Seeing these magnificent words, the old men and women present were so surprised that they couldn't speak.

The villagers next to them didn't care about this line of words, but looked at the interior of the villa with fiery eyes.

This is definitely not an ordinary villa, but a hidden paradise where a group of immortals live!

For these common people, it was the first time they saw such a magnificent scene.

"Please wait a moment."

With the communication and exchange of Su Yu Niang, the heavy door of the villa opened.

There was no welcome or hospitality, as if the whole villa was just a trivial matter for the communication and arrival of their guests.

The sword fairy said in a deep voice: "Please forgive them, they are not good at communicating with people, immersed in their own forging world, the light of the furnace, the heat in their hearts is all they have!"

Zhang Jinsheng had some admiration in his heart, but he was not surprised.

Not everyone is good at talking to people.

Especially some inner geniuses are immersed in their own world, and they stumble and dodge when talking to people. You can't tell that the other party is a master who has achieved success in a certain field.

Walk into this villa.

What came into view was a clean and tidy flat square.

There was an [Update Announcement] sign at the door, with densely written words in a dialect that was not understood.

With the help of the translation plug-in, the blacksmiths could understand the words of the other world, but they could still use Chinese words to record on the bulletin board.

Next to the [Update Announcement] was another [Daily Task] sign.

Occasionally, one or two people were seen in front of the sign, accepting tasks, looking at the guests who had arrived, and gently and coldly "smiled" to signal, then turned and left, but they walked with their hands and feet in the same hand, a little stiff, nervous?

"The smile was a bit creepy."

Zhang Jinsheng frowned and pondered for a while: "This villa is really problematic."

Fortunately, he was mentally prepared and knew that there would always be abnormal events in the magic villa. A mere smile would not make this old man who had lived for more than three thousand years care.

Instead, his eyes fell on the bulletin board.

The unknown square characters were written with vigorous and powerful strokes.

The font was undulating like waves, and the structure of the font was harmonious and beautiful, like a beautiful and jumping note.

"How could I have never seen it before?" Zhang Jinsheng whispered.

Who is he? Although he has no fighting power, he is treated as a distinguished guest by Pingchang City and is the oldest living fossil in the city.

In the past three thousand years, he has seen so many passers-by, travelers, and brilliant monks from afar, but he doesn't recognize the dialect at all.

Did this group of blacksmiths really come from other distant areas, bringing their own profound heritage and skills to this place?

"This is the ocean language of our hometown."

At this time, Jiucai Rong came to his side unknowingly, and saluted lightly: "Welcome to the guests, this will be the most correct choice in your life."

"Ocean? Your hometown comes from the ocean?" Zhang Jinsheng was surprised: "This language"

"The language comes from my hometown, used by our ancestors."

Jiucai Rong smiled gently: "We are just one of the branches that drifted here, and the forging process is slightly different from the local style."

Zhang Jinsheng was stunned.

A unique writing system must represent an ancient and remote race, and the other party's explanation just confirmed some of his guesses.

The other party's forging system comes from a distant place, an ancient heritage.

"If you are curious about our hometown, we can chat about it later. Let's do business first. Please stay in the exchange inn in the villa first."

"As for you," Jiucai Rong looked at several disaster victims, "come together."

As the door of the inn opened, everyone entered the hall. The living room was brightly lit, and the walls were hung with oil paintings, ink paintings and various paintings full of artistic atmosphere.

The walls were posted with couplets, poems, and brush calligraphy in foreign languages, which looked extremely beautiful.

The facilities inside the entire inn were like being in a foreign country. Although I couldn't understand these mysterious Chinese characters, I felt a sense of mystery.

Hot meals were prepared on the table, which made the hungry villagers look like fire.

"Please sit down and eat." Jiucai Rong smiled gently, "This is the welcoming banquet prepared for you. Please eat and we will talk." Several old men and women finished their meals very relaxedly, wiped their lips elegantly, and then separated from the villagers and were taken to the steward's room. Several villagers stood up nervously, at a loss. "Don't worry, you are just passing travelers. We will arrange guest rooms for you." A plump cheongsam beauty stood up and smiled as she led them to the steward's room on the second floor. Jiucai Rong asked them to sit down. Dao Jiujiu, the fairy doctor, and Su Yu Niang had already sat among them, expressionless, cold, and with a paralyzed face. "This is our forging master." Jiucai Rong introduced. Dao Jiujiu nodded coldly, "Hello, welcome." "Hello." Zhang Jinsheng nodded, not looking down on the other party because of his youth. Zhang Jinsheng looked solemn and said straight to the point:

"There are only a dozen days until the arrival of the Red Sun. We must forge the weapon you mentioned within these ten days. Can you tell us the principle and forging method of this weapon, and what kind of cooperation we need."

"Of course." Jiucairong said: "But the content needs to be kept confidential. You must swear to your Tao heart first."

Zhang Jinsheng and others were well prepared when they came.

After Daoxin swore.

Jiucairong slowly stood up: "We come from an ancient island in the ocean, and the blacksmith heritage can be traced back to a very distant era."

"In the ocean, there are a lot of embers, far more than on land. The number of embers and monsters is almost the same, lurking in the deep sea."

"In such an environment, the weapon spirits forged by us for generations began to not enter the monster spirits, but gradually developed the embers as weapon spirits."

Several blacksmiths were stunned on the spot, and even some old men and women who were not calm enough could not stop exclaiming.

"Embers as weapon spirits?"

"Isn't this an obsolete process?"

Human history is about trying.

The dead spirits of monsters - embers, are weapon spirits, and some people have tested them long ago.

But it is far inferior to the living spirits of monsters - spirits, as weapon spirits.

First of all, the appearance of monster embers is unstable.

Secondly, the embers of the monster beasts retain their hatred for humans during their lifetime and are prone to killing their masters. They are far inferior to the monster beast spirits that have erased their consciousness and the pure and ignorant new weapon spirits.

Embers represent the loss of the plasticity of the weapon spirit.

Maintain the self-personality of the previous life.

"We certainly know that this is a craft that is slightly inferior to mainstream forging."

Jiucai Rong said:

"But the special environment of the deep sea with rich embers makes it easier for us to absorb this aspect of weapon spirits, although it will be weaker than the average level."

Jiucai Rong narrated the history lightly: "But the ancestors were unwilling after all. They forged ember weapons for generations, which were not as good as the mainstream and were ridiculed by their peers."

"So after generations of research, day by day, they tried to forge an ember weapon with the power of the entire family to prove that our path was not wrong."

"Finally, the main line of the clan gave birth to the lineage of the saint, who has been living in pairs for many years."

"The ancestor of the family once had a delusion that if the two souls in one body both produced embers and merged together"

Zhang Jinsheng and others were stunned.

Two embers, fusion?

Is it really feasible?

But their experience tells them that it is very likely.

Other souls, demon beasts and weapon spirits, cannot be fused, after all, they are two different creatures.

But the essence of embers is soul bubbles.

If two soul bubbles are produced after a person dies, it is very likely that they have the basis for fusion.

"So that's it, you are going to forge an unprecedented ember spirit!" The irritable Zhang Jinsheng suddenly stood up in shock, as if he had heard an incredible event.

Jiucai Rong still described it lightly: "Yes, after tens of thousands of years, finally, our generation was born by chance."

Even though Zhang Jinsheng is a well-informed person, he felt cold in his heart at this bland description.

How small is this probability?

Life born with two souls is a very low-probability alien species.

And the probability of an ember being born can be increased by treasures, which can reach a few hundredths.

But what about the probability of two embers of a person being born at the same time?

A few hundredths multiplied by a few hundredths.

The other party waited for countless years, and this generation finally had twin embers by chance.

For a moment, the old men and women present looked at the young blacksmith, and their moods were mixed.

"This is what it means to forge a magic weapon with thousands of years."

Zhang Jinsheng held the armrests of the chair tightly with both hands, and was shocked.

Even if he had seen a true forging master at the level of Zhoucheng, and the inheritance of the great forging family that resounded throughout Xinyizhou, there was no half of the obsession and style of this distant ethnic minority.

This family has a kind of desperate and powerful spirit.

Ember weapon.

Prove that the ember is a weapon spirit, and it is not inferior to others!

This absolutely precious material that appears once in tens of thousands of years appeared in front of him. It is a miracle that was born by chance after who knows how many years.

"That saint is" Zhang Jinsheng said.

"It is the Sword Fairy."

Jiu Cairong said lightly: "She has one Yang spiritual root and one Yin spiritual root. The fusion of the two will realize the mission of our family for thousands of years, and the magic soldier will be born!"

He stood up, his face full of memories from the distant years:

"This is the long-cherished wish of our forging family from generation to generation!"

"Our ancestors constantly compromised with their life span and their untimely birth, and died with hatred. How sad it is."

"Our generation of descendants has come to this historic moment. We are even willing to forge everything with our lives. If we hear the truth in the morning, we can die in the evening."

After the voice fell, the elderly blacksmiths sat in silence for a long time.

When the news was confirmed and the truth of the invitation was found out, the old blacksmiths were not happy or excited, but felt endless sadness and desolation for this period of history.

This family has been sharpening a sword for thousands of years!

He suddenly remembered the words of the Sword Fairy, and the voice was wrapped in the torrent of fate:

"I guarantee it with my life!!"

"In that villa, a forging miracle is happening that is more mythical than a myth, more legendary than a legend, and is the result of countless lives and blood and tears!"

It's actually true.

More mythical than a myth, more miraculous than a miracle.

This forging family has written a great work with the angry waves of life from generation to generation, regardless of their own safety.

Generation after generation of forging masters have died one after another, chasing that unattainable dream. How helpless, how desperate, how tragic.

At this moment, the hearts of the old blacksmiths present were heavy and excited, and they all had an idea:

"If this weapon is successful, it will be famous all over the world."

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