This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 11 Chapter 20: Formal meeting

"Ah, ordinary, your body, your face, your voice and your smell, and the look of disgust when you look at me are so fascinating. Nothing extraordinary, I love you, please Let me eat you and become one with me! What do you think of this confession?" Number 10 turned to face the referee's bench.

"It's disgusting." Emma gave a 1 point evaluation.

"Really disgusting." The Chipmunk gave 0 points.

"I think it's quite real." Winston gave him a 7-point evaluation, "but your tone of voice is not enough, so I can't turn around for you."

"I like the sincerity inside." The leader gave an 8-point evaluation, "I am going to borrow it later."

"Super disgusting." Lu Fan gave a negative evaluation.

Number 10, who was stared at by Lu Fan as if he saw a crushed cockroach, trembled all over, then hugged his shoulders and said exaggeratedly: "Don't look at me that way. It feels like something that will wake you up if you are not careful."

"You are awakened. When will we arrive?"

"Is it so annoying to be with me, my little, cute, love?"

Number 10 appeared next to Lu Fan at some point, and his slender fingers ran across Lu Fan's body, making him numb.

Directly knocking the number 10 away, Lu Fan looked at the leader on the side and said, "You **** idea!"

"But you can't deny that it is quite effective." The leader said with fruit candy, "You just have to bear it, and we can reach the Royal City smoothly. I really can't think of a simpler way to enter the Royal City than this."

Lu Fan and his party are now on the number 10 airship.

After learning that Lu Fan was about to enter the royal city, number 10 quickly ended other tasks, and then came to the new north wind city, and took the so-called envoy to the royal city.

The members of the envoy include Lu Fan, the leader, Emma, ​​the Chipmunks and Winston.

Lu Fan and the leader are the main actors in this trip, and the other three are incidental.

Emma is an adventure lover. She would never miss this opportunity to be able to enter the legendary royal city. Therefore, after knowing the news, she used various means to get the spot.

The chipmunk said he didn't want to, but his body was very honest, and he followed Emma directly to this place.

Where there is a chipmunk, there will naturally be Winston, so these three directly formed a group and got on the airship with Lu Fan and the leader to go to the city.

As the airship travels, the surrounding scenery is constantly changing, gradually transforming from plains to mountains.

A large number of warcrafts noticed that the airship passing by in the air made a beast-like roar, but there was no way for the airship that could fly in the air.

There are also beasts in the air preparing to intercept the airship, but when they approach the airship, a blue arc will be released from the airship, instantly vaporizing these beasts.

"It's amazing!" Emma said excitedly, lying beside the window. "With this thing, can I go anywhere?"

"Not necessarily." Number 10 said with a smile, "The eighth level of **** doesn't matter, but there are different laws in other levels of hell, and you need additional means to get there."

"Enough, I haven't even walked through the eighth floor of hell, do you sell this stuff?"

"This kind of airship is made in imitation of the Demon King, and there are a lot of advanced technologies of our royal family inside. It is second to none in terms of speed, offensive ability and defensive ability. Due to the high cost of counterfeiting and high maintenance costs, there are only the top 10 royal families. To be eligible."

"It's a pity." Emma sighed.

The chipmunk also looked at it with bright eyes, but still insisted and said, "It's nothing. The castle in the sea of ​​stars can do it too."

"Really?" Number 10 smiled playfully, then snapped his fingers.

A maid stepped up immediately, bowed and asked, "My lord?"

"Prepare to speed up, tear the space barrier directly, and head to the royal city."


Under the arrangement of the maid, the airship suddenly accelerated, and the scenery outside the window instantly turned into a stream of light, followed by complete darkness.

In the darkness, the airship's speed obviously slowed down.

It is like a slow whale, soaring through the layers of hell, passing through a lot of space.

In the end, when the scenery outside the window turned white, their destination, Wangcheng, arrived.

Inviting everyone to step onto the deck, number 10 spreads out his hands in the fierce wind, and said to everyone: "Welcome everyone to come here, this is the world's largest city, the hometown of the royal family, the royal city!"


Holding the guardrail on the deck, Emma looked at the scenery in front of her, and couldn't help letting out an exclamation sound.

Lu Fan also stood on the deck, looking at the city.

It wasn't until this moment that he understood that Wangcheng did not refer to a city.

It's a planet.

All the matter in the entire eighth **** was collected by the royal family, integrated and turned into a huge planet suspended in the void of the eighth hell.

The artificial sun continuously revolves around the king's city, accurately producing day and night changes.

Sixteen artificial satellites surround the city, and it is covered with unknown buildings.

Every inch of land in the royal city has been developed, tall buildings can be seen everywhere, and countless hoverboards fly over the city, demonstrating its terrifying logistics capabilities.

This is a terrible city, a city that combines slime technology, magic and magic.

Different technologies are perfectly combined here, symbolizing the strongest power in the world.

The leader also stared at Wangcheng, and shook his head after a while and said, "Quadruple."

Lu Fan understood what this meant.

This means that the generation gap between each other has been further If it is not for the fact that there is still oneself here, then the New North Wind City is not worth mentioning.

After stopping on the spacious square, when Lu Fan and his party walked down the gangway, majestic and elegant music sounded, and a group of young girls about 14 years old came out holding flowers and presented bouquets respectfully to everyone.

Afterwards, an extremely elegant and moving royal family walked out of the crowd and slowly walked towards the delegation under the protection of four guards.

The royal family kept his eyes closed, and the white dress was layered on her body, as if a white lily wrapped her inside.

From the outside, the royal family is extremely moving. The exposed shoulders are almost transparent, and the plump figure is filled with a sweet breath.

Strolling to the front of the delegation, the royal family bowed gracefully: "Greetings to you, messengers of the Great Demon King. This should be Mr. Normal? Sure enough, he is the same as the number 10, a man with extraordinary temperament. Slime."

"you are……"

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am number 1, Lord Zelatan's most perfect creation, the most perfect royal family."

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