This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 172: It’s easy to break my body, but it’s hard to break my heart

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"It's not just the exchange of flesh and blood that can give birth to a child."

Li Youzhu raised the wine bowl, poured another bowl of wine, and said calmly: "After the Three Yuan Realm, you can also cultivate both spiritual and consciousness."

Ning Zheng listened quietly.

It is also possible to cultivate both spiritual and spiritual consciousness.

Why do people only have the fusion of flesh and blood? For these monks, they also cultivate the soul. The fusion of soul and soul is also a way.

Li Youzhu suddenly sighed and said:

"It's just that we all have shortcomings. Even if she is a dragon and has a strong life, I was a blood-living flower when I was alive. I am good at flesh and blood. I also have a strong life and can only barely give birth to offspring."

"It's also because of the Dragon Clan and my Yang Spiritual Root that we can do this. If we were ordinary people, we wouldn't be able to have children at all."

"But even so, the eldest son was born half-dead, with a green face and fangs. He died completely after living for more than ten years. Our daughter can only live for more than ten years. We learned the lesson from the death of our eldest son and tried our best to save her. It turned into a trick in advance.”

Ning Zheng understood clearly.

Ning Qianqian's brother turned out to be dead a long time ago.

Because, after all, there is a difference between the living and the dead.

This kind of deformed child is destined to violate the harmony of nature and will not live long.

Becoming cunning is the best way to continue.

Li Youzhu expressed emotion when he said this:

"Wu Yu thought it was all her fault. It was her stitched body that caused the bloodline of her descendants to be like this. In fact, it is my fault."

Ning Zheng sat quietly at the table. At this point, all the truth was correct.

From beginning to end, Li Youzhu didn't care about Ning Zheng's identity as a fugitive slave or the secrets he might hide.

Maybe there will be an adventure, so what.

For him, he didn't care about the life or death of the demon cultivators on the mountain.

If they die, just replace them with a new group of people.

Demonic cultivation originally encourages struggle and survival of the fittest.

Although he did not go up the mountain, the current batch of demon cultivator descendants look quite perverted and promising. It is not known which new owner of the village will rule.

He didn't care and couldn't go up the mountain to see it.

This is his flaw.

Even though he has amazing intelligence, he is still an earth-bound spirit and cannot go up the mountain to see what is going on.

The young man in front of her was very kind to her daughter and was trustworthy.


In his eyes, he may not be able to support his daughter and this young man to take the position of the owner of the village.

My daughter is also the direct descendant of the family, so what’s wrong with being the owner of a farm?

Whether it's the Jiao Family Village or the Demon Cultivation Family, they can be both.

"What is Ning Xiaoxiao's obsession?" Ning Zheng suddenly asked, curious about this.

Li Youzhu drank the wine with a smile: "You want to resurrect her?"

Ning Zheng nodded and answered truthfully: "Just asking about the possibility."

"This is a bit difficult to handle." He paused, "Compared to what you already know, her obsession is very general."

"People with weak obsessions have unclear goals in life, and the possibility of awakening is very low."

"Those who can awaken are all geniuses with strong obsessions. They were heroes in life and ghosts after death."

Ning Zheng nodded.

Ning Qiaoqiao's character and wisdom are too immature.

But it's not her fault in the first place.

Dragon bloodline develops very late.

Ning Qiaoqiao's xinxing grew much slower than that of the human race. She died too early and had no time to experience anything. She was like a blank sheet of paper with no clear path in her heart.

"Wu Yu thought I was dead. She was probably thinking of a way to save her only remaining family member, her daughter, when she was escaping."

"Actually, I haven't communicated with her myself, so I don't know what she can do."

Li Youzhu spoke calmly.

Jiao Wuyu's level and vision are obviously on a higher level!

His family is not top-notch and I don’t know what to do. It doesn’t mean that this family is not top-notch.

A dragon doesn't know.

In fact, both the couple may be resurrected, but Ning Qiaoqiao's resurrection is a headache for them.

But Ning Zheng actually has a way to resurrect Ning Xiaoxiao.

For her to awaken, all she needs to do is make her lucky enough.

It might be possible if Ning Zheng accumulates some luck.

Ning Zheng thought of this and asked directly: "What about the future? What are your plans?"

"You can live here." Li Youzhu said calmly: "My daughter has the mark I left, and the people on the mountain will not do anything."

"Even the previous contemporary head of the family was seriously injured. I guess he is dead now, otherwise this family would not have a sudden change in style."

"If I had the chance, I would learn more about it and even try to transfer power so that my daughter could take charge, but she might not be able to do well with her personality."

"You and her friend Su Yuniang can help the new village owner."

Ning Zheng nodded.

This pie is beautifully painted!

If Ning Zheng is not the real owner of the village, but a slave, even if she may have some trump cards and adventures, she may really be able to win.

But there is no malicious intent in the painting itself.

They just want Ning Zheng and Su Yuniang to accompany Ning Qianqian, and even guide them to practice, become stronger, and assist Ning Qianqian to "enthrone" and so on.

But in the eyes of the other party, it might take more than ten or twenty years for Ning Zheng to practice.

Li Youzhu can afford to wait.

"Thank you, senior, for clearing up the doubts."

Ning Zheng thought for a moment and didn't bother her any more.

Instead, he stood up, saluted Li Youzhu, turned around and left Youzhu Bookstore.

Leaving all the way into the night, walking on the streets in a night dream, feeling the cool breeze, Ning Zheng raised her head slightly and looked at the night sky.

This couple is really ill-fated.

But who in this world is not like this?

The strong have their own troubles, the weak like Zhang Huaping have their own struggles, and the weak like Ning Zheng herself also narrowly escaped death again and again.

The world is difficult and dangerous, and the path to immortality is difficult.

"The mystery is solved."

In a daze, Ning Zheng suddenly had the illusion of witnessing history.

He recalled the scenes of experiences and stories, the layout of the red sun, the two people who clearly deceived and plotted against each other, but also had a kind of absolute trust and a tacit understanding of life and death.

If the two of them become successful and escape the pursuit of the imperial court, they will become a double king, and I am afraid that the entire Kyushu will usher in huge turmoil.

Gui must rebel.

Husband and wife are two kings, Ning Qianqian is the princess. With this step, she reaches the sky and gains all the glory and wealth for nothing.

The other side.

Li Youzhu sat at the counter and read for a while.

Then he turned off the lights again, closed the door of the bookstore, returned to his paper house, and sat down with bated breath.

"Awakening." Li Youzhu seemed to recall something. He raised his head and looked at the sky.

The starry sky at night is full of stars, and the bright moon shines on Kyushu, and a majestic and vast feeling rushes towards you.

"It's easy to break my body, but it's hard to break my heart." He murmured, closing the door with a click, and a faint sigh sounded again in the paper house: "How do you know that you are the real me at this moment?"

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