This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 114: The Birth of the Ancestral Dragon (Additional chapter for Alliance Leader Beerus 8046)

Jian Xin was slightly shocked, but pretended to ignore it, and his consciousness covered the entire villa.

It was like a huge strong wind blowing the trees, flowers and plants on the mountains, and the tiles on the houses were blown all over the place.

"Is she not here?"

"How could this breath be her?" Jian Xin said in a low voice.

"Hongri is in trouble this time."

He sighed, "She has become a new ancestor dragon."

He was silent in his heart, and hurried to withdraw. This matter was serious and involved deeply.

He accidentally swept through many useless things in the villa, and finally fell on the weapons and turbidity in the warehouse, frowning slightly.

"Is this villa so evil?"

"Forget it, since I'm here, I'll destroy this place."

He raised his palm and quickly enlarged it, covering the sky and the sun, and smoothing the entire mountain.

The palm only needs to be pressed horizontally and vertically.

It is the mountains and rivers, the mountains are densely covered, and reshape this vast mountain.

But the next moment he felt the coinage license, and his expression was slightly silent.

If it were an ordinary local demon sect, it would be destroyed easily, but this is obviously someone behind the scenes. I don't know which force is supporting it and secretly minting coins.

"Tsk, the court is harboring more and more filth."

His voice was low, and he was too lazy to pay attention. He disappeared into the clouds again, gradually rising and disappearing.

After a while, Ning Zheng came out.

Is this the cultivator responsible for the hunt?

Sure enough.

Once awakened, the big guys will come to patrol and hunt.

After all, these fierce and strange creatures are too unstable.

Originally, the scattered soldiers and braves are already a headache. If an awakened "king" appears.

To make up for cognitive defects and have a truly independent personality, it will be a disaster for normal sects, people, and cultivators.

I wonder if Ning Jiaojiao's mother can escape?

This hunt is fierce.

Ning Zheng looked up and looked at the clean and blue sky without a trace of clouds, revealing a trace of envy.

What a big soul!

After the ninth level of the physical body, the three elements and the two phases, they began to cultivate the soul?

He guessed secretly.

After all, such a big soul, covering the sky and the sun, is amazing just to think about it.

This is like the legendary Dharma world.

After all, the Dharma is the Dharma body of the gathering of magic power, and the appearance just now is quite consistent.

Ning Zheng didn't think about it any more.

For that kind of existence, they didn't take them seriously at all, which was equivalent to passing by a village when chasing and killing, and continuing to chase and kill.

Although Ning Zheng was bold, he still didn't continue to go up the mountain.

Because he suddenly thought of something that made his scalp tingle, that sentence: How could it be her.

The whole person didn't want to go up the mountain, he wanted to go back and calm down.

And the blacksmiths on the mountain were also silent.

This body is indeed mythical. This is the immortal boss. The expression of pressure is full, giving people the feeling that it is a real different world.

Although they were shocked by the huge body, did they buy weapons? What kind of weapons did they use?

How will the blacksmith shop do the weapons business of these bosses in the future?


——How could it be her.

This sentence is really terrifying to think about.

"Such a big shot knows Jiao Wuyu." Su Yuniang took a deep breath and looked at everyone.

If Jiao Wuyu was just an ordinary little girl in the village at the beginning, one of the stitched tributes used for sacrifice, how could that existence know her?

Logically speaking, such a big shot could not know anyone in this remote village.

So, who is he most likely to know?

Who is likely to be able to contact him at this level?

The dragon at the beginning.

As soon as this thought came out, no one could calm down.

"Jiao Wuyu was that dragon at the beginning." Su Yuniang analyzed.

Everyone was confused, and an invisible fear lingered all over their bodies.

"Is it possible that he just remembered the aura wrong?" Dao Jiujiu objected, "After all, Jiao Wuyu inherited the other party's body."

"This is impossible."

Jiucai Rong shook his head, "First of all, the dragon's body was originally stitched, and it only inherited a small part, and it was no longer the original! And how could that kind of existence misjudge the aura? When they look at people, they don't look at the face or the body shape, they should look at the soul aura."

It is impossible to make such a low-level mistake.

What if we take Jiao Wuyu as the premise that she was a dragon from the beginning and look at the whole story again?

They reorganized their thoughts:

First, the dragon was beheaded and survived in the village, but she soon found that the villagers were secretly weakening her. She didn't want to die, so she began to think of ways to save herself.

But how did she save herself?

"In that case, the only way was to ask the villagers for help, split them up, and let someone help her."

The fairy doctor said: "So, she found a genius in the village, a little girl named Jiao Wuyu appeared in the well."

"In the end, the two joined forces and survived, completing the so-called miracle."

"But this is not a miracle, because there is no need to seize the body of the dragon, she is herself, so the difficulty is reduced by more than half, and she only needs to defeat those greedy villagers."

Perhaps there is no miracle in this world.

All luck may be calculated.

The gifts given by fate are all marked with a price.

"If it ends here, then it is the story of the dragon falling in love with the scholar, the scholar saves the other party, everyone is happy, and they have children."

"But then the demon cultivators came." Perhaps even Jiao Wuyu at that time did not expect that her fate would be so unfortunate. She had just gotten rid of some greedy guys, and before she had passed the weak period, another group of greedy guys came again after hearing the news. Even her husband Li Youzhu died in the village to protect her, and she barely escaped. In the past hundred years, she has been lingering outside. There is only one dragon head left, and the body is pieced together. She will definitely look for the pig-headed dragon, but unfortunately she can't find it at all. Maybe, after finding it, she can't beat it at all. So, her body is constantly stitched and replaced, and she is going to die. At this time, she has no way out. The red sun after a hundred years is also coming, and her husband and children will soon be taken away by the earth veins. In various dangerous situations, she has only two choices to survive. 1. Find her headless body. 2. Simply die once and revive again to solve the hidden dangers in her body. So, she chose to come back and gamble. She knew that she had to die in front of Li Youzhu before she could be saved. Her death might arouse Li Youzhu's complete awakening.

"Even the dead are used?"

Dao Jiujiu was silent: "How can she guarantee that Li Youzhu will choose to give her his life after awakening?"

"Because the flower blooms three times, knowing that I am me."

Su Yu Niang sighed: "She knows better than anyone how deep Li Youzhu's love for her is. When he knows that I am me and comes back to life, it also means that he must love her deeply!"

"And at this time, Li Youzhu will not be confused at all. Seeing her dying, he will give her his flower of resurrection."

So, she won the bet and she survived.

This kind of resurrection can completely solve the hidden dangers of her body being pieced together.

Various limbs like puzzle pieces are reborn as new lives after death, sewing eagle claws, snake necks, and fish skins to piece together hundreds of beasts, turning death into newness.

The transformation of death, even achieved a certain evolution of life, integrated, with greater potential than before, became the new ancestor dragon mentioned by the adult, and continued to grow. I am afraid there will be a very high ceiling, becoming the ancestor of a new dragon clan.

All this is calculated!

"What a bad woman." Su Yu Niang sighed.

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