This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 11 Chapter 45: The growth of the leader

"I can also experiment with psychic weapons, and add experience to the house, and by the way, I can trick the ant and devil to consume man-hours. How, is it a very genius idea." Lu Fan kicked and swung his oars in the air.

"That's my idea." The leader turned into a rope swayed, "The house is one of our main combat powers at present. How to combine different concepts to get the strongest combat power is one of the focuses of our research. After all, those ants I care about the priest mentioned. I feel that the other party is not like a priest of the God of the Earth."

"Why?" Lu Fan asked suspiciously.

"One is the truth obtained by Mag, but the most important thing is that the priests of the God of the Earth are silly and sweet. Which priest of the God of the Earth have you ever seen do a great purge?"

"That's right."

The abnormal changes in the center of the city naturally attracted the attention of the ant demons.

The boss who was temporarily put down did not change and the leader started to publicize the events of this giant house battle in accordance with the established plan.

The three heads are Zhuge Liang. The leader doesn't think that he and the boss can get the best concept combination without changing them, so he handed over part of the contest rights to the ant demons.

The participating ants can choose to watch the game or register to participate, and the cost is two working hours.

If you win, you will get part of the reward for working hours, take a one-day trip to Lu Fan’s sauna, and get a labor medal and a small red flower.

The participating house must meet the basic function of the house, that is, at least it must be able to live in.

The weight should not be more than one thousand tons, the style is optional, the concept is optional, and the boss does not change it and assigns the concept.

The duration of each game is fifteen minutes, and the result will be announced by the referee over time.

The concept of the house is not as many as possible, after all, after being given the concept by the boss, it will also bring some biological characteristics.

Too many concepts will only drag down the performance of the house itself and make the house unable to give full play to it.

The first few exhibition games were naturally performed by the statue made by the boss.

The slime statue where the leader was was sent to the scene inexplicably, and was broken into a pile of fragments in full view.

After the staff cleared the slime statue to the backcourt, the boss stopped changing and looked at the broken statue, and said puzzledly: "No, the concept I gave shouldn't be so weak."

When the boss stopped thinking, a faint voice rang: "I...have..."

The boss who heard the voice stopped looking at the ant demon next to him in doubt: "Well, are you talking?"

After getting a negative answer, the boss shook his head helplessly. "Forget it, it may be auditory hallucinations, it can't be so livery anymore. Give it some concrete, and then go to the second game."

"Let... I'll finish"

An hour later, the leader was pressed to the ground and rubbed again.

Unlike other houses without pain consciousness, its current consciousness has been completely integrated with the body. When the body is broken, it will also feel the pain of torn apart, which it has never experienced before.

At this time, it would recall its previous treatment of injured ants and ant demons.

They should also be in pain at that time.

At that time, it didn't have such a specific body, it just used them as tools.

Just throw away the broken tools, anyway, the ants' reproductive power is pretty good, and there are many alternatives to them.

As long as the final goal is still running, then there is no problem.

But now, it finally understands what pain is.

The body that had been repaired in a hurry was constantly being destroyed, and the violent pain turned into cruel data, which washed its consciousness over and over again.

At night, after the guide was able to slightly control the material around the core, it immediately chose to take off.

Abandoning most of its body, it immediately staggered and flew towards the suspended slime, ready to tell them the news.

It can't die before telling others about the priest's conspiracy.

Unfortunately, there is not a slime there.

Don’t change the boss and be released on bail, and then go to give other ant-devil houses a concept.

Leaders have other tasks to deal with, and they cannot always be a rope.

Finding that there is no target there, the guide changes direction and flies away, ready to ask for help.

After flying for a long time without effort, it exhausted the last bit of strength and fell into the sewer on the side of the road.

I don't know how long it has been soaked in the dirty sewage, it vaguely heard a voice: "Mag, can I raise it?"

"It smells! But isn't this a stone? How to raise it?"

"It will move."

"You stole my toys!"

"What toy?"

"Um... it's nothing. Forget it, you can raise it if you want, 80% of the fragments of the wild house come from, it doesn't matter if you raise it."

When the leader woke up, it found itself in a pile of cement.

Facing the cement, the guide instantly developed a strong appetite, and this strange feeling swept through its whole body, causing it to pounce into the cement and absorb it forcefully.

"Eat full, don't worry." Someone whispered, "Don't be heard by my sister. My sister just got off work."

"Call my mother!" Margot's voice rang from the next door.

"Okay, sister."

Barely expanding his vision, the guide finds himself locked in a medium-sized glass cabinet, the bottom of which is full of cement.

Through the transparent glass, the guide saw an immature ant demon standing outside, looking at himself curiously.

It recognizes her.

The opponent was an ant demon who had just evolved, but he was tainted with red pollution and was sent to the incinerator.

I didn't expect to see each other again here.

(There is a problem with the that's it.)

Relying on its own powerful processing capabilities, the facilitator quickly connected the cause and effect together, and then understood the plan of the black hand behind the scenes.

Spread the red color among the ants, and then expose themselves when they evolve into ant demon, then they are thrown into the incinerator, and then they enter this underground country smoothly.

If nothing is done above, then all the ants and ant demons will be reddened sooner or later. If there is no black hand attack, then the entire nest will collapse from the inside.

This way of conspiracy and scheming interlaced with each other has opened the eyes of the facilitator.

(But they probably don’t know how dangerous the priests are, I need to tell them. But how should I contact them?)

Swallowing the cement around him, the leader fell into contemplation.

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