Zhang Huaping, wearing a white snow coat, passed through the teleportation array and went up to the Sword Casting Villa.

She stopped at the entrance square and looked at the beautiful ice sculptures, which were full of artistry.

There were also a few guys holding chisels and hammers, knocking wildly.

Zhang Huaping looked confused.

These blacksmiths don't make iron, but ice sculptures?

"We are so versatile."

Jiu Cairong came over and immediately changed the subject:

"We have prepared a new batch of painting cards and blind box weapons. By the way, we also need to purchase some things."

"Before that, can you tell us about the latest situation in Pingchang City?"

Zhang Huaping was invited to the steward's room.

Everyone quickly learned about the movements of the scarecrow army and what happened that night.

They were shocked on the spot and screamed.

The sword fairy boasted that she was a peerless demon king in her lifetime?

Damn, she pretended to be so!

Everyone is scrambling for the scarecrow baby she left behind?

I envied her more and more.

It is rare in history that a red sun has become like this.

However, what makes the blacksmiths even more emotional is:

The population of Pingchang City is close to 70 million, of which the three major families account for 800,000 monks.

It can be seen how terrible their foundation is.

And now, when a whale falls, all things come to life. These 800,000 scarecrows make up for the trauma suffered by Pingchang City in the red moon, and there are still a lot of surplus!

Su Yu Niang suddenly said: "Pingchang City is likely to usher in a huge development after the red sun, but this opportunity will be a disaster if it cannot be eaten!"

Jiu Cairong nodded affirmatively and analyzed it: "Three Dinghaishenzhen fell, and there are so many new scarecrow monster pets. The neighboring city may choose to attack Pingchang City."

Zhang Huaping thought it made sense.

But that is the overall situation, and it has nothing to do with middle and lower-level monks like her.

The worst result is that several major families in the neighboring city will join forces to move in, eat up Pingchang City, and become the new "three major families".

For the people, whoever is in power is not in power?

Jiucai Rong suddenly said, "Do you think the neighboring families are just jealous of Pingchang City? They may even be in danger."

"Because, in the several big cities next door, there are now nine out of ten small monks who are shouting and begging the demon king sister to come to their city, kill the gentry, build scarecrows, and benefit the people."

Zhang Huaping: ""

She thought about it and it was true.

It is estimated that many inner ghosts in the city also hope that their city will have such a scene.

Killing the gentry will explode the equipment, and so many goods and scarecrows will be produced at once, enough for a city to sell for a long time!

Isn't this robbing the rich to help the poor?

They will even open the door and secretly collude with the rice disaster.

Zhang Huaping thought about it and suddenly felt that the topic was a little wrong.

We are here to trade, why are we discussing the current situation.

But she didn't know that this group of blacksmiths had a problem, they liked to play politics.

Then they discussed the sale of various equipment, and Zhang Huaping made a list.

As soon as they saw the list, Jiucairong and others were ecstatic.

Prices dropped sharply!

Various large equipment were sold at a loss!

The three major families still made the purchases, and there were also various unimportant corner shops in the area.

"You can go out for a walk, and we'll take a look at the list." Jiucairong said.

Zhang Huaping was used to it and went out for a walk.

When she came to the square, she saw a group of blacksmiths making various ice sculptures in twos and threes, and they were very evil.

What dark-style Buddhas and immortals in the sky.

There are no Buddhas in this world, and Zhang Huaping couldn't understand it.

She just felt that after they carved the ice sculptures, the weird style was very strong, and the smiles were very creepy.

The whole villa became an ice sculpture amusement park for evil Buddhas and demons.

"They inexplicably know how to live? They love decoration? There is a tall ice sculpture of an old steward in the middle of a group of so-called dark evil gods. Is there really nothing wrong? It makes the old steward of their villa look like the king of evil gods."

Zhang Huaping looked around and unknowingly came to a familiar area: the clinic.

She gently pushed open the door and saw a group of lolita and royal sisters warming themselves around the stove.

But when you look closely, they are holding their arms in front of them. What are they roasting?

This scene is too scary!

Zhang Huaping's mind was blank, and the three flowers on her head were shaking wildly.

It was like a spell.

Every time she went up the mountain, something in this villa would refresh her worldview and scare her so much that she was unstable.

The people in this villa are more weird than weird!

The steward's room.

Not only Jiucairong and Su Yu Niang, but many people came and watched the purchaser's list with great interest.

"The price of the Ash Renewal Talisman has plummeted to 40 mana coins, saving 10 mana coins immediately, huge profit, the more they buy, the more they lose."

"But you can't buy too much, the mana stored in the talisman will expire and slowly disappear."

"Why is the price so low? People will definitely use it after the Red Sun."

Someone raised doubts.

Jiucai Rong shook his head: "After the Red Sun, it is the cleanest time between heaven and earth. There is no ember on the whole earth. Who will use it? And the world is clean, the probability of embers appearing in the first few years is very low. Conservatively speaking, the price of this Ash Renewal Talisman will continue to fall for several years in the future."

Everyone thought so.

The economic system of this game is very detailed.

After some discussion, everyone decided to purchase a wave of renewal talismans.

After all, there are basically no wild embers after the red sun, so we have to hurry up to take root in the NPCs in the tavern.

They looked at various large equipment again.

"We can buy another batch of spiritual farming equipment, buy large ones, anyway, it's not too much!"

"Or, let's buy a few large alchemy equipment and medicinal materials to purify the magic tools for alchemy?"

The cost of alchemy, if you are serious about it, is not inferior to the investment in blacksmith shops and spiritual farming.

But now is the opportunity.

This is all the sword fairy who personally helped them to get the price down!

This is not spending money, not shopping online, is it worthy of the sword fairy?

Someone looked at the list and said, "It's a pity that we can't buy shops in the city."

"We can buy it, we buy it, send an ember to take root, be the shop owner, and be our weapon store. Isn't it that there are no middlemen to make a profit?"

When everyone heard this, they just thought this person was naive.

This game is realistic.

You are just a small ember, can you keep the shop?

It is said that the punishment in the city is very severe, but the criminals must be caught.

Besides, if we open a self-operated shop, will the noble families in Pingchang City bear it?

It is better to let them help sell it.

You will not live long if you eat alone.

Although we are not eating alone now and share the profits with the shops, the other party is still jealous and wants to attack us.

But now think about it.

The three major families are in chaos, and the second-tier families are coveting the fat meat of the three major families. It is so chaotic that it is estimated that there is no way to attack the Sword Casting Villa outside the city.

Ning Zheng also listened in the dark and nodded repeatedly.

They don’t even need to find a backer to recognize their father, but they are in internal strife?

It’s useless!

In the manager’s room, their meeting lasted for three hours.

Finally, the procurement plan was decided.

They added a lot of money here and there, and purchased 320,000 public equipment for the villa.

The last purchase was only 50,000 or 60,000, and this time

it is simply off the charts.

Sewing, spiritual farming, forging, alchemy, and physicians are all directly close to the advanced configuration of the thousand-year-old family.

Never mind whether they have enough skills, let's focus on a poor student with more stationery.

Jiucai Rong hesitated for a while, and finally gritted his teeth: "Wait for me to contact the old steward and talk about this matter. Anyway, I guess I have to buy it in the future."

The medical fairy's communication token and the old steward's token have been matched, so they can communicate remotely.

Jiucai Rong took the token to communicate, and immediately said happily: "The old steward agreed!"

"Fuck, this game is conscientious!"


"You are willing to spend more than 300,000?"

There was a cheer in the steward's room.

The old steward is simply our father.

He looks so handsome when he spends money.

Take a look at the villa NPCs in other games, which one is not super stingy.

Jiucai Rong said: "The old steward said that we also need to buy a golden boy with five bodies or above, which will cost 100,000 magic money."

"He gave us two choices, one is to buy it now, and the other is to cultivate a five-body great perfection by ourselves, and this money can be used as public funds for our blacksmiths."

Everyone heard it.

Decisively choose the cultivation task!

This reward is a public fund of 100,000 magic money, isn't it a blood profit?

Besides, this blacksmith has been practicing on his own recently.

Don't think that blacksmiths mostly rely on forging technology and don't need the support of realm.

It's just that the requirements for the blacksmith realm are not high.

A mature blacksmith must have a clear mind and two strong arms, that is, to cultivate three bodies.

They call this blacksmith realm: a ***.

"It's just that our cultivation speed is a bit slow." Jiucai Rong said: "Maybe we have to study the fast suicide practice method of the Demon Sect."

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