Ning Zheng was so angry that she laughed.

I asked you to shoot arrows on the front line, not to hide behind and chop people.

And you insisted that this was more cost-effective.

If you value your life, can't I go by myself? I can chop a bunch of them myself.

It seems that it is really impossible.

Ning Zheng dared not to chop Qi Zu himself.

Think about it from another angle, aren't they also a death squad now?

Fighting desperately on the front line, walking on the wire rope?

Even if they are not chopping that ancestor, they are chopping this ancestor.

That's it.

Ning Zheng did not stay at home, hiding in a corner, holding a lot of magic money, and frantically replenishing spiritual energy.

Although most of the split energy comes from the mother body.

But it also requires huge mana to breed a large amount of mental toxins.

His realm is low, and the ancestor standing for him to chop, it feels that he can't keep up with the secretion of toxins.

Ning Zheng switched perspectives and secretly observed the battle situation: "The battle situation should be much better. I thought we could fight before."

After more than a dozen archers joined, the situation was obviously improved with the crazy support of another Qi Zu's "new long-range firepower".

"No. 3 retreat."


"Don't worry, calm down."

This group of archers is obviously very conscious.

They are not normal blacksmiths, they are all carefully selected combat flow soul players, very maneuverable.

Control the character to avoid aoe, various positions, use a "kite" tactic to fight the boss, cooperate very systematically, stand far away, and find a paper house in the distance as a cover.

In addition, the soul body has no entity.

Most physical attacks will fail, which causes various problems in their operation, and the soul body will only become dimmer.

And Li Youzhu and the other two are not stupid, they just need to delay the opponent.

The soul poison arrows of this archer will weaken the opponent again and again, split the opponent to form a new sub-body.

One rises and the other falls.

He will become weaker and weaker in the poisoning, and the "daughter virus" that proliferates in his body will attack him frantically and produce more viruses.

I can only say that this spiritual root is indeed abnormal.

Especially in this kind of attrition war, when playing long-range assistance.

Ning Zheng's spiritual root is particularly suitable for long-range attacks, and close combat will be very limited.

It's good to have a front row to resist.

"It's just that their archery skills are too poor, and they are wasting heaven's resources."

Ning Zheng shook his head and sighed:

"The phantom is originally a temporary soul body, and the arrows shot are also spiritual arrows, which consume soul power. The more you shoot, the faster the soul body clone disappears."

It's too wasteful to give them this. They can't exert much of their strength. Most of the arrows shot miss, and they can't play the strength they should.

This is still under the premise of the crows shooting arrows.

But what can Ning Zheng do?

His archery skills are better than theirs, but they are also limited.

He is just a small cultivator in the five-body realm.

But soon, these blacksmith archers found a new way. Their arrows were so bad that they couldn't hit the opponent.

The answer is: shoot his meat field.

No need to attack Jiuzu, attack the puppet scarecrow he controls.

The overwhelming meat field is a huge target, and even the worst archers can hit it.

One volley.

Two volleys.

A temporary phantom with a cultivation level not inferior to the Three Yuan Realm slowly stood up, bent his bow and shot arrows.

One by one, they stood up, like a natural disaster among the undead, constantly sweeping and expanding, forming a legion in the shadow.

"What the hell is this? If this goes on, I will definitely lose."

In mid-air, Jiuzu frantically thought about how to break the deadlock and felt that he was restrained.


It was the meat field puppet that was restrained, and it became the opponent's endless production tool.

Most of his cultivation was spent on controlling the puppets!

The swift dragon meat puppet had been damaged because of resisting the attack.

This meat field puppet was also restrained.

Now that I think about it, they had planned to attack first, and they wanted to kill the highly mobile dragon meat puppets first.

At this moment, he was like a broken arm, and was harassed by a bunch of shadow archers from a distance.

It was difficult to stand alone.

Before, he was besieging the other side, but now it was the other side that was besieging him.


While fighting, Li Youzhu also had his own thoughts.

He wanted to leave, but he wouldn't really fight to the death.

How could those archers really cooperate without knowing their true origins?

The other side seemed to be fighting internally, and it was the best choice for him to take the opportunity to escape. He would never stay here and fight to the death.

But he looked at Jiao Wuyu and fell into silence.

"I can't save him anymore, let's stop here." Jiao Wuyu smiled, and her whole body became shriveled, and her body was like a shriveled long snake.

She was almost broken, and she was trying hard to sew the bodies of the dragons with thread. Then a fierce battle directly pushed her life to the end.

"If you don't come to save me, I won't let him pay for your life."

Li Youzhu clenched his fists, and his expression became complicated.

He did not choose to leave, and started to attack again angrily, and began to contain the attack.

Jiao Wuyu did not stop him, but just watched him rushing forward, slowly shook her head and sighed: "Okay, everything is fine."

She knew that Li Youzhu wanted to take her away.

But because he was a bound earth spirit, he couldn't leave at all.

His cognitive defects made him complete the reason why he couldn't leave: he would not live alone, and he stayed to avenge her.

"Dead, dead after all." She murmured softly, looking at his figure: "I will follow in his footsteps. I wonder if I can turn into ashes and live here with him. Even if it's only one month before the red sun, it would be great." She looked dazed for a moment and spit out blood. But she knew it was impossible. The stronger the cultivator, the harder it was to interfere with the production of their ashes. The probability was too low. At this time, the defeat of the Nine Ancestors was doomed. The extremely terrifying poison was slowly boiling the frog. He couldn't break free and could only wait to die slowly. With a bang. "No!" The Nine Ancestors became more and more crazy and also went to defeat. Between life and death, he looked at his puppet and the broken paper house and was slightly startled: "It turns out that I died a long time ago. What a pity" At this time, everyone could only vaguely see it. A delicate black spiritual flower of nothingness bloomed on his head, followed by

"Reason is the cage of the prisoner's soul, madness is the freedom of nature."

He raised his head and roared hoarsely:

"I am obviously crazy, but..."

He melted like a burning candle, and the failed monk died on the spot with a distorted face.


It's all over.

At this moment, everyone looked at the blood and flesh that covered the sky, and this thought came to their mind instinctively.

A great victory.

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