This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 168 Time-limited tower defense, go, go, go

The blacksmiths on the mountain began to mobilize.

"The ancestor has resurrected?"


"The boss copy has been refreshed."

"Stop it, the ancestor died once, and has recovered from the awakening and become an ordinary ember. There is no need to kill him again."

"Let's go to worship the ancestor."

Everyone was arguing.

Everyone was very curious about the mysterious ancestor.

After all, the first two had been worshipped, and the last one was left.

They had the obsessive-compulsive disorder of the complete illustrated book, and finally waited for this day.

Jiucai Rong began to organize everyone:

"Although according to reliable information, the reborn embers are likely to have no memory."

"But we still have to be on guard, familiar faces who have chopped the ancestor before, come out."

More than 20 blacksmiths came out shyly.

"Golden money boy, come out."

A group of golden money boys also walked out awkwardly.

"Very good, our ancestor's human bloodline, rush forward."

With the teleportation array opened by Ning Zheng, they began to come to the location of Pingzu's paper house.

This place is already a ruin, with all kinds of broken walls and many wandering embers, which are actually swaying here.

And they are the kind with red eyes and extremely furious.

Seeing these tender and delicious little blacksmiths, they immediately jumped over with joy.

Several blacksmiths were bitten on the spot.

"Help." "Fuck" "A sneak attack, no martial ethics" "The dog planner is playing the door-opening killing"

The screams of a group of people came one after another.

The blacksmiths behind saw this scene and did not save people.

The main one is a betrayal of brothers.

"Hahahaha" They ran away with laughter and ran back to the teleportation array.

It's not that they cherish their lives, but they want to die meaningfully!

If they die in the hands of embers, their bones, blood and flesh will be sucked away and become part of the flesh and blood of the embers' cavities.

If the corpse cannot be used for ironmaking, then wouldn't it be a waste of death? A blood loss?

A group of people returned to the teleportation array and said to the blacksmiths who were queuing up behind them:

"Fuck, don't go over there, there are so many monsters on the other side!"

"Those animals were bitten to death."

"Hahaha, they lost everything!"

Su Yu Niang was also confused and asked the blacksmiths who were gloating:

"The teleportation array on the other side is full of monsters, piled on the ruins of the ancestor's paper house, why didn't they go up the mountain to the inn?"

"The eyes are red, this feature should be the beginning of madness." Dao Jiujiu analyzed: "It is estimated that they gradually lost their minds when they were halfway up the mountain and were about to get closer, and they wandered here."

Everyone thought it made sense.

They should have heard the rumors about the tavern and hurried here.

But the red sun was too close, especially the last three days, which was the ultimate big ***.

They lost their minds and went berserk.

So, they stayed where they were, wandering around like zombies?

"What should we do?"

"We need to worship our ancestors and repair the house for them, but that place is full of monsters."

"That's for sure! The location of the ancestors is the defense gap of the villa, so there must be many monsters."

"Let's fight, let's kill all the monsters and then build a house."

Everyone discussed it.

This time, the ancestor worship activity is really not that simple.

This dog planner knows how to play.

This time, the main line is very clear.

Jiu Cairong took a sign on the spot and stuck it on the door of the villa.

[Emergency task:

[Task introduction: Please cross the teleportation array, establish a frontier base, face the sea of ​​monsters, repair the ancestor's paper house, and hold on until the ancestor's resurrection CD. ]

Everyone got excited when they heard it.

This is another siege battle

Unlike the air battle with Crow, this time it's a land war.

Although the iron clang clang clang is also fun, it's also good to have some exciting activities!

They calculated it.

There are two types of monsters to guard against:

Five-body realm fierce and strange: Like most five-body realms, they are all close combat.

The four-visceral realm evil ghost: flexible in action, full of internal organs and mana, mainly good at long-range magic attacks.

"Do you want to kill the godfather? The godfather has a lot of soldiers, the more the better, a bunch of archers come to clean up, how easy it is."

Someone suggested.

"Bah, this will lower the evaluation." Jiucai Rong disagreed, "We have a chance to win!"

"They are ***, which also means that they are probably out of their minds. We can set traps to deal with ghosts without IQ."

They discussed for a while and prepared to start.


"Kill the duck!"

The teleportation array

Tap! Tap! They stepped steadily, carrying the big magic copper shield in front, ready to push open a place to land.

Crash! ~

As soon as they came in, the imagined large siege did not happen, and most of the ghosts were still gnawing on the corpses.

"Those dead blacksmiths actually made great contributions."

"Damn, it's even scarier. Did you see the two who took the lead in gnawing the corpses? The other ghosts dared not say anything. Could they be the evil ghosts in the fourth organ realm?"

"Boss, there are actually two!"

"Hurry up and stick the shield in the ground."

"The city wall defense line."

"Fuck, my blood is boiling, cold weapon war."

The magic copper shield is a very good defense, and the weak ghosts in the fifth body realm cannot easily break through the defense.

It even has great restraint ability for the magic-type evil ghosts in the fourth organ realm.

Because the essence of these magic coppers is energy storage.

Spells are also a kind of energy, which can absorb some spell damage.

In fact, only this group of blacksmiths who have mines at home can afford to use copper rough pieces, copper shields, and copper arrows to fight.

This is equivalent to using half of a magic weapon to block spells.

Of course, these copper rough pieces will not cause any loss after being recast.

When the wandering ghosts finished eating, they really began to besiege them.

Especially the two four-organ realm evil ghosts, after eating the blood and flesh, they seemed to have regained some consciousness and looked at them.

"Hehe, what are these people doing?" One is a thin and sickly scholar.

The other is a skinny middle-aged man, "I remember that you ran away just now, and you were still making a hahaha gloating sound, why are you back again."

This is a bit strange.

Laughing is obviously heartless, but coming back to save the body? This is inexplicable.

"Don't you think that a group of cultivators in the one realm can fight us?"

The two of them think they are not dead.

But they are not good people either.

Originally a talisman master, he escaped from the city and temporarily switched to a robbery cultivator.

Even though he was not a combat profession, his talent was just a magical spell to assist in drawing talismans.

But the Four Organs Realm was the Four Organs Realm.

Relying on pure realm suppression alone, he could kill most of the Five Body Realm combat cultivators.

In their eyes, mortals could be killed at will.

The One Body Realm in front of them was just cultivating a brain, and at most the brain could keep up with their movements.

But could their hands and feet keep up?


The two of them teamed up to cast a few common wood spells and smashed them on the magic copper shield, only to find that they only killed people and smashed the shield away.

None of the people behind them died.

"It's so hard, it turns out to be magic copper, how can they have such a thing as a shield." Their eyes flashed with

heat and surprise.

If the spell doesn't work, then don't use the spell.

They directly killed into the group of shield soldiers.

"The boss is coming."

"Raise your shield! Raise your shield!"

"Block it!"

"What should we do next?"

"You are stupid, hold the boss back and clear the rest of the monsters in the dungeon first."

The blacksmiths carried their shields in front.

But before they could hold their shields for long, some people got scared and dropped their shields and ran away.

"Fuck, run!"

"I don't want to die."

"Damn, you cowards, run away!" Someone took the lead and ran away, and the rest of the blacksmiths also abandoned their shields and ran away.

"Morale is gone just like that?"

Xia Ke Novels Network

The two robbery cultivators sneered.

Chasing after them, blood flowers bloomed, and one by one they fell in a pool of blood.

But after several blacksmiths were killed, the fleeing blacksmiths turned around and saw:

"Fuck, they didn't eat corpses this time."

"I guess the previous ones fed their empty bubbles, and now they don't lack meat in their bodies."

"Then why are you running away! If you don't eat corpses, everything will be fine."

The two robbers frowned secretly when they heard this. What kind of people do they think they are?

Although they kill and rob, they are not so perverted. They can't accept eating people psychologically and physiologically.

Although they don't understand what they are saying, it doesn't stop them from continuing to chase these deserters.

But a terrifying scene appeared.

The deserters suddenly regained their morale.

"Brothers, ***Boss."

"He doesn't eat people, I said this dog planner is not so pitiful."

"Then I'm not afraid of death, my body can be thrown into the forge."

They didn't run away, turned around and picked up the shield on the ground and held it in front.

Shields were raised from all directions to surround them, trying to squeeze the two of them in the middle, making the two monks seem to see a lunatic, raising shields to squeeze them into sandwich biscuits?


"Raise your shield and squeeze over. Are you here to die?"

"I don't know! Damn, why are their eyes red? They look a little excited. I'm a little scared."

Although they robbed refugees and casual cultivators, they were essentially just two pampered talisman masters.

I haven't experienced any decent battles, so I haven't seen anything so outrageous.

These people raised their shields and surrounded them by force. Who is the stronger party chasing people?

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