This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 119: The Fall of the Pure Love God of War (3rd update)

The Sword Fairy suddenly received a message:

[Three thousand ancestors have been pulled out, and now the scene is in chaos. You quickly ask Zhang Huaping if you can secretly recognize an ancestor and kidnap people back to the villa? ]

The Sword Fairy was shocked.

Young man, what a good idea. Our villa has become a human trafficker villa?

She looked around.

There was chaos and chaos, people coming and going, digging graves everywhere, and there were big pits everywhere.

Based on her experience of watching criminal investigation dramas for many years, it was a good time to commit a crime!

She was also a decisive person. She began to secretly ask Zhang Huaping if this was okay. Let's do a big deal together, make a lot of money and have enough food and clothing, and tempted: You don't want your daughter to be unable to go to school, right?

"Ah this?"

Zhang Huaping looked at her in surprise.

This belongs to human traffickers.

They kidnap children while their parents are away.

And you kidnap parents while the children are away.

Zhang Huaping shook her head and lowered her voice secretly, fearing that someone would hear her:

"Do you think it's a baby or a child? Can you kidnap him with a few lollipops? The ancestors can cultivate to this level, which one is not a smart person? Which one has no brains?"

"When he's crazy, he doesn't recognize his relatives and will beat you to death. When he's not crazy, if you recognize the ancestors randomly, they will still beat you to death as soon as they see your bloodline."

The medical fairy also came back to her senses.


We can recognize three ancestors because they are the bloodline of the ancestors.

But if you recognize them randomly, something will go wrong.

But she suddenly had a new idea.

What about the ancestors of the Jiao family?

The sword fairy received the message from the other side and knew that they might have a chance to open

This Jiao family recognizes the ancestors, isn't it a matter of minutes?

It's not inappropriate to go up and call him father and mother.


It seems that there is no Jiao family ancestor here.

They all died in Jiaojiazhai a hundred years ago.

"What a pity!" The sword fairy was full of regret and heartbroken.

"What's a pity?" Zhang Huaping blinked, somewhat puzzled, wondering why the other party coveted her old boss.

Seeing the other party's uncomfortable look, Zhang Huaping whispered:

"However, there are always exceptions to everything. Some special spiritual roots have the property of simulating bloodlines. In addition, the ancestors' logic is flawed, so it is easier to disguise as descendants and deceive the ancestors."

"But sooner or later, the fake bloodline will be exposed, so they can only deceive for a while. For safety, they basically deceive the ancestors of the four internal organs."

"After deceiving them, they are sold to big families and used as maids, slaves, and burial objects in the tombs of those ancestors."

"This is a kind of black industry of demon cultivators."

Zhang Huaping sighed and lowered her voice: "According to my guess, there may be a large number of these latent demon cultivators hiding here, preparing to steal some low-level ancestors and sell them out."

"After all, in this period, all kinds of monsters and demons have come out. Haven't you seen that the noble families in the city are on guard? Asking us to assist in digging graves is to guard against these demon cultivators."

"So, don't talk about this question anymore. If the neighbors hear it, we will be unable to defend ourselves and will be regarded as demon cultivators."

The sword fairy listened with relish.

Don't underestimate the wisdom of the natives.

What they thought of, others have already thought of it.

There are actually such demon cultivators who are human traffickers, taking the opportunity to steal people everywhere and attack other people's ancestors!

How wicked.

The dead are dug out and sold.

From this point of view, there are really many types of demon cultivator professions in this world.

On the other side

"Your paper house is broken like this, and you have to lower the price by two levels."

The old shopkeeper was also at the city wall, with a few guards, bargaining with people: "You don't know how many times you have bought this, I am very humane to accept it."

Inside the city wall, there are also a lot of small forces and aristocratic families. After pulling out the four visceral realm ancestors, they are selling their ancestors' paper houses at a low price.

Ancestors, just bear it and suffer a little.

Emergency exchange of resources is the most important.

First strengthen your strength and get a few good magic tools to suppress the ancestors who may go crazy!

After getting through this time, save money for the ancestors to buy back the paper house.

-This is the idea of ​​most small and medium-sized casual cultivation families.

During this period, a large number of second-hand paper houses were sold at a low price.

The market for second-hand houses is extremely hot.

The old shopkeeper frantically lowered the price, bought the house, and his face was red. He returned to the store and began to count the harvest.

And not long after, Zhang Huaping, who was helping people move graves, also successfully returned and got a considerable commission.

After all, the Red Moon period is a time of crisis and opportunity.

Both of them made a fortune today and were in a good mood. The old shopkeeper also took out the list and said:

"It's time to deliver the goods again, but other families have been very greedy for blind boxes recently! The business controlled by our store may not last long."

Many families gave up the idea of ​​imitating because they could not imitate it.

They just thought about being an agent and getting a share of the pie.

Their Jiao family is not strong and cannot keep this supply channel.

"What should we do in the future?" Zhang Huaping said with some concern.

"Now, the Chamber of Commerce requires us to work together and share the profits equally." The old shopkeeper sighed and said, "But it has nothing to do with you. Everyone will still choose to hire you to make the connection."

They are greedy for money, but not stupid.

They definitely dare not go.

Especially after hearing the few words revealed by Zhang Huaping, they were even more shocked and felt that the demon cultivators on the mountain were becoming more and more perverted.

It would be best to let the casual cultivator Zhang Huaping continue to go.

The old shopkeeper sighed, "It was the [Painted Card] that made them make such a decision. The business alliance's intelligence team analyzed that this is a very meaningful magic weapon in the history of Pingchang City, and the profit is huge." He still wanted to hide himself and make money. But the dog tail series has attracted attention. The shopkeepers and bosses in the business alliance asked him that if the magic manor has any more magic weapons for consignment, everyone should take over the business order together. "Is this thing powerful?" Zhang Huaping said in surprise. The high-end weapons of 499 magic coins, the dog tail series did not make them jealous. This painting card with a final price of 49 magic coins per pair made them jealous? "It's mainly cheap." The old shopkeeper sighed: "Inheriting the popular blind box style that has been proven by the market, it has now gone a step further. The father-son style, the couple style, and the master-apprentice style will only become more popular. In addition to its practical value, it has given the meaning of decoration." Scholars all like to wear waist cards. This thing is very beautiful, even if it has no function, many people will wear it out. The old shopkeeper said: "Furthermore, the function of this painting card is better than expected. It can be used for drawing. Many contents that cannot be explained by the communication talisman can be guided by drawing, such as drawing a map to lead the way, drawing the layout of the strange manor, which is very suitable for ghost hunters entering the secret realm." "This is not only a low-quality communication token, but also a low-quality projection ball." "This can be sold as a unique product in our area." "According to our estimation, in the entire Xinyi Continent, only the specialty of Yunshan City, the mother-child ring, has similar functions. The price is twenty French coins a pair, occupying a lot of low-end five-body communication markets." "Now this thing can definitely compete with the other party for the market." This world is very well developed, and similar specialties must have been made by the natives. And they are sold as specialties in a monopoly. But the mother-child rings of others are more complicated to use. Touch one ring, and the other ring will sense it. For touch sensing, you have to set a touch code similar to Morse code to communicate. The monks have opened three flowers, and now this writing one is obviously more convenient. "It can become a unique product in our area!"

This sentence shocked Zhang Huaping.

The meaning of uniqueness is very scary, and often means monopoly.

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