This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 12 Chapter 73: The end of the gods

Seth, who was covered in black cloth, walked into the conference hall to meet the eyes of the gods.

Under the bathing of his eyes, he excitedly spread his hands and said with a cheerful smile: "I am really surprised that the gods would even consider surrendering to humans. I feel that I have witnessed an interesting thing."

"Seth... the last priest of the foolish god?"

"It's me. Well, it seems that you are all survivors of stupidity. Do you need me to detonate the poison of stupidity here?"

A trident slashed directly at Seth's neck, cutting off his head.

Catching the head in the air, Seth put his head back and said dissatisfiedly, "It's really troublesome, can't you just listen to me?"

The eyes of the gods began to look at Seth, but just a little deeper, the poison of stupidity began to flood, forcing them to withdraw their eyes.

The other party has completely turned into an aggregate of toxins, and even if the gods detect it, they will be contaminated by toxins.

"What do you want to do?" said the leading gods.

He is one of the few powerful gods who survived, the **** of the ocean.

The sea **** had a beard that smelled of the sea breeze, and the skin on his face was as dark as a fisherman's, full of cracks.

Facing Sea God, Seth said with a smile, "Do you know the consequences of surrendering?"

Before waiting for the gods to reply, Seth continued: "You will be taken out of the heart of the gods, you will be pulled up to judge, your temples will be destroyed, and your priests will be hung with lighthouses."

"We are gods!"

"Yes, but they're on the side of the people, think back to what you've done to the people. They've woken up, hatred has pulled you off the altar, they don't want an idol anymore, they want a bunch of people who need to be judged criminals."

The gods fell silent.

The gods, who were good at deduction, began to calculate the possibility of this situation, but no matter how calculated, what Seth said was very likely to happen.

Quietly waiting for the uneasiness to ferment in the hearts of the gods, Seth laughed smugly in his heart.

This crowd **** is really too provocative!

They do know everything, but they simply don't know how to use this ability.

They only know how to use their divine power to crush, but once they encounter this crushing situation, their performance is even worse than that of Arthur's fiance.

After waiting for enough anxiety, Seth said bewitchingly: "The consequences of surrendering are almost the same as falling, so why not fight again?"

"What to spell?" a **** asked suspiciously, "The walking corpses are vulnerable in the face of the magician's annihilating light. Our believers are also losing a lot, and the gods are using all their divine power to suppress the demon king. We've run out of options."

"How can you say no, don't you still have your own emotions and bodies?"

Seth's words instantly stirred up a storm.

The trident of the sea **** fell to the tip of Seth's nose: "You are blaspheming!"

"What's so scary about dying gods?"

"God did pay attention to you, but that doesn't mean we can't kill you."

"Of course you can, but you'll lose your chance to come back. Since it's all downfalls, why don't you believe me?"

The shadow of Seth began to spread.

Absorbing the goddess and the mother of all things in the goddess' body, Seth has quietly elevated himself to a false god.

The delusional poison in the gods' bodies was not eliminated, but lurked.

At this moment, the toxins combined with Seth's body and resonated, further weakening the judgment of the gods.

Of course, the pride of the gods themselves and the hope in their hearts are the main reasons. Unwilling to fail, they have slowly fallen into Seth's trap and turned into Seth's resources.

Seth gave a passionate speech in the face of his gradually becoming delusional.

He expounded the relationship between man and God, and demonstrated a fact with illogical arguments: it is not man who worships God, but God who worships man.

Although full of loopholes, he uses his excellent acting skills and provocative language to make every **** fascinated.

They long to restore their previous relationship.

They are eager to continue to enjoy the worship of humans and continue to have fun in the temple, instead of being beaten by a demon king and a group of slimes and afraid to go out.

They also need previous dramas, like God on God, to appreciate human performances.

They need a feast, a **** feast, to continue to satisfy their gluttonous appetites that will never be satisfied.

So, while realizing that this might be a trap, a dead end, they were blinded by the possibility of victory and began to cheer for Seth.

They have been in that position for so long that they have forgotten that they were once human beings.

When Seth's speech was over, one of the gods got up excitedly and asked: "That's great, Seth, human beings should be the slaves of the gods, and it is their honor to live for us! What do you need us to do? Do?"

"Be a part of me, I promise you can leave at any time, but you'll soon like it here and won't want to leave."

The shadow lurking behind the gods suddenly appeared, directly saying that the gods were engulfed and rolled into Seth's body.

His mechanical part merged with Seth's body, and his emotional part resonated with Seth's mind and became part of Seth's superconsciousness.

Under the gaze of the gods, the voices of the absorbed gods resounded in Seth's body: "What a joy, what a joy! This is where the gods should be, and this is where I should be. "

His voice was extremely sincere, and the joy revealed from it was like a beacon in the dark, allowing the already desperate gods to see hope.

They seemed to see the food beggars, and scrambled to stand up from their own positions, carrying their priests and rushing towards Seth, eager to integrate into the body of this savior.

At this moment, the gods have completely given up their dignity as gods and turned into beasts greedy for blood. Even if there is poison behind the blood, they are happy.

In just a few minutes, most of the gods present were integrated into Seth's body, and a series of exclamations came out of Seth's body.

"God is God, what a beautiful place this is!"

"No need to think, but always thinking; no need to chase pleasure, pleasure comes naturally! Is there a better place in this world than here?"

Feeling the joy of the gods in his body, Seth smiled and set his eyes on Sea God.

"What about you, Sea God, don't you want to live in my body for a long time, hand over all foreign enemies to me, and then enjoy bliss forever?"

The mighty Sea God shook his head, the salt grains from his beard fell and turned into sea breezes on the floor.

"I don't have to, I will be responsible for monitoring you. If something goes wrong, I will kill you."

"It's a pity, I also prepared a place just for you. There, you will always enjoy the sea breeze and hear the lapping of the waves."

"I do not need."

"Then there's no way."

The shadow behind Sea God suddenly swelled, swallowing Sea King, and directly swallowing Qi.

A blue light flashed in the shadow, and the sea **** holding the trident pierced the shadow, and the huge dhow appeared under his seat, and rushed towards Seth with the sea god.

The trident penetrated Seth's body, and the ocean's body burst in Seth's body, causing Seth's body to directly turn into a pile of blood mist.

But the Sea God couldn't smile.

Bowing his head, he saw that on his body, Seth's blood fell there, and immediately grew black tentacles, plunged into his body, and spread deeper.

He dug out this piece of flesh and blood, and in the golden blood of God, Seth's black blood was spreading freely.

"I knew it, I knew it! Seth, you are the enemy of God!"

Picking up his trident, Sea God started frantically removing his own black blood, but the more he did, the more black blood he had.

"I never lied. UU Reading"

The flesh and blood that the sea **** had dug up regrouped on the ground, and after a while, it turned into the appearance of Seth.

Walking to the Sea God who was frantically slicing away flesh and blood, Seth swallowed the Sea God in one gulp, then patted his belly and asked, "How do you feel?"

A few seconds later, the voice of the Sea God resounded in his body: "What a joy, what a joy! This is a paradise, with boundless joy."

"Your satisfaction is my greatest compliment."

The shadows of Seth had grown indistinct, and the shadows of the gods boiled behind him, undulating in the dark tide, enjoying the joy of the dirt.

The assembly of the superconscious individuals of the gods has been completed.

Next, it would be good to add a demon king.

In particular, the contradictory forces in the opponent's body exuded a desire that Seth coveted.

Seth, who was full of malice, walked out of the empty council hall and walked towards the false demon king's room.

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