This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 11 Chapter 67: The worst slime

Latest website: When he woke up the next morning, Brandt felt abnormally exhausted.

The bed is very comfortable. I don’t know what it is made of. I don’t know what it is made of. I lie on it as if it’s wrapped in clouds. I can fall asleep when I close my eyes.

The milk you drink before going to bed is also very good. The cow's flowers on the window sill can squeeze out fresh milk. Remember to water and fertilize on time every day to get good milk.

Brandt couldn't figure out the reason for his exhaustion no matter what he thought. He could only understand that he slept too late last night.

Pushing open the window, Brandt hoped to use the morning breeze to drive away his fatigue, and then he saw an extremely surreal scene.

He saw two houses engaging in the animal world in front of him!

Staring blankly at the two apartment buildings shaking the mountains outside of him, the cows in front of Brandt were squeezed and screamed, overflowing white milk flowing into a river, as if his morality and three views are gone forever. return.

This place is really evil!

The live broadcast lasted for fifteen minutes, until a team of law enforcement teams appeared and took away the culprit, a slime.

The **** slime still yelled in dissatisfaction: "I am an academic researcher. I am dedicated to scientific research. Why are you arresting me!"

"Don't change the boss, don't talk nonsense, you are always there for this kind of thing!"

"This shows that I am dedicated!"

"We are also very dedicated! What can I say to the cell!"

Looking at the arrested slime, Brandt fell into contemplation again.

Slime is the manager and ruler here, but from the scene just now, the slime here is not treated specially, but will be arrested like ordinary demons.

In the royal city, the royal family is supreme.

This has even been written into the laws of the royal city. Royal family crimes will not be tried by ordinary courts. They can only be managed by the royal family. The law enforcement team does not even have the power to allow the royal family to assist in the investigation.

Therefore, Brandt has become accustomed to the common sense that managers have privileges, which has another impact on his three views.

If Brandt is allowed to choose, then the management style here makes him more like it.

After washing, Brandt changed into the clothes the leader gave him yesterday, and then sorted his clothes in front of the floor mirror.

The young man in the mirror looks very decent. His red hair is somewhat naturally curly. Judging by the degree of curling of the hair tips, it may be raining today.

The clothes on her body are a bit trendy, but they are very self-cultivating and look energetic enough.

This design style is said to be the handwriting of another slime, a master painter, which makes Brandt have to feel that this group of slimes are really versatile.

After getting dressed, Brandt walked out of his assigned apartment building and went to the cafeteria downstairs to have breakfast.

The breakfast is very rich. You can eat three fried eggs, two roasted sausages, a cup of coffee and a piece of bread smeared with aphids honey in just 0.03 working hours.

In addition, there are soy sauce coke rings and the like to choose from, but Brandt feels that green things are too weird, but he likes coke rings and fried dough sticks very much.

There is no limit on bread and aphids honey, as long as it is not wasted, you can eat as much as you want.

After eating, Brandt deliberately looked at the noon menu. Both red wine stew and braised large intestine are optional dishes, and only 0.05 working hours are required.

Calculating the food expenses here in his mind, Brandt found that as long as he worked eight hours a day, he would not have to worry about food for the next three months.

In Wangcheng, it takes 16 hours a day to barely feed a family of three. Compared to the living pressure here, it is really low and terrible.

Taking a cup of coffee again, Brandt sat beside a group of demons, listening to their conversation with ears pricked up.

"Yesterday I found a method, as long as the iron wire is burned red and then cut, a part can be completed in less than five seconds."

"That's great! Teach me in a while. Speaking of which, I also found that at a certain temperature, repeatedly beating the iron can get better plasticity. Later I will give you the temperature, and we will study together what temperature is more suitable. "

"I also discovered a new method, that is..."

This group of demons are discussing new crafts spontaneously, which is a situation that Wangcheng will never see.

Craftsmanship and recipes are secrets that every inhabitant of the royal city must keep. He was framed because of a dyeing recipe, which eventually triggered a series of big adventures of his own.

But here, these demons are discussing how to make themselves more efficient, and their valuable tips are directly shared by them. This kind of thing is really weird.

After drinking the coffee quietly, Brandt realized that it was almost time, so he wiped the corners of his mouth and walked towards the leader's office.

Unlike yesterday, today’s leader’s office is extremely lively.

The small office was crowded with humans and demons at this time, and several familiar people were also in it. After seeing Brandt, he waved at him in a friendly manner.

Seeing so many people, Brandt stood at the door, stepping back and trying to get out, but the leader sitting behind the desk stopped him directly.

"It's okay, come in, there are no outsiders here."

For some reason, this sentence moved Brandt a little.

He came back and sat down near the door.

A slime on the side was relieved and said to him: "The last one who came in was responsible for the meeting records, opened the ghost system, there is voice input in it, and it will be sorted after the meeting."

After the explanation, the slime climbed onto the head of the half-bald kobold man aside, and Rua got up contentedly.

Brandt finally understood why the kobold was bald.

This slime gave him a strange feeling.

Brandt could feel the extraordinary talent hidden in the opponent, but what followed was an unusually lazy feeling.

He seems to devote all his talents to how to be lazy, making people want to shout: "You don't want your talents, you give me! I don't think too much!"

In addition, there was an unusually noble feeling in the other party, which was incomparable to even the royal family, and Brandt couldn't understand why he could feel the sense of sacredness in a slime.

Lowering his voice, he asked softly: "You are..."

"Nothing unusual, a normal slime." Lu Fan said, squinting his eyes while holding the head of the kobold.

"I believe you have ghosts, your slimes are very bad."

"That's them, UU reading is an exception to me."

The leader in front coughed slightly, interrupting the conversation between Brandt and Lu Fan.

Looking around the audience, after confirming that all the lords were present, Marg, 3l, Lena, Pende, Emma, ​​Chipmunk, and Winston were all here, he said: "The only thing is that the boss doesn't change it, who Know what's wrong with him?"

A few seconds later, Brandt raised his hand and said in a low voice, "I saw him taken away this morning."

"Ah, I understand, he deserves it. Let me talk about the first thing first. Our territory is already big enough to support a country, so I declare that the slime nation is established. The first leader is ours. Comrade No wonder, stand up and let everyone know."

"Cut, I still haven't escaped."

Lu Fan stood up dissatisfied, greeted casually, then sat down and continued to play the dog.

Brandt on the side squinted at this guy, gritted his teeth and said, "You are definitely the worst one in the slime."

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