This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 11 Chapter 76: Best employee

After reading the newspaper, Little Master's first feeling was: Why can I understand the text in this newspaper?

Obviously it is an unfamiliar language, but he is as proficient as his mother tongue, so the little master finally admits that this world is indeed unrealistic.

Returning the newspaper to Lu Fan, the young master used a fork to fork a muffin: "How do you see this is the ideal world of the devil. There is an ideal follower, a group of young brothers, and their enemies are wiped out. Just lie down comfortably to death when you come down."

"The devil is not so vulgar... well, I admit, the devil is so vulgar. But this is indeed Pan De's world. He doesn't want to be a hero or anything else, he just wants to complete his life as an assistant. "

Putting down the steak, Lu Fan looked at the statue outside the window and said with emotion: "Such a good employee, I'm really sorry for not being exploited a few times."

"Nothing unusual, you are a good capitalist."

After the meal was over, the boss stopped changing and hid away, staring at Lu Fan and asked, "What should I do next? Give the little master a sacrifice to the sky and then get Pan De's position?"

"No need, the other party is definitely still in the City Lord's Mansion now, we can just go in. After all, I am a slime now, so it's easy to get in."

Jumping to the boss's head where he hadn't changed, Lu Fan pointed to the glorious castle in the center of the city and said, "Go there."

Walking to the City Lord's Mansion, the development of the matter was exactly the same as Lu Fan said.

The demon guarding at the door did not stop them at all, but politely sent Lu Fan and his party in, and at the same time thoughtfully reminded them that Lord Pan De was listening to the teachings of the Demon King.

Before arriving at the city lord's bedroom, Lu Fan heard his own voice coming from the door before he even entered.

"Pand, you are really a good half-human sheep."

"From the day I saw you, I believed that you could become the best **** lord under me."

"I believe in your potential, and I also know that you will reach your full potential."

"Come on, continue to work for me."

Standing at the door and listening for a while, the boss didn't change it and said in a daze: "If my boss looks like this, I will definitely give it to my youth and my children and grandchildren."

The little master looked at the boss with contempt: "If you don't need money if you are good, you will be bought by a few sentences?"

"The boss now doesn't even give kind words, and only PUA every day. Sooner or later I will kill that bastard."

"Don't make a noise, I don't feel comfortable listening, so I went in."

Breaching the door, Lu Fan saw Pan De kneeling before the "Devil" with a shy look, and the pleats on his face smiled like an old chrysanthemum.

He kept scratching his head with his hoof, and said shyly: "No, no, it's all managed by Lord Demon."

"Pande, you are good everywhere, but you are too humble. By the way, pour me a glass of goat's milk. I don't know why, the goat's milk you poured is extraordinarily mellow."

"It's all the credit of the Demon Lord's tongue."

Pan Demei stood up and picked up the wooden cup to pour the goat's milk. When he turned around, he saw the history of the two at the door.

"Well, who are you? Who is this slime? Are you also a subordinate of the Demon King?"

"Come on, no surprise, you should beat him up."

Don't change the boss and look at Lu Fan expectantly, but Lu Fan just jumped forward and said to the puzzled Pan De, "The real devil doesn't talk like that."

"What do you know? No one knows the devil better than me!"

"The real devil will only say that you did a good job, and then give you all the work. Frankly admit that this devil is just the devil in your imagination, the real devil is not here."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

An angry Pan De drew his sword and faced the "Devil Lord": "My Lord Devil, please allow me to deal with these **** who slander you!"

But the "devil" on the chair just looked at Pan De gently: "Pand, you are really a good half-human sheep."

"big boss…"

"From the day I saw you, I believed that you could become the best **** lord under me."

"Master Devil, in other words, don't repeat these few sentences all the time!"

"I believe in your potential, and I also know that you will reach your full potential."

"In other words, don't scare me! You are joking with me, right?"

"Come on, continue to work for me."

Looking at the "Devil" who could only say these words over and over, Pan De weakly put his saber back, and then sat on the carpet.

"I know. I knew that the group of people cried and called me back to be the lord. This world is not real, and they won't welcome me."

"I'm just a mediocre half-human sheep. Even if Lord Demon returns, he won't praise me. He has too many strong men under him, and he won't care about a small me."

"But, but, but... But I really want to be praised once!"

Looking at Pan De, who was about to cry, Lu Fan jumped to Pan De's side and whispered: "In my heart, you are indeed a good employee. Especially when you stood in front of Lena in order to protect the territory. , You who are full of courage are quite good."

The past experience was awakened at this moment, making Pan De look at Lu Fan in amazement, and then cried bitterly: "That's it, I understand, that's the way it is!"

"Okay, don't cry, Pande, my good Pande, it's time to leave here, we have to go to the next world. Believe in yourself, you are a good talent."

"Okay! But wait a minute, I have to do something."

Wiping his nose and tears on his clothes, Pande left the room and went to the square, and then rang the bell.

When the people in the castle were assembled, Pan De looked at his leader and suddenly cursed.

"You guys, you guys think about how to be lazy guys every day when you have a full meal. The guys I picked out with a stick in the toilet are a hundred times stronger than your guys. I will live with you guys. Come down, but you guys are thinking about driving me away! When I come back to reality, I will use my saber to insert your *** so that each of you **** will know how a quasi-swordmaster uses him superbly Skills make you fucking! Okay, I'm leaving."

Jump off the podium, UU reading www. Pan De stood beside Lu Fan: "Go, I already want to go back quickly and let them know how good I am."

The boss didn't change it and looked at Pan De admiringly: "Your words are really interesting, can you use them when I resign?"

"Yes, use whatever you want."

The world shattered into words in an instant.

Stepping into the black hole that appeared in front of you, a group of people got in, woke up the Maozi driver who was addicted to the daughter country, and then quickly entered the next world.

Before entering this world, Lu Fan deliberately said to others: "This world has to be careful, it is Emma's world."

"Have you ever been in?" The beaten-up black and swollen furry driver asked suspiciously.

"No, but the book that symbolizes her is the thickest, thicker than you combined. I don't know why this happened, but it's okay to be careful."

After the exhortation, Lu Fan took the lead to step out and enter Emma's book.

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