This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 100 The Law of Nine Rice (plus the second update)

The preparation time for distributing scripts, road signs, making painting cards, and studying turbidity devices passed quickly.

Three days later, the red moon arrived.

At this moment, all creatures in the world seemed to feel the abnormality of the earth veins and began to shrink slowly.

It was as if a big tree was twitching its roots, ready to suck away all the embers rooted in it.

A huge ember disaster began to appear, not only with various human embers, but also with various wild beasts and monsters that died in the mountains.

South of Pingchang City.

Three rooms with a single door and a courtyard.

Zhang Huaping walked into the courtyard with a strong yin aura, and a cold and gloomy breath hit her face.

She kicked the wooden door open and looked around in the dim light: "Do you know about clover?"

The fairy doctor in her hand thought for a while: "Three leaves mean luck, and a flower has three leaves?"

Zhang Huaping looked heavy:

"A mother uses the heart blood of her baby to embroider a clover on her belly, which can increase the comprehension of the next child. This can make it easier for many poor families to produce a Confucian scholar."

"However, children raised in this way are born violent and extreme, and almost embark on the path of demon cultivation. Many demon cultivators come this way."

"After all, a flower blooms in threes, knowing that I am me, but knowing that I am a bad person is also a kind of self-realization."

The air was filled with a rotten smell. Zhang Huaping pinched her nose and found a woman's body on the bed with the sword fairy.

Four exquisite blood-colored tattoos were vivid on the skin.

"Right now, this woman's belly is already embroidered. "I heard that after ten years of pregnancy, a demon with high comprehension will be born." "What a pity" "She heard that the sword fairy was silent for a while and sighed: "It's really disgusting, pitiful, and even more hateful." Zhang Huaping looked solemn and said coldly: "It's a normal baby ghost, which is originally a kind of easy to deal with, but this evil magic is a little special, and it's superimposed on Zhang Huaping. After all, she joined the commissioned work of the Red Sun Yat-sen, responsible for helping to deal with strange things in various places in the city. The Red Moon broke out, and chaos occurred frequently in various places. She took the sword fairy to deal with the affairs. The sword fairy had no knowledge of death, so she She didn't feel scared no matter how bloody and cruel the scene was. She just lamented that the world was not as peaceful as she imagined.

The tranquility, peace, laughter and liveliness on the villa were all displayed by their own blacksmiths. They lived in a pigeon cage that symbolized peace and had never been exposed to the real outside world.

Many of the people here lived in dilapidated alleys, worrying about their daily livelihoods and exhausting every bit of energy to support their children's education.

At present, the yamen runners, the palace guards, and the demon suppression department have been fully operational, running around and sacrificing tragically.


Zhang Huaping's face suddenly turned cold, and she pulled out the sword fairy and slashed at the flying pile of rotten meat.


The flesh and blood separated and turned into meat balls.

Zhang Huaping left without looking back, jumping on the eaves, "Let's go to the next place, Pingyuan Lane, where there are more demonic spirits, and there may be more terrible things."

"Does it have to be like this every day?" asked the sword fairy.

"According to records, it's like this every day during the red moon. Because of the strange creatures, they are attracted to flesh and blood. The city is full of blood and energy, and they swarm in, forming a scene of strange monsters attacking the city. Strange creatures in the wild will appear everywhere, and the local probability will also increase, which is hard to prevent." Zhang Huaping looked heavy: "But people can't stay up all month. We will take turns to rest. It will pass after a little hardship and fatigue. It only comes once every 150 years, and many people will never encounter it in their lifetime." These days, the sword fairy also knew Zhang Huaping's origin and life experience. She and her husband met their childhood sweethearts when they were studying. Unfortunately, her husband encountered a few evil boys who teased and killed him. The reason was just that he thought the other party was better at writing poems than them, which hurt his face. But Zhang Huaping had no resentment because the murderer had been punished. The court used heavy laws to rule the world. It was difficult to govern outside the city, but if someone broke the law in the city, even a monk with a high level of cultivation would be guilty of the same crime as the common people. In "Nine Rice Laws", one part is as follows. Petty thieves will be beheaded. Those who maliciously injure others or cause their death will be torn apart by a chariot.

Those who embezzle and accept bribes, causing a large number of casualties among the people, will have their four internal organs dug out, or be skinned and stuffed with grass, and planted on the city walls as a warning to others.

Those who rebel and attack important government sites will have their hearts dug out

Digging out the heart is basically a death sentence.

Five bodies, four organs, three origins, two phases, one heart, and transformation.

Five bodies and four organs have been cultivated to the ninth level of the physical body, but still do not cultivate the heart. The heart is the only weakness of the immortal body. For most great monks, digging out the heart is a dead end.

And the people who killed Zhang Huaping's husband were tortured to pieces and torn apart by five horses.

They did not cultivate the five bodies to perfection, but only cultivated three bodies, so two limbs could not be restored, the physical body was defective, and their future was completely cut off.

Born into a scholarly family, generations of scholars, the cold eyes and ridicule of others were more painful than killing them.

Of course, most of the children of the immortal families are very well-educated and will not commit adultery, because it is a very low-class thing. Scholars hate uneducated hooligans.

They are almost all elegant and polite, or it is more appropriate to call them arrogant.

"The punishment of this world" The sword fairy didn't know what to say. The difficulty level of torture has changed greatly.

For ordinary people who have not practiced petty theft, beheading is the death penalty.

For a cultivator who has practiced and committed petty theft, beheading is an injury, and it will be fine after a rest.

The same sentence, but it produces different effects for different people.


Zhang Huaping killed a black burrowing evil spirit that was wriggling like an earthworm. "Tomorrow, let's go to the villa. We have to get the 20 blind boxes once every three days."

"Well, I still have to deliver a letter." The sword fairy said.

"I'll take you back to the Red Mansion first." Zhang Huaping smiled.

They returned to the street again, and there were pavilions and towers on the street.

There were bluestone slabs under their feet, and shops were still open. The atmosphere was more tense than usual, but they were all posted with pictures of saints, couplets, and talismans to suppress evil spirits.

Zhang Huaping thought for a moment, "By the way, you, the apprentice courtesan, don't you have any customers to recite poems with you?"

"They are short-sighted!"

The sword fairy was extremely ashamed and angry: "After all, it is the red sun, and everyone is very busy. How can we have time to visit the building? But I get along well with several sisters who study medicine."

After all, there are at least people with special skills in the Red Mansion, and there are many female doctors who are proficient in medicine.

The Red Mansion is essentially a place for communication.

This communication is not only for the guests, but also for the courtesans in each building.

Zhang Huaping smiled, like a gentle big sister next door, "You, study hard, I believe you have the talent."

"Of course, I want to be famous all over the world

Zhang Huaping smiled and did not refute.

The peddlers on the roadside were once as bookish as us, wearing white shirts and holding folding fans.

But in the end, they still became old shopkeepers, street vendors, long-term workers carrying loads, and supporting their children to study.

Zhang Huaping handed over to the old shopkeeper, and then took the sword fairy into the teleportation array: "Let's go, let's go up the mountain!"

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