made with a weak chicken man, which contains a soul eater. After drinking it, a soul eater will grow in your mind? Is it reliable?"

"You have to try it." Lu Fan said, "You will also become a walking corpse after being killed by a walking corpse, but this thing can protect your head and maybe prevent them from becoming a walking corpse. Anyway, it is better than completely dead. "

"Um... it's not impossible. Luo Lin, how about you?"

Luo Lin stared at Lu Fan, then looked at the Demon King clone above his head, and then began to look at Lu Fan again.

Pointing to the top of his head, he asked: "The above..."


"Oh, I see. So, can I trust you?"

"It's hard to say."

Luo Lin laughed blankly.

Shaking his head gently, he said, "Well, I choose to believe you. It's really interesting. The Roland Church has spent a lot of effort to exterminate the Soul Eater, but I didn't expect to use its power at this time. Destiny is really wonderful."

After quickly distributing the milk tea to the person in charge of the queen, Luo Lin watched everyone drank the milk tea, and his desperate state of mind finally became warm.

Standing in the front, he looked at these brave soldiers, trying to say anything, but couldn't say a word.

They followed themselves through mountains and rivers, surpassing countless obstacles, but in the end they were about to die here.

They all came out of the palace voluntarily, and everyone's eyes were unusually firm and pure, and it was even more heartbreaking.

Biting his lip, his eyes swept across every soldier, remembering their looks and names in his heart.

The heavy emotions echoed in his chest, and finally turned into a single sentence: "Live."


Calling up the holy water in the body, he distributed the power of the holy water and blessed it on every soldier.

The tide of black corpses came here.

The outermost trench was submerged almost instantaneously, and the warrior inside directly detonated the conscientious sword at hand, burying the walking corpses that came over.

The army of walking corpses was overwhelming, and in front of them, the simple trenches were as weak as a lone boat in front of a huge wave, and the bones were broken with a single tap.

The explosions sounded one after another, which was the last hymn of the soldiers.

The giant wave of walking corpses did not relieve until it broke through the three hundred layers, and then there was a long strangulation.

With the blessing of holy water, the magic of the priests in the rear, and the magic of the magicians, the warriors stood in a ball with their enemies, using their lives to delay the progress of the opponent.

The ferry is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

A team of soldiers ran up to the bridge in silence, passed through here in an orderly manner, and then began to build fortifications by the river, delaying the attack of the walking corpses.

The army of hundreds of thousands is terribly quiet at this time.

They are like puppets, doing their own things in silence.

Even if their hands were worn out and their fingers were broken by mechanical gears, they didn't make a sound, just doing their own thing.


Hurry up!

Every minute and every second, the companions behind them are making sacrifices, are dying, and are defending their retreat with their lives.

The only thing they can do is to be faster.

Infected by this silence, the players who came to support also quieted down.

The original lively Q group did not speak at all at this time, and the players who were temporarily unable to come here watched the battle situation nervously through the live broadcast of frontline players.

Hurry up!

Hurry up!

In the command center of the walking dead, Arthur's father sat on a chair and merged himself with the chair.

This chair is made entirely of unknown meat, with countless granulation on it.

When sitting on, these granules can connect the person in the chair with the eyes in front of them, and then share the vision with the walking corpses on the battlefield, so that the commander can get the situation on the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Through the sight of the walking corpses, he saw all the conditions on the battlefield.

There is a powerful general on the opposite side.

All of his tactics were seen through by the opponent, and all of his tactics could not work.

The other party seemed to understand the characteristics of walking corpses better than himself. When the walking corpses changed, he was always able to control his motives faster and deal with them in advance.

It is impossible for the opponent to control all aspects of the battlefield like himself.

Then it can only be understood as that the other party is a commander far beyond oneself.

In war, a little gap will bring about a terrifying effect, and a too large gap will make people desperate.

In addition, he also saw a lot of things.

He saw the warrior who would rather die than retreat, smiled and rang the sword of conscience after the weapon was broken, and died with the walking corpses.

He saw the warrior who jumped out of the trench and rushed towards the walking dead in order to save his comrades.

He saw the fourteen-year-old boy entangled with a walking corpse, using his life to delay the attack of the walking corpse.

He saw...

At the end, he began to doubt everything he saw.

Is this really an army that can appear in human history?

Are they really the group of fallen people who have turned their backs on their beliefs and joined the pseudo-King?

Sacrifice, fearlessness, dedication...

If this is not the best quality of mankind, then what is it?

If they are traitors who have turned away from mankind, then what is not a traitor?

As one of the few surviving brave candidates of the previous generation, his suspicion of the gods finally magnified at this time, and then broke out in an all-round way.

Out of control, he stood up directly from the chair, drew his sword and pointed it at the young man aside and took me to see the gods. I need an explanation from them. How could such a warrior be a fallen one? "

"Why don't you suspect that they were controlled by Luo Lin in some way?"

"Don't be kidding! I'm not stupid. It is impossible for a controlled person to have this kind of enlightened eyes!"

" I hate people who are too smart."

With a snap of his fingers, the shadow of Arthur's father swayed behind his back and turned into chains, confining Arthur's father to the inside.

The difference in strength between each other made Arthur's father unable to break free, he could only roar angrily: "What do you want to do!"

"Let you be quiet, you are my last prop. Arthur, come here."

The doll-like Arthur walked out of the darkness and sat on that chair.

The walking corpse, which had been stagnant for a while, started to work again.

Their actions have become more flexible and tactics have become more varied, which has doubled the pressure on the rebels.

Through the eyeballs in the room, Arthur's father stared blankly at the battlefield, and was surprised to find that his daughter had already surpassed him.

Recalling his stubbornness, he whispered softly: "So, is it me who has always been arrogant?"

If you find out earlier...

So will the ending be different...

When Arthur's father fell into remorse, Altria at the front also felt a little strange.

Staring at the tactical changes of the walking corpses, she also whispered: "Strange, the tactical style on the other side looks like me."

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