This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 11 Chapter 39: The truth that I don't want to know

"What! You asked me to help you build an underground city, don't even think about it! You think I came in for some reason, not because I came into contact with your nasty group of slimes!"

"Can't we all take a step back? You promise to help us work, we promise not to let you go."

"Do you think I'm stupid!"

In the face of Margot's anger, the boss didn't change it for a while and had no choice but to ask the off-site audience Lu Fan for help.

Lu Fan turned his head and glanced at Mag: "Do me a favor."

"Ok, no problem!"

Staring at Marg, who turned his back on her principles for a second, the boss didn't change it and asked in a low voice, "It's normal, I think it's very unethical to use my own authority to modify the idea of ​​an NPC without authorization."

"I don't use plug-ins at all, but my personal charm is too good."

"You are as shameless as my devil."

Dissatisfied with dissatisfaction, the boss shouldn't change. He is quite satisfied with the new companion or the new coolie.

Ants are really suitable for making holes.

Especially after evolving into an ant demon, this kind of creature possesses the strength of a general-level demon. Every demon can count as a hundred. It is the most suitable civil dog.

After seeing that Marg took a minute to create a ten-square-meter area, and the walls and floors were smoothed, he felt that his ambition finally came into use.

If there is such a group of skilled workers in reality, he promises to fill the moon with tiles within a year, and writes what he wants to say on it: "Boss, you are paralyzed!"

Wipe away the saliva caused by the delusion, the boss don't change it and start relying on this to improve his psychic energy.

His current psionic weapons can give life to buildings, but there are currently only two concepts that can be given, that is, natural recovery and growth and evolution.

Natural restoration allows buildings to slowly restore their vitality over time. This concept was used in the construction of the city of soil before.

Growth and evolution can allow buildings to also absorb experience points, and then continuously improve their own attributes, and may even acquire new skills.

Watching the continuous evolution of an empty room, it is a very fulfilling thing to have his own special purpose in the end, but he needs too many experience points in the middle, so he has not had too many opportunities to engage in it.

But with the participation of Marg, he felt he could try it.

Ask Mag to build a hundred and twenty-eight empty rooms underground, and the boss does not change and tell Mag to do it.

Maggie, who was sweating, walked up to the boss, don't change his side, "Why are you building so many rooms?"


He gave each room a concept, and he consumed all the psychic energy he had accumulated, so that all the empty rooms had a special concept of growth and evolution.

Then he asked Marg to open up these rooms in pairs.

When the walls of the room were opened up, the concepts of the two rooms also violently conflicted.

Although Mag couldn't see it, she could still feel the life of the room dying, different rooms swallowing each other, and soon there were only 64 rooms left.

If it is inferred according to common sense, after the room is opened, its area will be doubled, but now it seems that the area after the two rooms is opened is still two rooms, and the excess area disappears directly.

Standing in one of the rooms, Margot felt a bit subtle now.

"This room...seems to be more comfortable?"

"Well, its comfort level has improved a little bit, and people living here are more likely to become useless."

"What kind of **** function is this!"

"I can't decide its growth direction. After all, the combination of architecture and life is also a very high-end subject. Okay, continue."

According to the boss's instructions, Marg continued to get through.

This time, the room’s sense of life disappeared a bit slower.

This process was repeated continuously, until finally there were only four rooms left, the boss finally stopped changing.

Now, each room is a superposition of thirty-two rooms, constantly devouring the same kind to give them special attributes, and add some concepts that were not there before.

I walked around the four rooms deliberately, and the boss nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, these four rooms are available. We were lucky, and we got the concept we wanted so quickly."

Margot walked into the room numbered 1 in confusion, but didn't feel much.

Just when she was confused, the boss stopped changing and slammed into the wall, and her head suddenly broke.

"What are you doing? Are you ready to defile me?"

"No, look at my wound."

Marg stared at the boss's wound that hadn't been changed, and found that the other party's wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was restored to its original state after a short while.

"This room has a strong natural recovery ability, and the lives in it can heal wounds at an extremely fast speed. It is very good to be used as a medical room in the future."

"It's amazing."

"Let's go, go to the next room."

The second room was also empty, with only Lu Fan lying on the floor reading a book.

Mag's gaze licked every arc of Lu Fan, and then asked eagerly, "Is this a room that makes people excited?"


"Then why do I feel a little bit out of control?"

"Is it so difficult for you ant devil to be a normal person? This is a room where people can quickly read and understand the content of the book. Then we are going to make it a library. Some brothers are going to put some realistic things in and make self-study Room, preview before the exam to guarantee full marks."

"Although I don't understand well, I feel that your layout seems a bit small."

Stepping on the stairs, the boss stopped changing and walked into the third room.

The third room was also empty, but Margot already knew that he couldn't draw conclusions, so he just felt it quietly.

Half an hour later, just as Marg was about to give up, she suddenly heard a voice in her ear: "You wasted 30 minutes of precious, your laziness has increased by 1 point."

For a moment, Marg felt that she had a lazy feeling, and everything in the whole world didn't matter.

After yawning, she lazily asked, "Is this a room where people can become lazy?"

"No, it's a room for attribute feedback based on character behavior, but some inexplicable attributes are often added, so we plan to use it to make a gym."

"It doesn't matter anymore, hurry up and go to the next room."

The fourth room is still empty.

However, standing in front of this room, the boss's expression became extra dignified, and the blue veins on his sleek body seemed to need his courage to just walk in. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

Seeing this look, don't change the boss, Marg asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with this room?"

"This is the truth room. You can walk in once every twenty-four hours and hear a word of truth."

"That's pretty good, is there any problem?"

"It's the truth that you don't want to know, and it's very possible to get a truth from this truth that you don't want to know."

"It's not scary, right, what did you hear?"

"My girlfriend is a sick girl, but I actually felt a little excited, and then I found out that I was a trembling M! Is there anything more terrifying than this?"

"I don't quite understand."

Margot walked directly into the truth room, and then she heard the truth she least wanted to hear.

"The priest is deceiving you."

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