This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 124 The old steward exploded with gold coins

Jiucai Rong looked at the old steward with some expectation, hoping that his proposal would be approved.

"The problem of insufficient forging furnaces is allowed to be purchased with public funds."

Ning Zheng nodded, approved the proposal with a serious look, and ordered:

"Let's take five forging furnaces first, and the average price is set at 5,000 magic coins. I believe that this price can get the quality of the original price of 6,000 magic coins. Can you do it?"

Jiucai Rong was also happy in his heart, and immediately said:

"Report to the adults, of course, I will negotiate with them, and even get a lower price!"

He paused, "But that may take a certain amount of time to operate. After all, it's the early stage of Red Moon, and they haven't reached the point of despair."

"It's okay." Ning Zheng nodded, "Red Moon has just opened, they are like this, and they will reduce the price and ship it out after a while. Remember to highlight the notoriety of our villa!"

"Guarantee to complete the task!" Jiucai Rong stood at attention.

The blacksmith who was secretly following behind was also very happy. Our blacksmith shop is about to change the shotgun to a cannon.

"Old steward, awesome!"

"You look so handsome when you spend money."

"So charming."

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Everyone whispered.

Let's see.

What is a conscientious game?

Other games should learn from this!

NPCs and everyone are part of the villa, building the villa together.

Other online games are so unethical that they may just buy a bench in the sect, but they all publish sect tasks and let players pay for it themselves.

This old steward opened his mouth and asked for a large order of 25,000 yuan of public funds to upgrade the blacksmith shop!

The impact brought by this is no less than a major update.

It seems that this is the hidden reward of this villa defense battle, which is too generous.

Jiu Cairong hurriedly praised:

"You are really wise! With five more forging furnaces working together, everyone can forge iron faster, make more money for the villa, have greater firepower, and provide more heating by boiling water."

After all, there are only two hundred blacksmiths at present.

In fact, there are only eighty people working in the blacksmith shop.

In addition, several people are working around a forging furnace.

The forging capacity will inevitably overflow, and the mining of copper will not keep up.

The blacksmiths will be at the point where there is no iron to forge.

But copper cannot be over-mined.

Copper is a renewable resource.

Like flesh and blood, it takes root in the earth veins and recovers slowly.

Over-mining is like fishing in a pond, which will completely dry up the copper mine.

That's why the copper mine is so valuable and so many people are jealous.

This is a real heirloom, a continuous cornucopia.

After seeing the various construction problems of the villa, Jiucai Rong and Ning Zheng left the Heidian Inn together and returned to the current blacksmith shop.



In full swing, everyone is still forging iron, hammers are hitting, and forging sounds are coming one after another.

They are all making painted cards.

The profit of painted cards is actually not much lower than that of dog tail weapons.

The main reason is that forging is too simple, and it is essentially a thick copper plate.

And it is the size of a palm, uses less materials, and can be sold for 25 magic money.

However, the blind box packaging of the painted cards is also a tedious forging work.

It requires exquisiteness and glazed colors, and it also requires enchanters to jump in and dye a batch of blind box packaging.

High-end packaging is their style.

Although this will reduce their profits and make them more troublesome, it is for the future brand effect of the villa.

"Well, not bad." Ning Zheng looked around and was very satisfied. "Compared to the time when I was on the mountain just now, it has become more like a model, with full spirit and expression

A lot more determined!"

The blacksmiths have gone through this period of baptism, and they have a more tenacious spirit than before, more like a traditional blacksmith.

It seems that the villa is really developing vigorously.

Jiucai Rong analyzed: "Once there are more forging furnaces, we can't just forge copper. We should purchase some metal ingots of various types."

"This is as it should be." Ning Zheng nodded.

Before, it was just a child playing house.

But now that we have really entered the formal forging industry, we must purchase a large number of various metal resources from the city.

After all, they only have one mine, so they must purchase other minerals.

This expenditure is an investment.

Dao Jiujiu also appeared quickly, showing off wildly: "If you want to purchase other metals, this is our purchase list!"

Ning Zheng took it and looked at it.

I found that there was no cheating, and they were all very serious and responsible.

After all, they can make meat field scarecrows to save money.

They have severe obsessive-compulsive disorder of saving money!

Soon, metal materials cost another 5,000 magic money.

Dao Jiujiu guaranteed: "We will definitely use 5,000 magic money to buy materials worth 7,000 and play the effect of 20,000 magic money."

"Come on." Ning Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

Dao Jiujiu was encouraged and very happy.

He has now resigned and works full-time. Not only can he do the forging business he likes, but he also earns 50 yuan a magic coin. He now estimates that he will earn 20,000 yuan a month.

This is a huge sum of money for him!

He is very grateful to the old steward for his appreciation and letting him manage the blacksmith shop. He will definitely work hard to do better and fulfill his ideals.

Of course, I also want to thank Su Yu Niang, the sucker who spent a lot of money to buy magic money from him.

Ning Zheng ignored Dao Jiujiu's sigh and thought about it. Since they had already bought some, they might as well buy some more. She issued them another task and said:

"The paper house of the Ninth Ancestor was damaged in the battle. We need to buy a new one!"

"No problem. I heard that there are a lot of second-hand paper houses recently." Jiu Cairong answered immediately and took notes. "I promise to get it."

Another big list of public funds.

People need to learn to adapt.

Jiu Cairong thought that he could communicate with the Fairy Medicine and ask her to go to the city wall and wait for the families selling paper houses. This would save more money.

Ning Zheng paused and added: "If the price is right, our villa can take the opportunity to purchase a few more paper houses. Anyway, they won't go bad if they are left alone."

If you don't think about the future, you will worry about the present.

This is to prepare for the possible appearance of the Fourth Ancestor and the Fifth Ancestor in the future.

Whether there is one or not, whether they can trick the beauty from the Red Mansion next door, it will definitely not be a loss to buy it first.

If there is a battle in the future, the paper houses of the three ancestors will be broken again, and they can also be used as spare replacements.

As for the Youjin NPCs they recruited?

Too weak, not worthy of buying a paper house, even if they want to buy one, they have to buy it themselves.

The villa will not pay for this.

Ning Zheng decisively gave the old ancestor a paper house quota of 20,000 magic coins.

Then, she went to the medical clinic again and found that there was nothing to buy.

The river monsters were being sold here, and it was in full swing.

Ning Zheng did not choose to spend money because she was too good at making money.

Various medical beauties have won the hearts of many young girls, and many hairpin girls now have no desire to play games.

Just treat it as a dress-up and dress-up food game.

To make beautiful hairpins, you have to lose weight in reality, but here you eat food like crazy to satisfy your appetite, and the money you earn is also used to find the medical fairy to do beauty.

In reality, you dare not have plastic surgery, but now it is enough to have it all at once.

This makes the medical fairy earn a lot of money.

After she got the blood flower, it was as if she had divine help, and her plastic surgery technology was almost the same as pure natural.

Recently, Ning Zheng always saw all kinds of beautiful faces on the street.

I heard from the blacksmiths that they were the faces of big stars, and now the villa is a gathering of stars.

This made the male blacksmiths excited, and a group of Wu Yanzu appeared. Ning Zheng didn't know what was going on.

"Old steward, old steward, where are our funds?"

But the fairy doctor was still very uncomfortable. Just because she made money didn't mean she didn't want more money. The two sisters said together: "Old steward, we need new medical equipment!"

Ning Zheng felt that it was enough.

Before investing in the blood flower, this magical power can replace most medical equipment.

She will use this thing well first, and chew more will not be chewed.


Went to the cafeteria and didn't spend any money.

Although the God of Food has been working hard to promote his technology.

All he said was: "Tobacco and alcohol research and development", "Tobacco and alcohol are the major market benefits", "Sauce-flavored technology is the Sword-Forging Villa"

But Ning Zheng didn't understand.

Sauce-flavored blacksmithing?

What is that?

It's pretty weird.

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