This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 12 Chapter 54: mortal victory

Inside the temple, the God of Sacrifice looked at the five divine envoys who had escaped, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

He is angry.

But more than that, fear.

He had no idea at all that he had fallen to this point.

In the beginning, He also thought that he could be at odds with the Demon King.

But the speed of the Demon King's growth is too amazing. Now not only the Demon King's subordinates, but even his subordinates have become the targets that his own divine envoy cannot defeat.

"That Demon King... Where did he get his power! Is it a god! Or some other way!"

The crazy **** of sacrifice kept smashing things around, and his angry roar echoed in the shrine full of garbage.

Suddenly, he felt another heart palpitation.

Looking at the world, he found that the residents of the northern kingdom had spontaneously stood up, surrounded by a tall and burly priest of an unknown god, and walked to the square together.

Some of them hugged their children tightly, and some silently shed tears and held their children's bodies.

They were once fanatical believers who sacrificed their relatives to please the nameless god.

But now, they are enlightened.

From them, the God of Sacrifice can feel the hatred, how sincere they believed in themselves before, and how fierce this hatred is now.

For the first time in his life, the **** of sacrifice felt fear from this group of people.

They are mortals and powerless mortals. As long as a priest comes over, they can assimilate them and become their own believers.

But they are incomparably powerful. The once ignorant beliefs have been removed, and the high wall of reason has been erected again, allowing them to face the new future stronger.

This is the power of mortals.

This is the power of fire.

Don't let that priest go to the square!

can not!

At this moment, the God of Sacrifice knew that he could no longer be attached to the position of the Lord God. If he did not take measures as soon as possible, he might even be the one who fell.

Underground in the kingdom of the north, his priests immediately heard the oracle.

"Stop that guy, stop that guy at all costs!"

The elder sister who received the oracle showed a charming smile.

Ordered to stop the search for Snow, she gathered all the priests, along with the remaining believers, in the underground temple.

"Sacrifice, believers. It's time to show your devotion to the **** of sacrifice. May your soul ascend to the kingdom of God and enjoy the glory of the **** of sacrifice forever in the kingdom of God."

A faint blue flame burned on every believer, and a lot of sacrifice brought a lot of power and shared it with every priest.

This flame even appeared on the ground, and some people who still had hope for the **** of sacrifice screamed and were sacrificed, becoming the power of underground priests.

But people looked at these flames fearlessly, and the desire for revenge made their will extremely firm.

The power of hatred prompted them to surround Matthew and march forward together to sound the death knell to the **** of sacrifice.

Beside them, the priests of the sacrificial **** came out of the ground and started suicide attacks on Mather.

In the secret passage, King Claude also felt the call of the other party.

He had a deep relationship with the **** of sacrifice, and the murmur of the priest of the **** of sacrifice also sounded in his ears, promising countless benefits and tempting him to sacrifice his life.

"Everything you have comes from the great **** of sacrifice. He may have deceived you once, but he will never have a second time."

"Give all you have, and you will gain unparalleled power and power, and you will ascend to the eternal kingdom of God to see your wife again, your children."

"Sacrifice, sacrifice everything. Give up thinking and give everything to the eternal God of sacrifice."

Facing the persuasion of the priest, King Claude's expression remained calm.

He knew that what the other party said was true.

His relationship with the **** of sacrifice was much deeper than others, and it was now clearly felt that the **** of sacrifice was in some great danger.

The other party even put down his body, promised various benefits, and swore in his own name, swearing to fulfill all the promises.

As long as he is willing, he can even become a divine envoy directly, even a higher-level existence than divine envoy.

It's an endless temptation if...

If he hadn't seen what his subjects looked like now.

He had already seen what the people looked like after they had been reduced to mad believers. They all smiled and sacrificed their loved ones, completely unaware of the cruel mistakes they had made.

"God, almost every one of you can't be trusted."

Closing his eyes, King Claude sacrificed himself.

Not to the **** of sacrifice, but to another **** who was more egalitarian and more fraternal.

The other party has no emotions, but for humans, He is a better choice.

"Nameless God, please accept me."

To his surprise, the nameless **** rejected his sacrifice, but also sent his blessing over.

He is an artificial god, and he will not accept the life of any believer, even if the other party sincerely prays.

"Haha." King Claude smiled softly, "Sure enough, only you are the attitude a **** should have. Bring me my armor!"

At this moment, the originally tired King Claude stood up like a lion, and once again released the vitality of his youth.

Putting on heavy armor, he said to the guards who were waiting on the side: "You guys, are you willing to fight for the people!"

Neat voices sounded, and all the guards tapped their chests to express their attitude.

"Then go, find those priests, and with our own hands, break free from the shackles of the **** of sacrifice!"

In the kingdom of the north, the battle that belongs to mankind has officially started.

The fearless soldiers rushed out of their shelters and rushed to the priests of the **** of sacrifice, and they charged without fear of life and death.

They do not have the power of priests, nor the means of infinite resurrection.

They could only use their flesh and blood to block the priests surging out of the ground, and desperately guard the path that Matthew was going on.

Mather walked slowly.

He must do so because it is a necessary step in this ritual.

Beside him, soldiers and civilians fell all the time, but Mather did not stop, but silently remembered everyone's appearance in his heart.

There must be blood and sacrifice to remove faith, and the people must be made aware of the true face of the gods.

When he walked to the center of the square, the road behind him was covered with blood.

Jin and the little boy were also covered in scars. Even with the editing hands and the protection of the nameless god, the priests here were still too many to deal with.

The barrel of the Wolong mecha was already hot, which made him regretfully activate the self-exploding device, causing the mecha and dozens of crazy priests to explode into pieces.

Standing in front of the statue of the God of Sacrifice in front of the square, Mather stretched out his hand and shouted in a bell-like voice, "People, the most important thing is happiness!"

With the most basic tenets of the Unknown God, Mather's crusade began.

And the ceremony was completed.

Along with Mather's loud voice, the **** of sacrifice in the temple let out a piercing howl. The ritual combined with the impact of the anti-creed caused an irreversible contradiction in his priesthood, and eroded himself at a very fast speed. , let him begin to perish.

Everything he feared finally came at this moment, and the severe pain made him roar angrily: "I am the **** of sacrifice! How could I be defeated by you mortals!"

But He also knew that his fall was unavoidable.

Although there are only 100,000 anti-believers, their resentment has been continuously fermented under the blessing of the ritual, forming a force in his body that can shake his existence.

This is the power of mortals.

It can be as humble as dust, or as heavy as a mountain.

Before being tortured by this power and completely collapsed, the God of Sacrifice left his throne and rushed towards the human world, towards the Demon King who was defending Tieze.

"Kill me, Demon King! At least at the last moment, UU reading let me die like a god."

However, the demon king in the sky did not act.

Lu Fan just looked at the **** of sacrifice gradually dissipating indifferently, and said lightly: "You are not worthy."

"Kill me and give me the last honor! I don't want to die at the hands of mortals!"

"You do not deserve!"

"Kill me!"

Crazy rushing towards the Demon King in the air, the God of Sacrifice released his last strength to the Demon King.

But this power also began to crumble, and it vanished the moment it touched the Demon King.

In front of the Demon King, the body of the **** of sacrifice began to burst, bursting like a bubble and dissipating in the air, leaving only a faint heart of the god.

And the Demon King is still there.

This is not his victory.

A victory for mortals.

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