This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 11 Chapter 43: Make a ball

Sitting down on a case, No. 201 looked at the three-dimensional image in front of him with interest.

Numbers 200 to 299 are all explorers of the royal family. They are responsible for wandering between the **** and the human world, looking for all kinds of things that can enhance the overall strength of the royal family, and bringing these things back to the royal city.

After the slime and the demon king disappeared fifteen years ago, their mission changed to finding the slime and the demon king's relics.

The Blood Realm, the Devil City, the Sin City, the Lapasius... these places have their footprints.

After receiving all the inheritance of the demon king on the bright side, they have a new task, which is to explore the ruins of the former demon king.

The more they search, the more confused they are.

Many relics of the former demon king have a lot in common with the current demon king. The world line of this period of history seems to be twisted together by some mysterious force, which makes them feel a deep sense of crisis.

In the face of this power, the royal family can only have a sense of powerlessness, as if they are still pawns on the chessboard, the invisible chess player is playing chess with them, and all his actions are just the chess player's arrangement.

But the more so, the more they have to explore, and the people in the dream also have the right to survive. Even if it turns out that what they are doing is a fantasy, they must do their best for Zelatan.

No. 201 Listening quietly to the story of the three-dimensional image in front of you.

"After getting the order, we left the city of hot springs and came to the land of surprise. Our task is to find out whether there is a life that can ignore the influence of evil things. This life needs to be brave enough and strong enough; they need to have Strong self-awareness requires a strong collective consciousness. In the end, we chose ants."

"It is very difficult to transform an ant into a demon. We have spent several generations of effort and a lot of attempts, and finally succeeded. We have done a series of experiments and found that ants can not only resist evil things, It can even suppress evil things. However, the radiation in the Land of Surprise destroys our bodies. We have been unable to reproduce offspring and tell you this news. Moreover, according to the previous instructions, we cannot access the outside world. This information seems to be forever Lost."

"Fortunately, we made this thing, Great Sage. It will record our research results and forward them to you in the future. We have also created a large number of guides to facilitate the growth of ant demons on their own. One day, they will step out of a place of surprise and come outside to help you save the world."

"Master Anjieer, Master Satan Ye, Master Demon, when you see this news, we are no longer there, but our research will still accompany you to move forward, and may the glory of the nameless **** envelop you forever. "

The priest read it quietly, and then clicked his tongue in disgust.

The three-dimensional images are just dead objects, and this group of people cannot discover that their final research results have been obtained by the royal family.

Cannot see the desperate and painful look of the other party, which makes No. 201 feel extremely unhappy.

But after thinking about it, No. 201 smiled softly again.

If the things here can really help them suppress evil things, then the efficiency of the use of the desecration library will be greatly improved.

If you study it further, it is very possible to drive the evil things to the second level.

At that time, the gods living on the second floor will also be swallowed by the nameless gods. At that time, the power of the royal family will also increase further.

"Although you can't see the desperate look of these people, it's not bad to see a **** who looks desperate."

Whistling, she sat on the case and shook her legs, turned on her ghost system, began to connect and download related materials.

The data recorded by tens of thousands of cases is so huge that even the full download of the ghost system takes a lot of time.

But it doesn't matter, the guy who got in the way has disappeared, and she has time.

The leader who was thrown down by her fell all the way.

It constantly wants to wake up its own functions, but all functions are forcibly locked and cannot be opened at all.

Just when it was desperate, the very sticky spider webs contained it and sent it directly to the nearby secret tunnel.

The leader who was sent into the dark tunnel first fell on an assembly line.

The leader who fell on the assembly line looked blank.

When did this feature exist in the pipeline?

Why does it know nothing!

Just when it was at a loss, he saw something even more incredible.

A dozen one-meter-high small houses are standing next to the assembly line, busy using their little heads to classify the things on the assembly line and send them to different areas.

What the **** is the house?

The facilitator felt that his processing center was about to collapse.

This completely inconsistent thing appeared in front of it, by the way, slapped its data center, and then asked it by the neck: "Is it cool?"

When the first little house saw the guide who appeared here, the little house was confused.

It stared at the classification standards on the wall for a long time, and finally handed the question to the next little house in confusion.

The second small house also crashed.

It pushed the leader hard, and couldn't figure out how to classify such a ball of light for a long time, so it had to be handed over to the third house.

Just let the guide go down all the way, and it finally came to the end of the conveyor belt.

There, an ant demon enthusiastically stared at the ghost TV next to him, exclaiming from time to time.

Today's color map is also very interesting.

The work that originally required ten ant demons to deal with, after the addition of the small house, only one person was required to guard it.

The intelligence of these small houses is not high, but this kind of basic work is completely competent. After a great optimization, a lot of ant and evil powers are saved, so that they can have more time for other tasks.

When the immovable guide was brought to her side along the conveyor, her gaze remained on the ghost TV, and she changed hands to remove the guide from the conveyor belt and threw it into the non-combustible garbage sorting basket.


The guide struggled to call for help, but the other party didn't notice the guide at all. UU Reading

After lying in this sorting basket for three hours, the leader's nightmare was finally over.

Of course, it can be said that it is just beginning.

A larger house appeared, took away a basket full of non-burnable garbage from the Ant Devil, and then took the basket of garbage to the next location.

The leader who had just left the original conveyor belt was sent to a new conveyor belt this time.

Together with the non-burnable garbage that came here, the leader was sent to a large compressor, mixed with the non-burnable garbage, and compressed into a solid stone.

A few minutes later, the stone was taken out by the ants and demons, and then sent to the boss’s studio.

"The new building materials are here! This kind of compressor is really easy to use, and the things made are good and strong. What good is it to build with this stuff today?"

Looking at the building materials in the room, the boss stopped changing and finally nodded: "Just make a ball."

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