This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 11 Chapter 74: Poor boss, don't change

The boss, don't change the beauty that is still in Baba.

He finally took over a small studio, every day from nine to five, the design fee was never short, and he has lived a life with a house and a car.

When he walked out of the subway station in the evening, he was about to buy some cakes to go home, as a gift of knowing his girlfriend for a hundred days, and then he saw a chubby thing appearing in front of him.

It has an oval appearance, with several cute facial features on its face, and a dark green liquid inside its body, which looks like a slime that has just walked out of the game.

The pedestrians around didn't seem to see this strange thing, so the boss didn't change it and felt that this might be another prank show.

"Vibrato is still Kuaishou, where is the guy who took the phone to shoot?"

"Don't look for it." The slime on the ground said to the boss, "Do you remember who I am?"

"Speaking! Is this installed with a stereo? It's so delicate."

The boss didn't change it and walked up curiously. He moved the slime to see if the speaker was underneath, and then he was hit by the slime head-on.

Jumping in front of the opponent who fell to the ground, Lu Fan sighed: "Sure enough, have you forgotten the previous things? This thing also has some characteristics of evil things. If you come to explain it, come with me."

This slime jumped one meter high, and it was a normal fall, but the boss didn't change it, and the whole ground trembled.

After that, the sky split.

The blackened sky split from the middle, and a white background appeared below the sky.

Subsequently, the surrounding scenery began to be two-dimensional, skyscrapers, driving cars, pedestrians in a hurry, vendors selling stinky tofu... these things were directly compressed into pictures and degraded from pictures to words.

The whole world seemed to be broken down into pure words in an instant, except for the boss and Lu Fan in front of him.

Staring blankly at the scene before him, the boss stopped changing and quickly took out his mobile phone to make a call at home, and then found that his mobile phone had also deteriorated into two italics: "mobile phone".

"This, this is..."

"Let's go, the next stop, we have to call the little master."

The huge void is abruptly in front of a person and a history, countless words are sucked into it like a torrent, and fall to the end of the void.

Seeing Lu Fan jump in directly, the boss couldn't help but shout: "What is this, what is this! What's wrong with me?"

He threw the briefcase that had been turned into words into the hollow, and he yanked his hair and shouted: "I knew it couldn't be so smooth! How could the person I like like me? How could my boss be so kind, I knew it I'm dreaming! This shit-like dream, this shit-like reality! Go to him, go to him!"

All that could be thrown was thrown off, the boss stopped changing and then jumped into the hole, rushing to the end of the hole with a lot of text.

Love what to do, this bad dream will wake up sooner.

On the other side of the void, connected to another sky.

The text that emerged from the original world melted like ice and snow, and merged with this world.

From the perspective of the boss, there seems to be a little more watermelon in this world.

The place where he landed was in a park.

The statue here is a watermelon, and the watermelon is grown in the garden, and even the children passing by are holding watermelon.

A couple carrying a watermelon passed by him. The woman wrapped the man’s arm and asked gently: "Will you eat cold watermelon or braised watermelon tonight?"

"Steam it, I'm a little bit angry, eat lighter and better."


Watching the couple leave, the boss don't change the feeling that this dream is really weird.

The cars driving on the street are shaped like watermelons, and the clothes that people cluster together wear are watermelon patterns, which are red and green everywhere, so that the boss does not change it and feels that the world is really weird.

"That, slime, where are you?"

"Here." Lu Fan's voice came from the crowd in front.

Squeezing into the crowd, the boss stopped seeing Lu Fan surrounded by a group of people. A dozen girls surrounded each other, touching Lu Fan's body obsessively.

"It's so cute, this talking watermelon is so cute."

"I want to keep touching it, it feels so comfortable."

"I want to eat it now, I can't hold it anymore!"

Lu Fan slammed into a slime, and directly knocked the guy holding the watermelon knife away, and then jumped onto the boss's head where he hadn't changed.


"where to?"

"Whatever, get rid of this group of people."

The boss didn't change his eyes and glanced at the obviously enthusiastic crowd. He could only hold Lu Fan and rush towards the secluded place with his legs.

Hidden in the woods, the boss who finally got rid of other people stopped changing his stare at Lu Fan, gritted his teeth and asked, "What's going on, how can I have such strange dreams?"

Lu Fan glanced at the opponent, and then directly hit the bridge of the opponent's nose.

The boss who was knocked over again stopped correcting his nosebleed, and shouted angrily: "What are you doing?"

"Does it hurt?"

"How could it not hurt!"

"Then do you think you are still dreaming?"

Don't change your language, the boss.

Pinching the bridge of his nose to stop the bleeding, he sat cross-legged on the ground, staring at Lu Fan blankly, before finishing his thoughts for a long time: "So, is the reality like this?"

"No, we are in a fictitious world. And don't make a noise, I'm checking the information."

The boss didn't change it until he found out that Lu Fan didn't know when he brought a newspaper, and he was reading the newspaper seriously at this time.

Stepping forward, the boss didn't change the headline and found that the headline of this newspaper was a portrait of a young man, with the headline next to it: "The Nobel Prize Winner in Biology-The Legendary Life of a Little Master."

"How does this person get this name? How much his parents don't want to see this kid." The boss couldn't help but complain.

"Your name is not much better."

"Who said that, the boss, don't change this name... I'll take it, how can I call this name!"

"So I told you to stop arguing, I'm still looking up the information. Well, I probably understand. Unlike you, Xiao Dangjia has deeper desires, and more content needs to be simulated to meet the happiness conditions he needs. And he I hope to get the Nobel Prize in Biology by planting a watermelon, so we can only modify human cognition and make watermelon something that everyone likes."

"What are you talking about, I don't understand."

"Simply put, these worlds exist to make you happy. In order to make you happy, logic and common sense are secondary. Let's go and take me to see the young master. "

"How do I know where he is?"

Lu Fan sighed and pointed to the sky and said, "Half of this world has merged with your world, so you have half of the power of this world. Define what you want to do most as seeing the young master, then you can definitely see he."

"But I don't want to see him!"

"No, you think."

After finishing speaking, Lu Fan slammed into the boss's stomach, which made him almost spit out the overnight meal.

"Say, do you want to!"

"I think, I think! Did it succeed?"

"Not enough strength, come again!"

"I think, I really do! Don't come, ah!"

In the secluded woods, the boss resounded, don't change the miserable cry.

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